blob: ece6f09a94758e9d83457aa401f3a84d724b6016 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'ast.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// The errno for a file or directory not existing on Mac and Linux.
const _enoent = 2;
/// Another errno we see on Windows when trying to list a non-existent
/// directory.
const _enoentWin = 3;
/// A structure built from a glob that efficiently lists filesystem entities
/// that match that glob.
/// This structure is designed to list the minimal number of physical
/// directories necessary to find everything that matches the glob. For example,
/// for the glob `foo/{bar,baz}/*`, there's no need to list the working
/// directory or even `foo/`; only `foo/bar` and `foo/baz` should be listed.
/// This works by creating a tree of [_ListTreeNode]s, each of which corresponds
/// to a single of directory nesting in the source glob. Each node has child
/// nodes associated with globs ([_ListTreeNode.children]), as well as its own
/// glob ([_ListTreeNode._validator]) that indicates which entities within that
/// node's directory should be returned.
/// For example, the glob `foo/{*.dart,b*/*.txt}` creates the following tree:
/// .
/// '-- "foo" (validator: "*.dart")
/// '-- "b*" (validator: "*.txt"
/// If a node doesn't have a validator, we know we don't have to list it
/// explicitly.
/// Nodes can also be marked as "recursive", which means they need to be listed
/// recursively (usually to support `**`). In this case, they will have no
/// children; instead, their validator will just encompass the globs that would
/// otherwise be in their children. For example, the glob
/// `foo/{**.dart,bar/*.txt}` creates a recursive node for `foo` with the
/// validator `**.dart,bar/*.txt`.
/// If the glob contains multiple filesystem roots (e.g. `{C:/,D:/}*.dart`),
/// each root will have its own tree of nodes. Relative globs use `.` as their
/// root instead.
class ListTree {
/// A map from filesystem roots to the list tree for those roots.
/// A relative glob will use `.` as its root.
final Map<String, _ListTreeNode> _trees;
/// Whether paths listed might overlap.
/// If they do, we need to filter out overlapping paths.
final bool _canOverlap;
/// The file system to operate on.
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
ListTree._(this._trees, this._fileSystem)
: _canOverlap = _computeCanOverlap(_trees);
factory ListTree(AstNode glob, FileSystem fileSystem) {
// The first step in constructing a tree from the glob is to simplify the
// problem by eliminating options. [glob.flattenOptions] bubbles all options
// (and certain ranges) up to the top level of the glob so we can deal with
// them one at a time.
var options = glob.flattenOptions();
var trees = <String, _ListTreeNode>{};
for (var option in options.options) {
// Since each option doesn't include its own options, we can safely split
// it into path components.
var components = option.split(p.context);
var firstNode = components.first.nodes.first;
var root = '.';
// Determine the root for this option, if it's absolute. If it's not, the
// root's just ".".
if (firstNode is LiteralNode) {
var text = firstNode.text;
// Platform agnostic way of checking for Windows without `dart:io`.
if (p.context == text.replaceAll('/', '\\');
if (p.isAbsolute(text)) {
// If the path is absolute, the root should be the only thing in the
// first component.
assert(components.first.nodes.length == 1);
root = firstNode.text;
_addGlob(root, components, trees);
return ListTree._(trees, fileSystem);
/// Add the glob represented by [components] to the tree under [root].
static void _addGlob(String root, List<SequenceNode> components,
Map<String, _ListTreeNode> trees) {
// The first [parent] represents the root directory itself. It may be null
// here if this is the first option with this particular [root]. If so,
// we'll create it below.
// As we iterate through [components], [parent] will be set to
// progressively more nested nodes.
var parent = trees[root];
for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
var component = components[i];
var recursive = component.nodes.any((node) => node is DoubleStarNode);
var complete = i == components.length - 1;
// If the parent node for this level of nesting already exists, the new
// option will be added to it as additional validator options and/or
// additional children.
// If the parent doesn't exist, we'll create it in one of the else
// clauses below.
if (parent != null) {
if (parent.isRecursive || recursive) {
// If [component] is recursive, mark [parent] as recursive. This
// will cause all of its children to be folded into its validator.
// If [parent] was already recursive, this is a no-op.
// Add [component] and everything nested beneath it as an option to
// [parent]. Since [parent] is recursive, it will recursively list
// everything beneath it and filter them with one big glob.
} else if (complete) {
// If [component] is the last component, add it to [parent]'s
// validator but not to its children.
} else {
// On the other hand if there are more components, add [component]
// to [parent]'s children and not its validator. Since we process
// each option's components separately, the same component is never
// both a validator and a child.
var children = parent.children!;
if (!children.containsKey(component)) {
children[component] = _ListTreeNode();
parent = children[component];
} else if (recursive) {
trees[root] = _ListTreeNode.recursive(_join(components.sublist(i)));
} else if (complete) {
trees[root] = _ListTreeNode()..addOption(component);
} else {
var rootNode = _ListTreeNode();
trees[root] = rootNode;
var rootChildren = rootNode.children!;
rootChildren[component] = _ListTreeNode();
parent = rootChildren[component];
/// Computes the value for [_canOverlap].
static bool _computeCanOverlap(Map<String, _ListTreeNode> trees) {
// If this can list a relative path and an absolute path, the former may be
// contained within the latter.
if (trees.length > 1 && trees.containsKey('.')) return true;
// Otherwise, this can only overlap if the tree beneath any given root could
// overlap internally.
return trees.values.any((node) => node.canOverlap);
/// List all entities that match this glob beneath [root].
