blob: 562cf191335f6e92190b6455bd56a3e5ba381fe6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ui;
bool _rectIsValid(Rect rect) {
assert(rect != null, 'Rect argument was null.'); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(!rect.hasNaN, 'Rect argument contained a NaN value.');
return true;
bool _rrectIsValid(RRect rrect) {
assert(rrect != null, 'RRect argument was null.'); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(!rrect.hasNaN, 'RRect argument contained a NaN value.');
return true;
bool _offsetIsValid(Offset offset) {
assert(offset != null, 'Offset argument was null.'); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(!offset.dx.isNaN && !offset.dy.isNaN, 'Offset argument contained a NaN value.');
return true;
bool _matrix4IsValid(Float64List matrix4) {
assert(matrix4 != null, 'Matrix4 argument was null.'); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(matrix4.length == 16, 'Matrix4 must have 16 entries.');
assert(matrix4.every((double value) => value.isFinite), 'Matrix4 entries must be finite.');
return true;
bool _radiusIsValid(Radius radius) {
assert(radius != null, 'Radius argument was null.'); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(!radius.x.isNaN && !radius.y.isNaN, 'Radius argument contained a NaN value.');
return true;
Color _scaleAlpha(Color a, double factor) {
return a.withAlpha((a.alpha * factor).round().clamp(0, 255));
class Color {
const Color(int value) : value = value & 0xFFFFFFFF;
const Color.fromARGB(int a, int r, int g, int b) :
value = (((a & 0xff) << 24) |
((r & 0xff) << 16) |
((g & 0xff) << 8) |
((b & 0xff) << 0)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
const Color.fromRGBO(int r, int g, int b, double opacity) :
value = ((((opacity * 0xff ~/ 1) & 0xff) << 24) |
((r & 0xff) << 16) |
((g & 0xff) << 8) |
((b & 0xff) << 0)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
final int value;
int get alpha => (0xff000000 & value) >> 24;
double get opacity => alpha / 0xFF;
int get red => (0x00ff0000 & value) >> 16;
int get green => (0x0000ff00 & value) >> 8;
int get blue => (0x000000ff & value) >> 0;
Color withAlpha(int a) {
return Color.fromARGB(a, red, green, blue);
Color withOpacity(double opacity) {
assert(opacity >= 0.0 && opacity <= 1.0);
return withAlpha((255.0 * opacity).round());
Color withRed(int r) {
return Color.fromARGB(alpha, r, green, blue);
Color withGreen(int g) {
return Color.fromARGB(alpha, red, g, blue);
Color withBlue(int b) {
return Color.fromARGB(alpha, red, green, b);
// See <>
static double _linearizeColorComponent(double component) {
if (component <= 0.03928)
return component / 12.92;
return math.pow((component + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) as double;
double computeLuminance() {
// See <>
final double R = _linearizeColorComponent(red / 0xFF);
final double G = _linearizeColorComponent(green / 0xFF);
final double B = _linearizeColorComponent(blue / 0xFF);
return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B;
static Color? lerp(Color? a, Color? b, double t) {
assert(t != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (b == null) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
return _scaleAlpha(a, 1.0 - t);
} else {
if (a == null) {
return _scaleAlpha(b, t);
} else {
return Color.fromARGB(
_clampInt(_lerpInt(a.alpha, b.alpha, t).toInt(), 0, 255),
_clampInt(_lerpInt(,, t).toInt(), 0, 255),
_clampInt(_lerpInt(,, t).toInt(), 0, 255),
_clampInt(_lerpInt(,, t).toInt(), 0, 255),
static Color alphaBlend(Color foreground, Color background) {
final int alpha = foreground.alpha;
if (alpha == 0x00) { // Foreground completely transparent.
return background;
final int invAlpha = 0xff - alpha;
int backAlpha = background.alpha;
if (backAlpha == 0xff) { // Opaque background case
return Color.fromARGB(
(alpha * + invAlpha * ~/ 0xff,
(alpha * + invAlpha * ~/ 0xff,
(alpha * + invAlpha * ~/ 0xff,
} else { // General case
backAlpha = (backAlpha * invAlpha) ~/ 0xff;
final int outAlpha = alpha + backAlpha;
assert(outAlpha != 0x00);
return Color.fromARGB(
( * alpha + * backAlpha) ~/ outAlpha,
( * alpha + * backAlpha) ~/ outAlpha,
( * alpha + * backAlpha) ~/ outAlpha,
static int getAlphaFromOpacity(double opacity) {
assert(opacity != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
return (_clampDouble(opacity, 0.0, 1.0) * 255).round();
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is Color
&& other.value == value;
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
String toString() => 'Color(0x${value.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0')})';
enum BlendMode {
// This list comes from Skia's SkXfermode.h and the values (order) should be
// kept in sync.
// See:
// Following blend modes are defined in the CSS Compositing standard.
screen, // The last coeff mode.
multiply, // The last separable mode.
enum FilterQuality {
// This list comes from Skia's SkFilterQuality.h and the values (order) should
// be kept in sync.
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkPaint::Cap.
enum StrokeCap {
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkPaint::Join.
enum StrokeJoin {
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkPaint::Style.
enum PaintingStyle {
// This list comes from Skia's SkPaint.h and the values (order) should be kept
// in sync.
enum Clip {
class Paint {
// Paint objects are encoded in two buffers:
// * _data is binary data in four-byte fields, each of which is either a
// uint32_t or a float. The default value for each field is encoded as
// zero to make initialization trivial. Most values already have a default
// value of zero, but some, such as color, have a non-zero default value.
// To encode or decode these values, XOR the value with the default value.
// * _objects is a list of unencodable objects, typically wrappers for native
// objects. The objects are simply stored in the list without any additional
// encoding.
// The binary format must match the deserialization code in
final ByteData _data = ByteData(_kDataByteCount);
static const int _kIsAntiAliasIndex = 0;
static const int _kColorIndex = 1;
static const int _kBlendModeIndex = 2;
static const int _kStyleIndex = 3;
static const int _kStrokeWidthIndex = 4;
static const int _kStrokeCapIndex = 5;
static const int _kStrokeJoinIndex = 6;
static const int _kStrokeMiterLimitIndex = 7;
static const int _kFilterQualityIndex = 8;
static const int _kMaskFilterIndex = 9;
static const int _kMaskFilterBlurStyleIndex = 10;
static const int _kMaskFilterSigmaIndex = 11;
static const int _kInvertColorIndex = 12;
static const int _kDitherIndex = 13;
static const int _kIsAntiAliasOffset = _kIsAntiAliasIndex << 2;
static const int _kColorOffset = _kColorIndex << 2;
static const int _kBlendModeOffset = _kBlendModeIndex << 2;
static const int _kStyleOffset = _kStyleIndex << 2;
static const int _kStrokeWidthOffset = _kStrokeWidthIndex << 2;
static const int _kStrokeCapOffset = _kStrokeCapIndex << 2;
static const int _kStrokeJoinOffset = _kStrokeJoinIndex << 2;
static const int _kStrokeMiterLimitOffset = _kStrokeMiterLimitIndex << 2;
static const int _kFilterQualityOffset = _kFilterQualityIndex << 2;
static const int _kMaskFilterOffset = _kMaskFilterIndex << 2;
static const int _kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset = _kMaskFilterBlurStyleIndex << 2;
static const int _kMaskFilterSigmaOffset = _kMaskFilterSigmaIndex << 2;
static const int _kInvertColorOffset = _kInvertColorIndex << 2;
static const int _kDitherOffset = _kDitherIndex << 2;
// If you add more fields, remember to update _kDataByteCount.
static const int _kDataByteCount = 56;
// Binary format must match the deserialization code in
List<dynamic>? _objects;
List<dynamic> _ensureObjectsInitialized() {
return _objects ??= List<dynamic>.filled(_kObjectCount, null, growable: false);
static const int _kShaderIndex = 0;
static const int _kColorFilterIndex = 1;
static const int _kImageFilterIndex = 2;
static const int _kObjectCount = 3; // Must be one larger than the largest index.
