blob: 55d62d3c155100cd2c4c7521b237b93704eada72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Provides access to the
/// [Foundation URL Loading System](
/// **NOTE**: If sandboxed with the App Sandbox (the default Flutter
/// configuration on macOS) then the
/// [``](
/// entitlement is required to use `package:cupertino_http`. See
/// [Entitlements and the App Sandbox](
/// # CupertinoClient
/// The most convenient way to `package:cupertino_http` it is through
/// [CupertinoClient].
/// ```
/// import 'package:cupertino_http/cupertino_http.dart';
/// void main() async {
/// var client = CupertinoClient.defaultSessionConfiguration();
/// final response = await client.get(
/// Uri.https('', '/books/v1/volumes', {'q': '{http}'}));
/// if (response.statusCode != 200) {
/// throw HttpException('bad response: ${response.statusCode}');
/// }
/// final decodedResponse =
/// jsonDecode(utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes)) as Map;
/// final itemCount = decodedResponse['totalItems'];
/// print('Number of books about http: $itemCount.');
/// for (var i = 0; i < min(itemCount, 10); ++i) {
/// print(decodedResponse['items'][i]['volumeInfo']['title']);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// [CupertinoClient] is an implementation of the `package:http` [Client],
/// which means that it can easily used conditionally based on the current
/// platform.
/// ```
/// void main() {
/// var clientFactory =; // The default Client.
/// if (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOS) {
/// clientFactory =;
/// }
/// runWithClient(() => runApp(const MyFlutterApp()), clientFactory);
/// }
/// ```
/// After the above setup, calling [Client] methods or any of the
/// `package:http` convenient functions (e.g. [get]) will result in
/// [CupertinoClient] being used on macOS and iOS.
/// # NSURLSession API
/// `package:cupertino_http` also allows direct access to the
/// [Foundation URL Loading System](
/// APIs.
/// ```
/// void main() {
/// final url = Uri.https('', '/');
/// final session = URLSession.sharedSession();
/// final task = session.dataTaskWithCompletionHandler(
/// URLRequest.fromUrl(url),
/// (data, response, error) {
/// if (error == null) {
/// if (response != null && response.statusCode == 200) {
/// print(response); // Do something with the response.
/// return;
/// }
/// }
/// print(error); // Handle errors.
/// });
/// task.resume();
/// }
/// ```
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'src/cupertino_client.dart';
export 'src/cupertino_api.dart';
export 'src/cupertino_client.dart' show CupertinoClient;
export 'src/cupertino_web_socket.dart';