Stream<FileSystemEntity> list({String? root, bool followLinks = true}) {
root ??= '.';
var group = StreamGroup<FileSystemEntity>();
for (var rootDir in _trees.keys) {
var dir = rootDir == '.' ? root : rootDir;
_trees[rootDir]!.list(dir, _fileSystem, followLinks: followLinks));
if (!_canOverlap) return;
// TODO: Rather than filtering here, avoid double-listing directories
// in the first place.
var seen = <String>{};
return => seen.add(entity.path));
/// Synchronosuly list all entities that match this glob beneath [root].
List<FileSystemEntity> listSync({String? root, bool followLinks = true}) {
root ??= '.';
var result = _trees.keys.expand((rootDir) {
var dir = rootDir == '.' ? root! : rootDir;
return _trees[rootDir]!
.listSync(dir, _fileSystem, followLinks: followLinks);
if (!_canOverlap) return result.toList();
// TODO: Rather than filtering here, avoid double-listing directories
// in the first place.
var seen = <String>{};
return result.where((entity) => seen.add(entity.path)).toList();
/// A single node in a [ListTree].
class _ListTreeNode {
/// This node's child nodes, by their corresponding globs.
/// Each child node will only be listed on directories that match its glob.
/// This may be `null`, indicating that this node should be listed
/// recursively.
Map<SequenceNode, _ListTreeNode>? children;
/// This node's validator.
/// This determines which entities will ultimately be emitted when [list] is
/// called.
OptionsNode? _validator;
/// Whether this node is recursive.
/// A recursive node has no children and is listed recursively.
bool get isRecursive => children == null;
bool get _caseSensitive {
if (_validator != null) return _validator!.caseSensitive;
if (children?.isEmpty != false) return true;
return children!.keys.first.caseSensitive;
/// Whether this node doesn't itself need to be listed.
/// If a node has no validator and all of its children are literal filenames,
/// there's no need to list its contents. We can just directly traverse into
/// its children.
bool get _isIntermediate {
if (_validator != null) return false;
return children!.keys.every((sequence) =>
sequence.nodes.length == 1 && sequence.nodes.first is LiteralNode);
/// Returns whether listing this node might return overlapping results.
bool get canOverlap {
// A recusive node can never overlap with itself, because it will only ever
// involve a single call to [Directory.list] that's then filtered with
// [_validator].
if (isRecursive) return false;
// If there's more than one child node and at least one of the children is
// dynamic (that is, matches more than just a literal string), there may be
// overlap.
if (children!.length > 1) {
// Case-insensitivity means that even literals may match multiple entries.
if (!_caseSensitive) return true;
if (children!.keys.any((sequence) =>
sequence.nodes.length > 1 || sequence.nodes.single is! LiteralNode)) {
return true;
return children!.values.any((node) => node.canOverlap);
/// Creates a node with no children and no validator.
: children = <SequenceNode, _ListTreeNode>{},
_validator = null;
/// Creates a recursive node the given [validator].
_ListTreeNode.recursive(SequenceNode validator)
: children = null,
_validator =
OptionsNode([validator], caseSensitive: validator.caseSensitive);
/// Transforms this into recursive node, folding all its children into its
/// validator.
void makeRecursive() {
if (isRecursive) return;
var children = this.children!;
_validator = OptionsNode( {
return _join([entry.key, entry.value._validator!]);
}), caseSensitive: _caseSensitive);
this.children = null;
/// Adds [validator] to this node's existing validator.
void addOption(SequenceNode validator) {
if (_validator == null) {
_validator =
OptionsNode([validator], caseSensitive: validator.caseSensitive);
} else {
/// Lists all entities within [dir] matching this node or its children.
/// This may return duplicate entities. These will be filtered out in
/// [ListTree.list].