Paint() {
if (enableDithering) {
_dither = true;
bool get isAntiAlias {
return _data.getInt32(_kIsAntiAliasOffset, _kFakeHostEndian) == 0;
set isAntiAlias(bool value) {
// We encode true as zero and false as one because the default value, which
// we always encode as zero, is true.
final int encoded = value ? 0 : 1;
_data.setInt32(_kIsAntiAliasOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
// Must be kept in sync with the default in
static const int _kColorDefault = 0xFF000000;
Color get color {
final int encoded = _data.getInt32(_kColorOffset, _kFakeHostEndian);
return Color(encoded ^ _kColorDefault);
set color(Color value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int encoded = value.value ^ _kColorDefault;
_data.setInt32(_kColorOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
// Must be kept in sync with the default in
static final int _kBlendModeDefault = BlendMode.srcOver.index;
BlendMode get blendMode {
final int encoded = _data.getInt32(_kBlendModeOffset, _kFakeHostEndian);
return BlendMode.values[encoded ^ _kBlendModeDefault];
set blendMode(BlendMode value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int encoded = value.index ^ _kBlendModeDefault;
_data.setInt32(_kBlendModeOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
PaintingStyle get style {
return PaintingStyle.values[_data.getInt32(_kStyleOffset, _kFakeHostEndian)];
set style(PaintingStyle value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int encoded = value.index;
_data.setInt32(_kStyleOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
double get strokeWidth {
return _data.getFloat32(_kStrokeWidthOffset, _kFakeHostEndian);
set strokeWidth(double value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final double encoded = value;
_data.setFloat32(_kStrokeWidthOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
StrokeCap get strokeCap {
return StrokeCap.values[_data.getInt32(_kStrokeCapOffset, _kFakeHostEndian)];
set strokeCap(StrokeCap value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int encoded = value.index;
_data.setInt32(_kStrokeCapOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
StrokeJoin get strokeJoin {
return StrokeJoin.values[_data.getInt32(_kStrokeJoinOffset, _kFakeHostEndian)];
set strokeJoin(StrokeJoin value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int encoded = value.index;
_data.setInt32(_kStrokeJoinOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
// Must be kept in sync with the default in
static const double _kStrokeMiterLimitDefault = 4.0;
double get strokeMiterLimit {
return _data.getFloat32(_kStrokeMiterLimitOffset, _kFakeHostEndian);
set strokeMiterLimit(double value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final double encoded = value - _kStrokeMiterLimitDefault;
_data.setFloat32(_kStrokeMiterLimitOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
MaskFilter? get maskFilter {
switch (_data.getInt32(_kMaskFilterOffset, _kFakeHostEndian)) {
case MaskFilter._TypeNone:
return null;
case MaskFilter._TypeBlur:
return MaskFilter.blur(
BlurStyle.values[_data.getInt32(_kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset, _kFakeHostEndian)],
_data.getFloat32(_kMaskFilterSigmaOffset, _kFakeHostEndian),
return null;
set maskFilter(MaskFilter? value) {
if (value == null) {
_data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterOffset, MaskFilter._TypeNone, _kFakeHostEndian);
_data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset, 0, _kFakeHostEndian);
_data.setFloat32(_kMaskFilterSigmaOffset, 0.0, _kFakeHostEndian);
} else {
// For now we only support one kind of MaskFilter, so we don't need to
// check what the type is if it's not null.
_data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterOffset, MaskFilter._TypeBlur, _kFakeHostEndian);
_data.setInt32(_kMaskFilterBlurStyleOffset, value._style.index, _kFakeHostEndian);
_data.setFloat32(_kMaskFilterSigmaOffset, value._sigma, _kFakeHostEndian);
// TODO(ianh): verify that the image drawing methods actually respect this
FilterQuality get filterQuality {
return FilterQuality.values[_data.getInt32(_kFilterQualityOffset, _kFakeHostEndian)];
set filterQuality(FilterQuality value) {
assert(value != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int encoded = value.index;
_data.setInt32(_kFilterQualityOffset, encoded, _kFakeHostEndian);
Shader? get shader {
return _objects?[_kShaderIndex] as Shader?;
set shader(Shader? value) {
_ensureObjectsInitialized()[_kShaderIndex] = value;
ColorFilter? get colorFilter {
return _objects?[_kColorFilterIndex]?.creator as ColorFilter?;
set colorFilter(ColorFilter? value) {
final _ColorFilter? nativeFilter = value?._toNativeColorFilter();
if (nativeFilter == null) {
if (_objects != null) {
_objects![_kColorFilterIndex] = null;
} else {
_ensureObjectsInitialized()[_kColorFilterIndex] = nativeFilter;
ImageFilter? get imageFilter {
return _objects?[_kImageFilterIndex]?.creator as ImageFilter?;
set imageFilter(ImageFilter? value) {
if (value == null) {
if (_objects != null) {
_objects![_kImageFilterIndex] = null;
} else {
final List<dynamic> objects = _ensureObjectsInitialized();
if (objects[_kImageFilterIndex]?.creator != value) {
objects[_kImageFilterIndex] = value._toNativeImageFilter();
bool get invertColors {
return _data.getInt32(_kInvertColorOffset, _kFakeHostEndian) == 1;
set invertColors(bool value) {
_data.setInt32(_kInvertColorOffset, value ? 1 : 0, _kFakeHostEndian);
bool get _dither {
return _data.getInt32(_kDitherOffset, _kFakeHostEndian) == 1;
set _dither(bool value) {
_data.setInt32(_kDitherOffset, value ? 1 : 0, _kFakeHostEndian);
static bool enableDithering = false;
String toString() {
if (const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product', defaultValue: false)) {
return super.toString();
final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
String semicolon = '';
if (style == PaintingStyle.stroke) {
if (strokeWidth != 0.0)
result.write(' ${strokeWidth.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
result.write(' hairline');
if (strokeCap != StrokeCap.butt)
result.write(' $strokeCap');
if (strokeJoin == StrokeJoin.miter) {
if (strokeMiterLimit != _kStrokeMiterLimitDefault)
result.write(' $strokeJoin up to ${strokeMiterLimit.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
} else {
result.write(' $strokeJoin');
semicolon = '; ';
if (isAntiAlias != true) {
result.write('${semicolon}antialias off');
semicolon = '; ';
if (color != const Color(_kColorDefault)) {
semicolon = '; ';
if (blendMode.index != _kBlendModeDefault) {
semicolon = '; ';
if (colorFilter != null) {
result.write('${semicolon}colorFilter: $colorFilter');
semicolon = '; ';
if (maskFilter != null) {
result.write('${semicolon}maskFilter: $maskFilter');
semicolon = '; ';
if (filterQuality != FilterQuality.none) {
result.write('${semicolon}filterQuality: $filterQuality');
semicolon = '; ';
if (shader != null) {
result.write('${semicolon}shader: $shader');
semicolon = '; ';
if (imageFilter != null) {
result.write('${semicolon}imageFilter: $imageFilter');
semicolon = '; ';
if (invertColors)
result.write('${semicolon}invert: $invertColors');
if (_dither)
result.write('${semicolon}dither: $_dither');
return result.toString();
enum ImageByteFormat {
enum PixelFormat {
typedef ImageEventCallback = void Function(Image image);
class Image {
Image._(this._image) {
assert(() {
_debugStack = StackTrace.current;
return true;
static ImageEventCallback? onCreate;
static ImageEventCallback? onDispose;
// C++ unit tests access this.
final _Image _image;
StackTrace? _debugStack;
int get width {
assert(!_disposed && !_image._disposed);
return _image.width;
int get height {
assert(!_disposed && !_image._disposed);
return _image.height;
bool _disposed = false;
void dispose() {
assert(!_disposed && !_image._disposed);
_disposed = true;
final bool removed = _image._handles.remove(this);
if (_image._handles.isEmpty) {
bool get debugDisposed {
bool? disposed;
assert(() {
disposed = _disposed;
return true;
return disposed ?? (throw StateError('Image.debugDisposed is only available when asserts are enabled.'));
Future<ByteData?> toByteData({ImageByteFormat format = ImageByteFormat.rawRgba}) {
assert(!_disposed && !_image._disposed);
return _image.toByteData(format: format);
List<StackTrace>? debugGetOpenHandleStackTraces() {
List<StackTrace>? stacks;
assert(() {
stacks = handle) => handle._debugStack!).toList();
return true;
return stacks;
Image clone() {
if (_disposed) {
throw StateError(
'Cannot clone a disposed image.\n'
'The clone() method of a previously-disposed Image was called. Once an '
'Image object has been disposed, it can no longer be used to create '
'handles, as the underlying data may have been released.'
return Image._(_image);
bool isCloneOf(Image other) => other._image == _image;
String toString() => _image.toString();
class _Image {
// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
// or extended directly.
// _Images are always handed out wrapped in [Image]s. To create an [Image],
// use the ImageDescriptor API.
_Image._(this.width, this.height);
final int width;
final int height;
Future<ByteData?> toByteData({ImageByteFormat format = ImageByteFormat.rawRgba}) {
return _futurize((_Callback<ByteData> callback) {
return _toByteData(format.index, (Uint8List? encoded) {
String? _toByteData(int format, _Callback<Uint8List?> callback) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
bool _disposed = false;
void dispose() {
'Attempted to dispose of an Image object that has ${_handles.length} '
'open handles.\n'
'If you see this, it is a bug in dart:ui. Please file an issue at '
_disposed = true;
void _dispose() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Set<Image> _handles = <Image>{};
String toString() => '[$width\u00D7$height]';
typedef ImageDecoderCallback = void Function(Image result);
class FrameInfo {
FrameInfo._({required this.duration, required this.image});
final Duration duration;
final Image image;
class Codec {
// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
// or extended directly.
// To obtain an instance of the [Codec] interface, see
// [instantiateImageCodec].
int? _cachedFrameCount;
int get frameCount => _cachedFrameCount ??= _frameCount;
int get _frameCount { throw UnimplementedError(); }
int? _cachedRepetitionCount;
int get repetitionCount => _cachedRepetitionCount ??= _repetitionCount;
int get _repetitionCount { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Future<FrameInfo> getNextFrame() async {
final Completer<FrameInfo> completer = Completer<FrameInfo>.sync();
final String? error = _getNextFrame((_Image? image, int durationMilliseconds) {
if (image == null) {
throw Exception('Codec failed to produce an image, possibly due to invalid image data.');
image: Image._(image),
duration: Duration(milliseconds: durationMilliseconds),
if (error != null) {
throw Exception(error);
return completer.future;
String? _getNextFrame(void Function(_Image?, int) callback) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
void dispose() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Future<Codec> instantiateImageCodec(
Uint8List list, {
int? targetWidth,
int? targetHeight,
bool allowUpscaling = true,
}) async {
final ImmutableBuffer buffer = await ImmutableBuffer.fromUint8List(list);
final ImageDescriptor descriptor = await ImageDescriptor.encoded(buffer);
if (!allowUpscaling) {
if (targetWidth != null && targetWidth > descriptor.width) {
targetWidth = descriptor.width;
if (targetHeight != null && targetHeight > descriptor.height) {
targetHeight = descriptor.height;
return descriptor.instantiateCodec(
targetWidth: targetWidth,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
void decodeImageFromList(Uint8List list, ImageDecoderCallback callback) {
_decodeImageFromListAsync(list, callback);
Future<void> _decodeImageFromListAsync(Uint8List list,
ImageDecoderCallback callback) async {
final Codec codec = await instantiateImageCodec(list);
final FrameInfo frameInfo = await codec.getNextFrame();
void decodeImageFromPixels(
Uint8List pixels,
int width,
int height,
PixelFormat format,
ImageDecoderCallback callback, {
int? rowBytes,
int? targetWidth,
int? targetHeight,
bool allowUpscaling = true,
}) {
if (targetWidth != null) {
assert(allowUpscaling || targetWidth <= width);
if (targetHeight != null) {
assert(allowUpscaling || targetHeight <= height);
.then((ImmutableBuffer buffer) {
final ImageDescriptor descriptor = ImageDescriptor.raw(
width: width,
height: height,
rowBytes: rowBytes,
pixelFormat: format,
if (!allowUpscaling) {
if (targetWidth != null && targetWidth! > descriptor.width) {
targetWidth = descriptor.width;
if (targetHeight != null && targetHeight! > descriptor.height) {
targetHeight = descriptor.height;
targetWidth: targetWidth,
targetHeight: targetHeight,
.then((Codec codec) => codec.getNextFrame())
.then((FrameInfo frameInfo) => callback(frameInfo.image));
enum PathFillType {
// Must be kept in sync with SkPathOp
enum PathOperation {
abstract class EngineLayer {
void dispose();
bool get debugDisposed;
class _PathMethods {
static const int moveTo = 0;
static const int relativeMoveTo = 1;
static const int lineTo = 2;
static const int relativeLineTo = 3;
static const int quadraticBezierTo = 4;
static const int relativeQuadraticBezierTo = 5;
static const int cubicTo = 6;
static const int relativeCubicTo = 7;
static const int conicTo = 8;
static const int relativeConicTo = 9;
static const int arcTo = 10;
static const int arcToPoint = 11;
static const int relativeArcToPoint = 12;
static const int addRect = 13;
static const int addOval = 14;
static const int addArc = 15;
static const int addPolygon = 16;
static const int addRRect = 17;
static const int addPath = 18;
static const int addPathWithMatrix = 19;
static const int extendWithPath = 20;
static const int extendWithPathAndMatrix = 21;
static const int close = 22;
static const int reset = 23;
class Path {
PathFillType fillType = PathFillType.nonZero;
double _currentX = 0;
double _currentY = 0;
Uint8List _methods = Uint8List(10);
int _methodsLength = 0;
Float32List _data = Float32List(30);
int _dataLength = 0;
List<Object> _objects = <Object>[];
bool _isEmpty = true;
double _left = 0;
double _top = 0;
double _right = 0;
double _bottom = 0;
void _updateBounds(double x, double y) {
if (_isEmpty) {
_left = _right = x;
_top = _bottom = y;
_isEmpty = false;
} else {
if (x < _left) {
_left = x;
if (x > _right) {
_right = x;
if (y < _top) {
_top = y;
if (y > _bottom) {
_bottom = y;
void _updateBoundsFromCurrent() {
_updateBounds(_currentX, _currentY);
void _addObject(Object object) {
void _addMethod(int methodId) {
if (_methodsLength >= _methods.length) {
final Uint8List newList = Uint8List(_methods.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < _methodsLength; i++) {
newList[i] = _methods[i];
_methods = newList;
_methods[_methodsLength] = methodId;
_methodsLength += 1;
void _ensureDataLength(int newLength) {
if (_data.length >= newLength) {
final Float32List newList = Float32List(_data.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < _dataLength; i++) {
newList[i] = _data[i];
_data = newList;
void _addData2(double a, double b) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 2);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
void _addData4(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 4);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
void _addData5(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 5);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
_data[_dataLength++] = e;
void _addData6(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 6);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
_data[_dataLength++] = e;
_data[_dataLength++] = f;
void _addData7(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f, double g) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 7);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
_data[_dataLength++] = e;
_data[_dataLength++] = f;
_data[_dataLength++] = g;
void _addData12(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f,
double g, double h, double i, double j, double k, double l) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 12);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
_data[_dataLength++] = e;
_data[_dataLength++] = f;
_data[_dataLength++] = g;
_data[_dataLength++] = h;
_data[_dataLength++] = i;
_data[_dataLength++] = j;
_data[_dataLength++] = k;
_data[_dataLength++] = l;
factory Path.from(Path source) {
return source.shift(;
void moveTo(double x, double y) {
_addData2(x, y);
_currentX = x;
_currentY = y;
void relativeMoveTo(double dx, double dy) {
_addData2(dx, dy);
_currentX += dx;
_currentY += dy;
void lineTo(double x, double y) {
_addData2(x, y);
_currentX = x;
_currentY = y;
void relativeLineTo(double dx, double dy) {
_addData2(dx, dy);
_currentX += dx;
_currentY += dy;
void quadraticBezierTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
_addData4(x1, y1, x2, y2);
_currentX = x1;
_currentY = y1;
_currentX = x2;
_currentY = y2;
void relativeQuadraticBezierTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
_addData4(x1, y1, x2, y2);
_currentX += x1;
_currentY += y1;
_currentX += x2;
_currentY += y2;
void cubicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) {
_addData6(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
_currentX = x1;
_currentY = y1;
_currentX = x2;
_currentY = y2;
_currentX = x3;
_currentY = y3;
void relativeCubicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) {
_addData6(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
_currentX += x1;
_currentY += y1;
_currentX += x2;
_currentY += y2;
_currentX += x3;
_currentY += y3;
void conicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double w) {
_addData5(x1, y1, x2, y2, w);
_currentX = x1;
_currentY = y1;
_currentX = x2;
_currentY = y2;
void relativeConicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double w) {
_addData5(x1, y1, x2, y2, w);
_currentX += x1;
_currentY += y1;
_currentX += x2;
_currentY += y2;