Stream<FileSystemEntity> list(String dir, FileSystem fileSystem,
{bool followLinks = true}) {
if (isRecursive) {
return fileSystem
.list(recursive: true, followLinks: followLinks)
.where((entity) => _matches(p.relative(entity.path, from: dir)));
// Don't spawn extra [Directory.list] calls when we already know exactly
// which subdirectories we're interested in.
if (_isIntermediate && _caseSensitive) {
var resultGroup = StreamGroup<FileSystemEntity>();
children!.forEach((sequence, child) {
p.join(dir, (sequence.nodes.single as LiteralNode).text),
followLinks: followLinks));
return StreamCompleter.fromFuture(() async {
var entities = await fileSystem
.list(followLinks: followLinks)
await _validateIntermediateChildrenAsync(dir, entities, fileSystem);
var resultGroup = StreamGroup<FileSystemEntity>();
var resultController = StreamController<FileSystemEntity>(sync: true);
for (var entity in entities) {
var basename = p.relative(entity.path, from: dir);
if (_matches(basename)) resultController.add(entity);
children!.forEach((sequence, child) {
if (entity is! Directory) return;
if (!sequence.matches(basename)) return;
var stream = child
.list(p.join(dir, basename), fileSystem, followLinks: followLinks)
.handleError((_) {}, test: (error) {
// Ignore errors from directories not existing. We do this here so
// that we only ignore warnings below wild cards. For example, the
// glob "foo/bar/*/baz" should fail if "foo/bar" doesn't exist but
// succeed if "foo/bar/qux/baz" doesn't exist.
return error is FileSystemException &&
(error.osError!.errorCode == _enoent ||
error.osError!.errorCode == _enoentWin);
/// If this is a case-insensitive list, validates that all intermediate
/// children (according to [_isIntermediate]) match at least one entity in
/// [entities].
/// This ensures that listing "foo/bar/*" fails on case-sensitive systems if
/// "foo/bar" doesn't exist.
Future _validateIntermediateChildrenAsync(String dir,
List<FileSystemEntity> entities, FileSystem fileSystem) async {
if (_caseSensitive) return;
for (var entry in children!.entries) {
var child = entry.value;
var sequence = entry.key;
if (!child._isIntermediate) continue;
if (entities.any(
(entity) => sequence.matches(p.relative(entity.path, from: dir)))) {
// We know this will fail, we're just doing it to force dart:io to emit
// the exception it would if we were listing case-sensitively.
await child
.list(p.join(dir, (sequence.nodes.single as LiteralNode).text),
/// Synchronously lists all entities within [dir] matching this node or its
/// children.
/// This may return duplicate entities. These will be filtered out in
/// [ListTree.listSync].
Iterable<FileSystemEntity> listSync(String dir, FileSystem fileSystem,
{bool followLinks = true}) {
if (isRecursive) {
return fileSystem
.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: followLinks)
.where((entity) => _matches(p.relative(entity.path, from: dir)));
// Don't spawn extra [Directory.listSync] calls when we already know exactly
// which subdirectories we're interested in.
if (_isIntermediate && _caseSensitive) {
return children!.entries.expand((entry) {
var sequence = entry.key;
var child = entry.value;
return child.listSync(
p.join(dir, (sequence.nodes.single as LiteralNode).text),
followLinks: followLinks);
var entities = followLinks);
_validateIntermediateChildrenSync(dir, entities, fileSystem);
return entities.expand((entity) {
var entities = <FileSystemEntity>[];
var basename = p.relative(entity.path, from: dir);
if (_matches(basename)) entities.add(entity);
if (entity is! Directory) return entities;
.where((sequence) => sequence.matches(basename))
.expand((sequence) {
try {
return children![sequence]!
.listSync(p.join(dir, basename), fileSystem,
followLinks: followLinks)
} on FileSystemException catch (error) {
// Ignore errors from directories not existing. We do this here so
// that we only ignore warnings below wild cards. For example, the
// glob "foo/bar/*/baz" should fail if "foo/bar" doesn't exist but
// succeed if "foo/bar/qux/baz" doesn't exist.
if (error.osError!.errorCode == _enoent ||
error.osError!.errorCode == _enoentWin) {
return const [];
} else {
return entities;
/// If this is a case-insensitive list, validates that all intermediate
/// children (according to [_isIntermediate]) match at least one entity in
/// [entities].
/// This ensures that listing "foo/bar/*" fails on case-sensitive systems if
/// "foo/bar" doesn't exist.
void _validateIntermediateChildrenSync(
String dir, List<FileSystemEntity> entities, FileSystem fileSystem) {
if (_caseSensitive) return;
children!.forEach((sequence, child) {
if (!child._isIntermediate) return;
if (entities.any(
(entity) => sequence.matches(p.relative(entity.path, from: dir)))) {
// If there are no [entities] that match [sequence], manually list the
// directory to force `dart:io` to throw an error. This allows us to
// ensure that listing "foo/bar/*" fails on case-sensitive systems if
// "foo/bar" doesn't exist.
p.join(dir, (sequence.nodes.single as LiteralNode).text), fileSystem);
/// Returns whether the native [path] matches [_validator].
bool _matches(String path) =>
_validator?.matches(toPosixPath(p.context, path)) ?? false;
String toString() => '($_validator) $children';
/// Joins each [components] into a new glob where each component is separated by
/// a path separator.
SequenceNode _join(Iterable<AstNode> components) {
var componentsList = components.toList();
var first = componentsList.removeAt(0);
var nodes = [first];
for (var component in componentsList) {
nodes.add(LiteralNode('/', caseSensitive: first.caseSensitive));
return SequenceNode(nodes, caseSensitive: first.caseSensitive);