void arcTo(Rect rect, double startAngle, double sweepAngle, bool forceMoveTo) {
_addData7(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo ? 1 : 0);
_currentX = rect.left;
_currentY =;
_currentX = rect.right;
_currentY = rect.bottom;
void arcToPoint(Offset arcEnd, {
Radius radius =,
double rotation = 0.0,
bool largeArc = false,
bool clockwise = true,
}) {
_addData7(arcEnd.dx, arcEnd.dy, radius.x, radius.y, rotation, largeArc ? 1 : 0, clockwise ? 1 : 0);
_currentX = arcEnd.dx;
_currentY = arcEnd.dy;
void relativeArcToPoint(Offset arcEndDelta, {
Radius radius =,
double rotation = 0.0,
bool largeArc = false,
bool clockwise = true,
}) {
_addData7(arcEndDelta.dx, arcEndDelta.dy, radius.x, radius.y, rotation, largeArc ? 1 : 0, clockwise ? 1 : 0);
_currentX += arcEndDelta.dx;
_currentY += arcEndDelta.dy;
void addRect(Rect rect) {
_addData4(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
_currentX = rect.left;
_currentY =;
_currentX = rect.right;
_currentY = rect.bottom;
void addOval(Rect oval) {
_addData4(oval.left,, oval.right, oval.bottom);
_currentX = oval.left;
_currentY =;
_currentX = oval.right;
_currentY = oval.bottom;
void addArc(Rect oval, double startAngle, double sweepAngle) {
_addData6(oval.left,, oval.right, oval.bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle);
_currentX = oval.left;
_currentY =;
_currentX = oval.right;
_currentY = oval.bottom;
void addPolygon(List<Offset> points, bool close) {
assert(points != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + points.length * 2);
for (final Offset point in points) {
_data[_dataLength++] = point.dx;
_data[_dataLength++] = point.dy;
_currentX = point.dx;
_currentY = point.dy;
void addRRect(RRect rrect) {
_currentX = rrect.left;
_currentY =;
_currentX = rrect.right;
_currentY = rrect.bottom;
void addPath(Path path, Offset offset, {Float64List? matrix4}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side
if (matrix4 != null) {
_addData2(offset.dx, offset.dy);
} else {
_addData2(offset.dx, offset.dy);
final Rect otherBounds = path.getBounds();
_updateBounds(otherBounds.right, otherBounds.bottom);
void extendWithPath(Path path, Offset offset, {Float64List? matrix4}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side
if (matrix4 != null) {
_addData2(offset.dx, offset.dy);
} else {
_addData2(offset.dx, offset.dy);
final Rect otherBounds = path.getBounds();
_updateBounds(otherBounds.right, otherBounds.bottom);
void close() {
void reset() {
bool contains(Offset point) {
return getBounds().contains(point);
Path shift(Offset offset) {
// This is a dummy implementation.
final Path shifted = Path._();
shifted._methods = Uint8List.fromList(_methods);
shifted._methodsLength = _methodsLength;
shifted._data = Float32List.fromList(_data);
shifted._dataLength = _dataLength;
shifted._objects = _objects.toList();
shifted._isEmpty = _isEmpty;
shifted._left = _left + offset.dx;
shifted._top = _top + offset.dy;
shifted._right = _right + offset.dx;
shifted._bottom = _bottom + offset.dy;
shifted._currentX = _currentX + offset.dx;
shifted._currentY = _currentY + offset.dy;
shifted.fillType = fillType;
return shifted;
Path transform(Float64List matrix4) {
// This is a dummy implementation.
final double dx = matrix4[12];
final double dy = matrix4[13];
final Path transformed = Path._();
transformed._methods = Uint8List.fromList(_methods);
transformed._methodsLength = _methodsLength;
transformed._data = Float32List.fromList(_data);
transformed._dataLength = _dataLength;
transformed._objects = _objects.toList();
transformed._isEmpty = _isEmpty;
transformed._left = _left + dx;
transformed._top = _top + dy;
transformed._right = _right + dx;
transformed._bottom = _bottom + dy;
transformed._currentX = _currentX + dx;
transformed._currentY = _currentY + dy;
transformed.fillType = fillType;
return transformed;
// see
Rect getBounds() {
return Rect.fromLTRB(_left, _top, _right, _bottom);
static Path combine(PathOperation operation, Path path1, Path path2) {
assert(path1 != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(path2 != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
// This is a dummy implementation
final Path combined = Path._();
combined._methods = Uint8List.fromList(<int>[
combined._methodsLength = path1._methodsLength + path2._methodsLength;
combined._data = Float32List.fromList(<double>[
combined._dataLength = path1._dataLength + path2._dataLength;
combined._objects = <Object>[
combined._isEmpty = path1._isEmpty && path2._isEmpty;
combined._left = math.min(path1._left, path2._left);
combined._top = math.min(path1._top, path2._top);
combined._right = math.max(path1._right, path2._right);
combined._bottom = math.max(path1._bottom, path2._bottom);
combined._currentX = path2._currentX;
combined._currentY = path2._currentY;
combined.fillType = path1.fillType;
return combined;
PathMetrics computeMetrics({bool forceClosed = false}) {
return PathMetrics._(this, forceClosed);
class Tangent {
const Tangent(this.position, this.vector)
: assert(position != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(vector != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
factory Tangent.fromAngle(Offset position, double angle) {
return Tangent(position, Offset(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)));
final Offset position;
final Offset vector;
// flip the sign to be consistent with [Path.arcTo]'s `sweepAngle`
double get angle => -math.atan2(vector.dy, vector.dx);
class PathMetrics extends collection.IterableBase<PathMetric> {
PathMetrics._(Path path, bool forceClosed) :
_iterator = PathMetricIterator._(_PathMeasure(path, forceClosed));
final Iterator<PathMetric> _iterator;
Iterator<PathMetric> get iterator => _iterator;
class PathMetricIterator implements Iterator<PathMetric> {
PathMetricIterator._(this._pathMeasure) : assert(_pathMeasure != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
PathMetric? _pathMetric;
_PathMeasure _pathMeasure;
PathMetric get current {
final PathMetric? currentMetric = _pathMetric;
if (currentMetric == null) {
throw RangeError(
'PathMetricIterator is not pointing to a PathMetric. This can happen in two situations:\n'
'- The iteration has not started yet. If so, call "moveNext" to start iteration. '
'- The iterator ran out of elements. If so, check that "moveNext" returns true prior to calling "current".'
return currentMetric;
bool moveNext() {
if (_pathMeasure._nextContour()) {
_pathMetric = PathMetric._(_pathMeasure);
return true;
_pathMetric = null;
return false;
class PathMetric {
: assert(_measure != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
length = _measure.length(_measure.currentContourIndex),
isClosed = _measure.isClosed(_measure.currentContourIndex),
contourIndex = _measure.currentContourIndex;
final double length;
final bool isClosed;
final int contourIndex;
final _PathMeasure _measure;
Tangent? getTangentForOffset(double distance) {
return _measure.getTangentForOffset(contourIndex, distance);
Path extractPath(double start, double end, {bool startWithMoveTo = true}) {
return _measure.extractPath(contourIndex, start, end, startWithMoveTo: startWithMoveTo);
String toString() => '$runtimeType{length: $length, isClosed: $isClosed, contourIndex:$contourIndex}';
class _PathMeasure {
_PathMeasure(Path path, bool forceClosed) {
_constructor(path, forceClosed);
void _constructor(Path path, bool forceClosed) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
double length(int contourIndex) {
assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, 'Iterator must be advanced before index $contourIndex can be used.');
return _length(contourIndex);
double _length(int contourIndex) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Tangent? getTangentForOffset(int contourIndex, double distance) {
assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, 'Iterator must be advanced before index $contourIndex can be used.');
final Float32List posTan = _getPosTan(contourIndex, distance);
// first entry == 0 indicates that Skia returned false
if (posTan[0] == 0.0) {
return null;
} else {
return Tangent(
Offset(posTan[1], posTan[2]),
Offset(posTan[3], posTan[4])
Float32List _getPosTan(int contourIndex, double distance) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Path extractPath(int contourIndex, double start, double end, {bool startWithMoveTo = true}) {
assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, 'Iterator must be advanced before index $contourIndex can be used.');
final Path path = Path._();
_extractPath(path, contourIndex, start, end, startWithMoveTo: startWithMoveTo);
return path;
void _extractPath(Path outPath, int contourIndex, double start, double end, {bool startWithMoveTo = true}) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
bool isClosed(int contourIndex) {
assert(contourIndex <= currentContourIndex, 'Iterator must be advanced before index $contourIndex can be used.');
return _isClosed(contourIndex);
bool _isClosed(int contourIndex) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
// Move to the next contour in the path.
// A path can have a next contour if [Path.moveTo] was called after drawing began.
// Return true if one exists, or false.
bool _nextContour() {
final bool next = _nativeNextContour();
if (next) {
return next;
bool _nativeNextContour() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
int currentContourIndex = -1;
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkBlurStyle.
enum BlurStyle {
// These mirror SkBlurStyle and must be kept in sync.
class MaskFilter {
const MaskFilter.blur(
) : assert(_style != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(_sigma != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final BlurStyle _style;
final double _sigma;
// The type of MaskFilter class to create for Skia.
// These constants must be kept in sync with MaskFilterType in
static const int _TypeNone = 0; // null
static const int _TypeBlur = 1; // SkBlurMaskFilter
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is MaskFilter
&& other._style == _style
&& other._sigma == _sigma;
int get hashCode => hashValues(_style, _sigma);
String toString() => 'MaskFilter.blur($_style, ${_sigma.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
class ColorFilter implements ImageFilter {
const ColorFilter.mode(Color color, BlendMode blendMode)
: _color = color,
_blendMode = blendMode,
_matrix = null,
_type = _kTypeMode;
const ColorFilter.matrix(List<double> matrix)
: _color = null,
_blendMode = null,
_matrix = matrix,
_type = _kTypeMatrix;
const ColorFilter.linearToSrgbGamma()
: _color = null,
_blendMode = null,
_matrix = null,
_type = _kTypeLinearToSrgbGamma;
const ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma()
: _color = null,
_blendMode = null,
_matrix = null,
_type = _kTypeSrgbToLinearGamma;
final Color? _color;
final BlendMode? _blendMode;
final List<double>? _matrix;
final int _type;
// The type of SkColorFilter class to create for Skia.
static const int _kTypeMode = 1; // MakeModeFilter
static const int _kTypeMatrix = 2; // MakeMatrixFilterRowMajor255
static const int _kTypeLinearToSrgbGamma = 3; // MakeLinearToSRGBGamma
static const int _kTypeSrgbToLinearGamma = 4; // MakeSRGBToLinearGamma
// SkImageFilters::ColorFilter
_ImageFilter _toNativeImageFilter() => _ImageFilter.fromColorFilter(this);
_ColorFilter? _toNativeColorFilter() {
switch (_type) {
case _kTypeMode:
if (_color == null || _blendMode == null) {
return null;
return _ColorFilter.mode(this);
case _kTypeMatrix:
if (_matrix == null) {
return null;
assert(_matrix!.length == 20, 'Color Matrix must have 20 entries.');
return _ColorFilter.matrix(this);
case _kTypeLinearToSrgbGamma:
return _ColorFilter.linearToSrgbGamma(this);
case _kTypeSrgbToLinearGamma:
return _ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma(this);
throw StateError('Unknown mode $_type for ColorFilter.');
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is ColorFilter
&& other._type == _type
&& _listEquals<double>(other._matrix, _matrix)
&& other._color == _color
&& other._blendMode == _blendMode;
int get hashCode => hashValues(_color, _blendMode, hashList(_matrix), _type);
String get _shortDescription {
switch (_type) {
case _kTypeMode:
return 'ColorFilter.mode($_color, $_blendMode)';
case _kTypeMatrix:
return 'ColorFilter.matrix($_matrix)';
case _kTypeLinearToSrgbGamma:
return 'ColorFilter.linearToSrgbGamma()';
case _kTypeSrgbToLinearGamma:
return 'ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma()';
return 'unknow ColorFilter';
String toString() {
switch (_type) {
case _kTypeMode:
return 'ColorFilter.mode($_color, $_blendMode)';
case _kTypeMatrix:
return 'ColorFilter.matrix($_matrix)';
case _kTypeLinearToSrgbGamma:
return 'ColorFilter.linearToSrgbGamma()';
case _kTypeSrgbToLinearGamma:
return 'ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma()';
return 'Unknown ColorFilter type. This is an error. If you\'re seeing this, please file an issue at';
class _ColorFilter {
: assert(creator != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._kTypeMode) {
_initMode(creator._color!.value, creator._blendMode!.index);
: assert(creator != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._kTypeMatrix) {
: assert(creator != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._kTypeLinearToSrgbGamma) {
: assert(creator != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(creator._type == ColorFilter._kTypeSrgbToLinearGamma) {
final ColorFilter creator;
void _constructor() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
void _initMode(int color, int blendMode) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
void _initMatrix(Float32List matrix) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
void _initLinearToSrgbGamma() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
void _initSrgbToLinearGamma() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
abstract class ImageFilter {
factory ImageFilter.blur({ double sigmaX = 0.0, double sigmaY = 0.0, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp }) {
assert(sigmaX != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(sigmaY != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(tileMode != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
return _GaussianBlurImageFilter(sigmaX: sigmaX, sigmaY: sigmaY, tileMode: tileMode);
factory ImageFilter.matrix(Float64List matrix4,
{ FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low }) {
assert(matrix4 != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(filterQuality != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (matrix4.length != 16)
throw ArgumentError('"matrix4" must have 16 entries.');
return _MatrixImageFilter(data: Float64List.fromList(matrix4), filterQuality: filterQuality);
factory ImageFilter.compose({ required ImageFilter outer, required ImageFilter inner }) {
assert (inner != null && outer != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
return _ComposeImageFilter(innerFilter: inner, outerFilter: outer);
// Converts this to a native SkImageFilter. See the comments of this method in
// subclasses for the exact type of SkImageFilter this method converts to.
_ImageFilter _toNativeImageFilter();
// The description text to show when the filter is part of a composite
// [ImageFilter] created using [ImageFilter.compose].
String get _shortDescription;
class _MatrixImageFilter implements ImageFilter {
_MatrixImageFilter({ required, required this.filterQuality });
final Float64List data;
final FilterQuality filterQuality;
// MakeMatrixFilterRowMajor255
late final _ImageFilter nativeFilter = _ImageFilter.matrix(this);
_ImageFilter _toNativeImageFilter() => nativeFilter;
String get _shortDescription => 'matrix($data, $filterQuality)';
String toString() => 'ImageFilter.matrix($data, $filterQuality)';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is _MatrixImageFilter
&& other.filterQuality == filterQuality
&& _listEquals<double>(, data);
int get hashCode => hashValues(filterQuality, hashList(data));
class _GaussianBlurImageFilter implements ImageFilter {
_GaussianBlurImageFilter({ required this.sigmaX, required this.sigmaY, required this.tileMode });
final double sigmaX;
final double sigmaY;
final TileMode tileMode;
// MakeBlurFilter
late final _ImageFilter nativeFilter = _ImageFilter.blur(this);
_ImageFilter _toNativeImageFilter() => nativeFilter;
String get _modeString {
switch(tileMode) {
case TileMode.clamp: return 'clamp';
case TileMode.mirror: return 'mirror';
case TileMode.repeated: return 'repeated';
case TileMode.decal: return 'decal';
String get _shortDescription => 'blur($sigmaX, $sigmaY, $_modeString)';
String toString() => 'ImageFilter.blur($sigmaX, $sigmaY, $_modeString)';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is _GaussianBlurImageFilter
&& other.sigmaX == sigmaX
&& other.sigmaY == sigmaY
&& other.tileMode == tileMode;
int get hashCode => hashValues(sigmaX, sigmaY);
class _ComposeImageFilter implements ImageFilter {
_ComposeImageFilter({ required this.innerFilter, required this.outerFilter });
final ImageFilter innerFilter;
final ImageFilter outerFilter;
// SkImageFilters::Compose
late final _ImageFilter nativeFilter = _ImageFilter.composed(this);
_ImageFilter _toNativeImageFilter() => nativeFilter;
String get _shortDescription => '${innerFilter._shortDescription} -> ${outerFilter._shortDescription}';
String toString() => 'ImageFilter.compose(source -> $_shortDescription -> result)';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is _ComposeImageFilter
&& other.innerFilter == innerFilter
&& other.outerFilter == outerFilter;
int get hashCode => hashValues(innerFilter, outerFilter);
class _ImageFilter {
void _constructor() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
_ImageFilter.blur(_GaussianBlurImageFilter filter)
: assert(filter != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
creator = filter { // ignore: prefer_initializing_formals
_initBlur(filter.sigmaX, filter.sigmaY, filter.tileMode.index);
void _initBlur(double sigmaX, double sigmaY, int tileMode) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
_ImageFilter.matrix(_MatrixImageFilter filter)
: assert(filter != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
creator = filter { // ignore: prefer_initializing_formals
if ( != 16)
throw ArgumentError('"matrix4" must have 16 entries.');
_initMatrix(, filter.filterQuality.index);
void _initMatrix(Float64List matrix4, int filterQuality) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
_ImageFilter.fromColorFilter(ColorFilter filter)
: assert(filter != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
creator = filter { // ignore: prefer_initializing_formals
final _ColorFilter? nativeFilter = filter._toNativeColorFilter();
void _initColorFilter(_ColorFilter? colorFilter) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
_ImageFilter.composed(_ComposeImageFilter filter)
: assert(filter != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
creator = filter { // ignore: prefer_initializing_formals
final _ImageFilter nativeFilterInner = filter.innerFilter._toNativeImageFilter();
final _ImageFilter nativeFilterOuter = filter.outerFilter._toNativeImageFilter();
_initComposed(nativeFilterOuter, nativeFilterInner);
void _initComposed(_ImageFilter outerFilter, _ImageFilter innerFilter) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
final ImageFilter creator;
class Shader {
bool _debugDisposed = false;
bool get debugDisposed {
late bool disposed;
assert(() {
disposed = _debugDisposed;
return true;
return disposed;
void dispose() {
assert(() {
_debugDisposed = true;
return true;
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkTileMode.
enum TileMode {
Int32List _encodeColorList(List<Color> colors) {
final int colorCount = colors.length;
final Int32List result = Int32List(colorCount);
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i)
result[i] = colors[i].value;
return result;
Float32List _encodePointList(List<Offset> points) {
assert(points != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int pointCount = points.length;
final Float32List result = Float32List(pointCount * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) {
final int xIndex = i * 2;
final int yIndex = xIndex + 1;
final Offset point = points[i];
result[xIndex] = point.dx;
result[yIndex] = point.dy;
return result;
Float32List _encodeTwoPoints(Offset pointA, Offset pointB) {
final Float32List result = Float32List(4);
result[0] = pointA.dx;
result[1] = pointA.dy;
result[2] = pointB.dx;
result[3] = pointB.dy;
return result;
class Gradient extends Shader {
void _constructor() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Offset from,
Offset to,
List<Color> colors, [
List<double>? colorStops,
TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
Float64List? matrix4,
]) : assert(_offsetIsValid(from)),
assert(colors != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(tileMode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(matrix4 == null || _matrix4IsValid(matrix4)), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
super._() {
_validateColorStops(colors, colorStops);
final Float32List endPointsBuffer = _encodeTwoPoints(from, to);
final Int32List colorsBuffer = _encodeColorList(colors);
final Float32List? colorStopsBuffer = colorStops == null ? null : Float32List.fromList(colorStops);
_initLinear(endPointsBuffer, colorsBuffer, colorStopsBuffer, tileMode.index, matrix4);
void _initLinear(Float32List endPoints, Int32List colors, Float32List? colorStops, int tileMode, Float64List? matrix4) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Offset center,
double radius,
List<Color> colors, [
List<double>? colorStops,
TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
Float64List? matrix4,
Offset? focal,
double focalRadius = 0.0
]) : assert(_offsetIsValid(center)),
assert(colors != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(tileMode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(matrix4 == null || _matrix4IsValid(matrix4)),
super._() {
_validateColorStops(colors, colorStops);
final Int32List colorsBuffer = _encodeColorList(colors);
final Float32List? colorStopsBuffer = colorStops == null ? null : Float32List.fromList(colorStops);
// If focal is null or focal radius is null, this should be treated as a regular radial gradient
// If focal == center and the focal radius is 0.0, it's still a regular radial gradient
if (focal == null || (focal == center && focalRadius == 0.0)) {
_initRadial(center.dx, center.dy, radius, colorsBuffer, colorStopsBuffer, tileMode.index, matrix4);
} else {
assert(center != || focal !=; // will result in exception(s) in Skia side
_initConical(focal.dx, focal.dy, focalRadius, center.dx, center.dy, radius, colorsBuffer, colorStopsBuffer, tileMode.index, matrix4);
void _initRadial(double centerX, double centerY, double radius, Int32List colors, Float32List? colorStops, int tileMode, Float64List? matrix4) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
void _initConical(double startX, double startY, double startRadius, double endX, double endY, double endRadius, Int32List colors, Float32List? colorStops, int tileMode, Float64List? matrix4) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Offset center,
List<Color> colors, [
List<double>? colorStops,
TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
double startAngle = 0.0,
double endAngle = math.pi * 2,
Float64List? matrix4,
]) : assert(_offsetIsValid(center)),
assert(colors != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(tileMode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(startAngle != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(endAngle != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(startAngle < endAngle),
assert(matrix4 == null || _matrix4IsValid(matrix4)),
super._() {
_validateColorStops(colors, colorStops);
final Int32List colorsBuffer = _encodeColorList(colors);
final Float32List? colorStopsBuffer = colorStops == null ? null : Float32List.fromList(colorStops);
_initSweep(center.dx, center.dy, colorsBuffer, colorStopsBuffer, tileMode.index, startAngle, endAngle, matrix4);
void _initSweep(double centerX, double centerY, Int32List colors, Float32List? colorStops, int tileMode, double startAngle, double endAngle, Float64List? matrix) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
static void _validateColorStops(List<Color> colors, List<double>? colorStops) {
if (colorStops == null) {
if (colors.length != 2)
throw ArgumentError('"colors" must have length 2 if "colorStops" is omitted.');
} else {
if (colors.length != colorStops.length)
throw ArgumentError('"colors" and "colorStops" arguments must have equal length.');
class ImageShader extends Shader {
ImageShader(Image image, TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy, Float64List matrix4) :
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(image != null), // image is checked on the engine side
assert(tmx != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(tmy != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(matrix4 != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
super._() {
if (matrix4.length != 16)
throw ArgumentError('"matrix4" must have 16 entries.');
_initWithImage(image._image, tmx.index, tmy.index, matrix4);
void _constructor() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
void _initWithImage(_Image image, int tmx, int tmy, Float64List matrix4) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkVertices::VertexMode.
enum VertexMode {
class Vertices {
VertexMode mode,
List<Offset> positions, {
List<Offset>? textureCoordinates,
List<Color>? colors,
List<int>? indices,
}) : assert(mode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(positions != null) { // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (textureCoordinates != null && textureCoordinates.length != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError('"positions" and "textureCoordinates" lengths must match.');
if (colors != null && colors.length != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError('"positions" and "colors" lengths must match.');
if (indices != null && indices.any((int i) => i < 0 || i >= positions.length))
throw ArgumentError('"indices" values must be valid indices in the positions list.');
final Float32List encodedPositions = _encodePointList(positions);
final Float32List? encodedTextureCoordinates = (textureCoordinates != null)
? _encodePointList(textureCoordinates)
: null;
final Int32List? encodedColors = colors != null
? _encodeColorList(colors)
: null;
final Uint16List? encodedIndices = indices != null
? Uint16List.fromList(indices)
: null;
if (!_init(this, mode.index, encodedPositions, encodedTextureCoordinates, encodedColors, encodedIndices))
throw ArgumentError('Invalid configuration for vertices.');
VertexMode mode,
Float32List positions, {
Float32List? textureCoordinates,
Int32List? colors,
Uint16List? indices,
}) : assert(mode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(positions != null) { // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (textureCoordinates != null && textureCoordinates.length != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError('"positions" and "textureCoordinates" lengths must match.');
if (colors != null && colors.length * 2 != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError('"positions" and "colors" lengths must match.');
if (indices != null && indices.any((int i) => i < 0 || i >= positions.length))
throw ArgumentError('"indices" values must be valid indices in the positions list.');
if (!_init(this, mode.index, positions, textureCoordinates, colors, indices))
throw ArgumentError('Invalid configuration for vertices.');
bool _init(Vertices outVertices,
int mode,
Float32List positions,
Float32List? textureCoordinates,
Int32List? colors,
Uint16List? indices) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
// These enum values must be kept in sync with SkCanvas::PointMode.
enum PointMode {
enum ClipOp {
class _CanvasMethods {
static const int save = 0;
static const int saveLayer = 1;
static const int restore = 2;
static const int translate = 3;
static const int scale = 4;
static const int rotate = 5;
static const int skew = 6;
static const int transform = 7;
static const int clipRect = 8;
static const int clipRRect = 9;
static const int clipPath = 10;
static const int drawColor = 11;
static const int drawLine = 12;
static const int drawPaint = 13;
static const int drawRect = 14;
static const int drawRRect = 15;
static const int drawDRRect = 16;
static const int drawOval = 17;
static const int drawCircle = 18;
static const int drawArc = 19;
static const int drawPath = 20;
static const int drawImage = 21;
static const int drawImageRect = 22;
static const int drawImageNine = 23;
static const int drawPicture = 24;
static const int drawParagraph = 25;
static const int drawPoints = 26;
static const int drawVertices = 27;
static const int drawAtlas = 28;
static const int drawShadow = 29;
class Canvas {
Canvas(PictureRecorder this._recorder, [Rect? cullRect]) : assert(_recorder != null) { // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (_recorder!.isRecording)
throw ArgumentError('"recorder" must not already be associated with another Canvas.');
_recorder!._canvas = this;
// The underlying Skia SkCanvas is owned by the PictureRecorder used to create this Canvas.
// The Canvas holds a reference to the PictureRecorder to prevent the recorder from being
// garbage collected until PictureRecorder.endRecording is called.
PictureRecorder? _recorder;
Uint8List _methods = Uint8List(10);
int _methodsLength = 0;
Float32List _data = Float32List(30);
int _dataLength = 0;
List<Object> _objects = <Object>[];
int _saveCount = 0;
void _addObject(Object object) {
void _addMethod(int methodId) {
if (_methodsLength >= _methods.length) {
final Uint8List newList = Uint8List(_methods.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < _methodsLength; i++) {
newList[i] = _methods[i];
_methods = newList;
_methods[_methodsLength] = methodId;
_methodsLength += 1;
void _ensureDataLength(int newLength) {
if (_data.length >= newLength) {
final Float32List newList = Float32List(_data.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < _dataLength; i++) {
newList[i] = _data[i];
_data = newList;
void _addData1(double a) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 1);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
void _addData2(double a, double b) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 2);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
void _addData4(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 4);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
void _addData6(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 6);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
_data[_dataLength++] = e;
_data[_dataLength++] = f;
void _addData7(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f, double g) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 7);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
_data[_dataLength++] = e;
_data[_dataLength++] = f;
_data[_dataLength++] = g;
void _addData12(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f,
double g, double h, double i, double j, double k, double l) {
_ensureDataLength(_dataLength + 12);
_data[_dataLength++] = a;
_data[_dataLength++] = b;
_data[_dataLength++] = c;
_data[_dataLength++] = d;
_data[_dataLength++] = e;
_data[_dataLength++] = f;
_data[_dataLength++] = g;
_data[_dataLength++] = h;
_data[_dataLength++] = i;
_data[_dataLength++] = j;
_data[_dataLength++] = k;
_data[_dataLength++] = l;
void save() {
_saveCount += 1;
void saveLayer(Rect? bounds, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (bounds != null) {
_addData4(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
void restore() {
_saveCount -= 1;
int getSaveCount() => _saveCount;
void translate(double dx, double dy) {
_addData2(dx, dy);
void scale(double sx, [double? sy]) {
_addData2(sx, sy ?? 1.0);
void rotate(double radians) {
void skew(double sx, double sy) {
_addData2(sx, sy);
void transform(Float64List matrix4) {
assert(matrix4 != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (matrix4.length != 16)
throw ArgumentError('"matrix4" must have 16 entries.');
void clipRect(Rect rect, { ClipOp clipOp = ClipOp.intersect, bool doAntiAlias = true }) {
assert(clipOp != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(doAntiAlias != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData6(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, clipOp.index.toDouble(), doAntiAlias ? 1 : 0);
void clipRRect(RRect rrect, {bool doAntiAlias = true}) {
assert(doAntiAlias != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData1(doAntiAlias ? 1 : 0);
void clipPath(Path path, {bool doAntiAlias = true}) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side
assert(doAntiAlias != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData1(doAntiAlias ? 1 : 0);
void drawColor(Color color, BlendMode blendMode) {
assert(color != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(blendMode != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawLine(Offset p1, Offset p2, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData4(p1.dx, p1.dy, p2.dx, p2.dy);
void drawPaint(Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawRect(Rect rect, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData4(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
void drawRRect(RRect rrect, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawDRRect(RRect outer, RRect inner, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawOval(Rect rect, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData4(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
void drawCircle(Offset c, double radius, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData2(c.dx, c.dy);
void drawArc(Rect rect, double startAngle, double sweepAngle, bool useCenter, Paint paint) {
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData7(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, startAngle,
sweepAngle, useCenter ? 1 : 0);
void drawPath(Path path, Paint paint) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawImage(Image image, Offset offset, Paint paint) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(image != null); // image is checked on the engine side
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawImageRect(Image image, Rect src, Rect dst, Paint paint) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(image != null); // image is checked on the engine side
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawImageNine(Image image, Rect center, Rect dst, Paint paint) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(image != null); // image is checked on the engine side
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawPicture(Picture picture) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(picture != null); // picture is checked on the engine side
void drawParagraph(Paragraph paragraph, Offset offset) {
assert(paragraph != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawPoints(PointMode pointMode, List<Offset> points, Paint paint) {
assert(pointMode != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(points != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_drawPoints(paint, pointMode.index, _encodePointList(points));
void drawRawPoints(PointMode pointMode, Float32List points, Paint paint) {
assert(pointMode != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(points != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (points.length % 2 != 0)
throw ArgumentError('"points" must have an even number of values.');
_drawPoints(paint, pointMode.index, points);
void _drawPoints(
Paint paint,
int pointMode,
Float32List points,
) {
void drawVertices(Vertices vertices, BlendMode blendMode, Paint paint) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(vertices != null); // vertices is checked on the engine side
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(blendMode != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
void drawAtlas(Image atlas,
List<RSTransform> transforms,
List<Rect> rects,
List<Color>? colors,
BlendMode? blendMode,
Rect? cullRect,
Paint paint) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(atlas != null); // atlas is checked on the engine side
assert(transforms != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(rects != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(colors == null || colors.isEmpty || blendMode != null);
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int rectCount = rects.length;
if (transforms.length != rectCount)
throw ArgumentError('"transforms" and "rects" lengths must match.');
if (colors != null && colors.isNotEmpty && colors.length != rectCount)
throw ArgumentError('If non-null, "colors" length must match that of "transforms" and "rects".');
final Float32List rstTransformBuffer = Float32List(rectCount * 4);
final Float32List rectBuffer = Float32List(rectCount * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < rectCount; ++i) {
final int index0 = i * 4;
final int index1 = index0 + 1;
final int index2 = index0 + 2;
final int index3 = index0 + 3;
final RSTransform rstTransform = transforms[i];
final Rect rect = rects[i];
rstTransformBuffer[index0] = rstTransform.scos;
rstTransformBuffer[index1] = rstTransform.ssin;
rstTransformBuffer[index2] = rstTransform.tx;
rstTransformBuffer[index3] = rstTransform.ty;
rectBuffer[index0] = rect.left;
rectBuffer[index1] =;
rectBuffer[index2] = rect.right;
rectBuffer[index3] = rect.bottom;
final Int32List? colorBuffer = (colors == null || colors.isEmpty) ? null : _encodeColorList(colors);
paint, atlas._image, rstTransformBuffer, rectBuffer,
colorBuffer, (blendMode ?? BlendMode.src).index, cullRect ?? Rect.largest,
void drawRawAtlas(Image atlas,
Float32List rstTransforms,
Float32List rects,
Int32List? colors,
BlendMode? blendMode,
Rect? cullRect,
Paint paint) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(atlas != null); // atlas is checked on the engine side
assert(rstTransforms != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(rects != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(colors == null || blendMode != null);
assert(paint != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int rectCount = rects.length;
if (rstTransforms.length != rectCount)
throw ArgumentError('"rstTransforms" and "rects" lengths must match.');
if (rectCount % 4 != 0)
throw ArgumentError('"rstTransforms" and "rects" lengths must be a multiple of four.');
if (colors != null && colors.length * 4 != rectCount)
throw ArgumentError('If non-null, "colors" length must be one fourth the length of "rstTransforms" and "rects".');
paint, atlas._image, rstTransforms, rects,
colors, (blendMode ?? BlendMode.src).index, cullRect ?? Rect.largest,
void _drawAtlas(
Paint paint,
_Image atlas,
Float32List rstTransforms,
Float32List rects,
Int32List? colors,
int blendMode,
Rect cullRect,
) {
_addObject(colors ?? Int32List(0));
void drawShadow(Path path, Color color, double elevation, bool transparentOccluder) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side
assert(color != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(transparentOccluder != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_addData2(color.value.toDouble(), elevation);
_addData1(transparentOccluder ? 1 : 0);
typedef PictureEventCallback = void Function(Picture picture);
class Picture {
static PictureEventCallback? onCreate;
static PictureEventCallback? onDispose;
Future<Image> toImage(int width, int height) async {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
throw Exception('Invalid image dimensions.');
return Image._(_Image._(width, height));
void dispose() { }
int get approximateBytesUsed { return 100000; }
class PictureRecorder {
bool get isRecording => _canvas != null;
Picture endRecording() {
if (_canvas == null)
throw StateError('PictureRecorder did not start recording.');
final Picture picture = Picture._();
_canvas!._recorder = null;
_canvas = null;
return picture;
Canvas? _canvas;
class Shadow {
const Shadow({
this.color = const Color(_kColorDefault),
this.offset =,
this.blurRadius = 0.0,
}) : assert(color != null, 'Text shadow color was null.'), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(offset != null, 'Text shadow offset was null.'), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(blurRadius >= 0.0, 'Text shadow blur radius should be non-negative.');
static const int _kColorDefault = 0xFF000000;
final Color color;
final Offset offset;
final double blurRadius;
// See SkBlurMask::ConvertRadiusToSigma().
// <>
static double convertRadiusToSigma(double radius) {
return radius * 0.57735 + 0.5;
double get blurSigma => convertRadiusToSigma(blurRadius);
Paint toPaint() {
return Paint()
..color = color
..maskFilter = MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.normal, blurSigma);
Shadow scale(double factor) {
return Shadow(
color: color,
offset: offset * factor,
blurRadius: blurRadius * factor,
static Shadow? lerp(Shadow? a, Shadow? b, double t) {
assert(t != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (b == null) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
return a.scale(1.0 - t);
} else {
if (a == null) {
return b.scale(t);
} else {
return Shadow(
color: Color.lerp(a.color, b.color, t)!,
offset: Offset.lerp(a.offset, b.offset, t)!,
blurRadius: _lerpDouble(a.blurRadius, b.blurRadius, t),
static List<Shadow>? lerpList(List<Shadow>? a, List<Shadow>? b, double t) {
assert(t != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (a == null && b == null)
return null;
a ??= <Shadow>[];
b ??= <Shadow>[];
final List<Shadow> result = <Shadow>[];
final int commonLength = math.min(a.length, b.length);
for (int i = 0; i < commonLength; i += 1)
result.add(Shadow.lerp(a[i], b[i], t)!);
for (int i = commonLength; i < a.length; i += 1)
result.add(a[i].scale(1.0 - t));
for (int i = commonLength; i < b.length; i += 1)
return result;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
return other is Shadow
&& other.color == color
&& other.offset == offset
&& other.blurRadius == blurRadius;
int get hashCode => hashValues(color, offset, blurRadius);
String toString() => 'TextShadow($color, $offset, $blurRadius)';
class ImmutableBuffer {
static Future<ImmutableBuffer> fromUint8List(Uint8List list) {
final ImmutableBuffer instance = ImmutableBuffer._(list.length);
return _futurize((_Callback<void> callback) {
instance._init(list, callback);
return null;
}).then((_) => instance);
static Future<ImmutableBuffer> fromAsset(String assetKey) async {
throw UnsupportedError('ImmutableBuffer.fromAsset is not supported in flute.');
static Future<ImmutableBuffer> fromFilePath(String path) async {
throw UnsupportedError('ImmutableBuffer.fromFilePath is not supported in flute.');
void _init(Uint8List list, _Callback<void> callback) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
final int length;
void dispose() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
class ImageDescriptor {
static Future<ImageDescriptor> encoded(ImmutableBuffer buffer) {
final ImageDescriptor descriptor = ImageDescriptor._();
return _futurize((_Callback<void> callback) {
return descriptor._initEncoded(buffer, callback);
}).then((_) => descriptor);
String? _initEncoded(ImmutableBuffer buffer, _Callback<void> callback) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
// Not async because there's no expensive work to do here.
ImmutableBuffer buffer, {
required int width,
required int height,
int? rowBytes,
required PixelFormat pixelFormat,
}) {
_width = width;
_height = height;
// We only support 4 byte pixel formats in the PixelFormat enum.
_bytesPerPixel = 4;
_initRaw(this, buffer, width, height, rowBytes ?? -1, pixelFormat.index);
void _initRaw(ImageDescriptor outDescriptor, ImmutableBuffer buffer, int width, int height, int rowBytes, int pixelFormat) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
int? _width;
int _getWidth() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
int get width => _width ??= _getWidth();
int? _height;
int _getHeight() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
int get height => _height ??= _getHeight();
int? _bytesPerPixel;
int _getBytesPerPixel() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
int get bytesPerPixel => _bytesPerPixel ??= _getBytesPerPixel();
void dispose() { throw UnimplementedError(); }
Future<Codec> instantiateCodec({int? targetWidth, int? targetHeight}) async {
if (targetWidth != null && targetWidth <= 0) {
targetWidth = null;
if (targetHeight != null && targetHeight <= 0) {
targetHeight = null;
if (targetWidth == null && targetHeight == null) {
targetWidth = width;
targetHeight = height;
} else if (targetWidth == null && targetHeight != null) {
targetWidth = (targetHeight * (width / height)).round();
targetHeight = targetHeight;
} else if (targetHeight == null && targetWidth != null) {
targetWidth = targetWidth;
targetHeight = targetWidth ~/ (width / height);
assert(targetWidth != null);
assert(targetHeight != null);
final Codec codec = Codec._();
_instantiateCodec(codec, targetWidth!, targetHeight!);
return codec;
void _instantiateCodec(Codec outCodec, int targetWidth, int targetHeight) { throw UnimplementedError(); }
typedef _Callback<T> = void Function(T result);
typedef _Callbacker<T> = String? Function(_Callback<T> callback);
Future<T> _futurize<T>(_Callbacker<T> callbacker) {
final Completer<T> completer = Completer<T>.sync();
final String? error = callbacker((T t) {
if (t == null) {
completer.completeError(Exception('operation failed'));
} else {
if (error != null)
throw Exception(error);
return completer.future;
class FragmentShader extends Shader {
FragmentShader._(FragmentProgram program, { String? debugName }) : _program = program, _debugName = debugName, super._();
final FragmentProgram _program;
final String? _debugName;
static final Float32List _kEmptyFloat32List = Float32List(0);
Float32List _floats = _kEmptyFloat32List;
void setFloat(int index, double value) {
assert(!debugDisposed, 'Tried to accesss uniforms on a disposed Shader: $this');
_floats[index] = value;
void setImageSampler(int index, Image image) {
assert(!debugDisposed, 'Tried to access uniforms on a disposed Shader: $this');
void dispose() {
_floats = _kEmptyFloat32List;
String toString() => 'FragmentShader(name: $_debugName, program: $_program)';
class FragmentProgram {
FragmentProgram._fromAsset(String assetKey) {
assert(() {
_debugName = assetKey;
return true;
String? _debugName;
static Future<FragmentProgram> fromAsset(String assetKey) {
final String encodedKey = Uri(path: Uri.encodeFull(assetKey)).path;
final FragmentProgram? program = _shaderRegistry[encodedKey]?.target;
if (program != null) {
return Future<FragmentProgram>.value(program);
return Future<FragmentProgram>.microtask(() {
final FragmentProgram program = FragmentProgram._fromAsset(encodedKey);
_shaderRegistry[encodedKey] = WeakReference<FragmentProgram>(program);
return program;
static final Map<String, WeakReference<FragmentProgram>> _shaderRegistry =
<String, WeakReference<FragmentProgram>>{};
/// Returns a fresh instance of [FragmentShader].
FragmentShader fragmentShader() => FragmentShader._(this, debugName: _debugName);
Future<Codec> instantiateImageCodecFromBuffer(
ImmutableBuffer buffer, {
int? targetWidth,
int? targetHeight,
bool allowUpscaling = true,
}) async {
final ImageDescriptor descriptor = await ImageDescriptor.encoded(buffer);
if (!allowUpscaling) {
if (targetWidth != null && targetWidth > descriptor.width) {
targetWidth = descriptor.width;
if (targetHeight != null && targetHeight > descriptor.height) {
targetHeight = descriptor.height;
return descriptor.instantiateCodec(
targetWidth: targetWidth,
targetHeight: targetHeight,