| // Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| @TestOn('vm') |
| import 'dart:io' as io; |
| |
| import 'package:file/local.dart'; |
| import 'package:file/src/testing/internal.dart'; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart'; |
| |
| import 'common_tests.dart'; |
| |
| void main() { |
| group('LocalFileSystem', () { |
| LocalFileSystem fs; |
| io.Directory tmp; |
| String cwd; |
| |
| setUp(() { |
| fs = new LocalFileSystem(); |
| tmp = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('file_test_'); |
| tmp = new io.Directory(tmp.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()); |
| cwd = io.Directory.current.path; |
| io.Directory.current = tmp; |
| }); |
| |
| tearDown(() { |
| io.Directory.current = cwd; |
| tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| }); |
| |
| setUpAll(() { |
| if (io.Platform.isWindows) { |
| // TODO(tvolkert): Remove once all more serious test failures are fixed |
| // https://github.com/google/file.dart/issues/56 |
| ignoreOsErrorCodes = true; |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| tearDownAll(() { |
| ignoreOsErrorCodes = false; |
| }); |
| |
| Map<String, List<String>> skipOnPlatform = <String, List<String>>{ |
| 'windows': <String>[ |
| 'FileSystem > directory > succeedsWithUriArgument', |
| 'FileSystem > file > succeedsWithUriArgument', |
| 'FileSystem > link > succeedsWithUriArgument', |
| 'FileSystem > currentDirectory > throwsIfHasNonExistentPathInComplexChain', |
| 'FileSystem > currentDirectory > staysAtRootIfSetToParentOfRoot', |
| 'FileSystem > currentDirectory > resolvesLinksIfEncountered', |
| 'FileSystem > currentDirectory > succeedsIfSetToDirectoryLinkAtTail', |
| 'FileSystem > stat > isFileForLinkToFile', |
| 'FileSystem > type > isFileForLinkToFileAndFollowLinksTrue', |
| 'FileSystem > type > isNotFoundForLinkWithCircularReferenceAndFollowLinksTrue', |
| 'Directory > uri', |
| 'Directory > exists > falseIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'Directory > exists > falseIfNotFoundSegmentExistsThenIsBackedOut', |
| 'Directory > create > throwsIfAlreadyExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'Directory > rename > throwsIfDestinationIsNonEmptyDirectory', |
| 'Directory > rename > throwsIfDestinationIsLinkToEmptyDirectory', |
| 'Directory > delete > throwsIfPathReferencesLinkToFileAndRecursiveFalse', |
| 'Directory > resolveSymbolicLinks > throwsIfPathNotFoundInMiddleThenBackedOut', |
| 'Directory > createTemp > succeedsWithNestedPathPrefixThatExists', |
| 'Directory > list > followsLinksIfFollowLinksTrue', |
| 'Directory > list > returnsLinkObjectsForRecursiveLinkIfFollowLinksTrue', |
| 'File > uri', |
| 'File > create > succeedsIfAlreadyExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > create > succeedsIfAlreadyExistsAsLinkToNotFoundAtTail', |
| 'File > create > succeedsIfAlreadyExistsAsLinkToNotFoundInDifferentDirectory', |
| 'File > rename > succeedsIfDestinationExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > rename > succeedsIfDestinationExistsAsLinkToNotFound', |
| 'File > rename > succeedsIfSourceExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > copy > succeedsIfDestinationExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > copy > succeedsIfSourceExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > copy > succeedsIfSourceIsLinkToFileInDifferentDirectory', |
| 'File > copy > succeedsIfDestinationIsLinkToFileInDifferentDirectory', |
| 'File > openRead > succeedsIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > openWrite > succeedsIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > throwsIfEncodingIsNullAndWriteObject', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > allowsChangingEncoding', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > succeedsIfAddRawData', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > succeedsIfWrite', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > succeedsIfWriteAll', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > succeedsIfWriteCharCode', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > succeedsIfWriteln', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > addStream > succeedsIfStreamProducesData', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > addStream > blocksCallToAddWhileStreamIsActive', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > addStream > blocksCallToWriteWhileStreamIsActive', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > addStream > blocksCallToWriteAllWhileStreamIsActive', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > addStream > blocksCallToWriteCharCodeWhileStreamIsActive', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > addStream > blocksCallToWritelnWhileStreamIsActive', |
| 'File > openWrite > ioSink > addStream > blocksCallToFlushWhileStreamIsActive', |
| 'File > readAsBytes > succeedsIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > readAsString > succeedsIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > writeAsBytes > succeedsIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > writeAsString > succeedsIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > stat > isFileIfExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'File > delete > succeedsIfExistsAsLinkToFileAndRecursiveFalse', |
| 'Link > uri > whenTargetIsDirectory', |
| 'Link > uri > whenTargetIsFile', |
| 'Link > uri > whenLinkDoesntExist', |
| 'Link > stat > isFileIfTargetIsFile', |
| 'Link > stat > isDirectoryIfTargetIsDirectory', |
| 'Link > create > succeedsIfLinkDoesntExistViaTraversalAndRecursiveTrue', |
| 'Link > rename > returnsCovariantType', |
| 'Link > rename > succeedsIfDestinationExistsAsLinkToFile', |
| 'Link > rename > throwsIfDestinationExistsAsLinkToDirectory', |
| 'Link > rename > succeedsIfDestinationExistsAsLinkToNotFound', |
| |
| // Fixed in SDK 1.23 (https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28852) |
| 'File > open > WRITE > RandomAccessFile > truncate > throwsIfSetToNegativeNumber', |
| 'File > open > APPEND > RandomAccessFile > truncate > throwsIfSetToNegativeNumber', |
| 'File > open > WRITE_ONLY > RandomAccessFile > truncate > throwsIfSetToNegativeNumber', |
| 'File > open > WRITE_ONLY_APPEND > RandomAccessFile > truncate > throwsIfSetToNegativeNumber', |
| ], |
| }; |
| |
| runCommonTests( |
| () => fs, |
| root: () => tmp.path, |
| skip: <String>[ |
| // API doesn't exit in dart:io until Dart 1.23 |
| 'File > lastAccessed', |
| 'File > setLastAccessed', |
| 'File > setLastModified', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28170 |
| 'File > create > throwsIfAlreadyExistsAsDirectory', |
| 'File > create > throwsIfAlreadyExistsAsLinkToDirectory', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28171 |
| 'File > rename > throwsIfDestinationExistsAsLinkToDirectory', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28172 |
| 'File > length > throwsIfExistsAsDirectory', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28173 |
| 'File > lastModified > throwsIfExistsAsDirectory', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28174 |
| '.+ > RandomAccessFile > writeFromWithStart', |
| '.+ > RandomAccessFile > writeFromWithStartAndEnd', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28201 |
| 'Link > delete > throwsIfLinkDoesntExistAtTail', |
| 'Link > delete > throwsIfLinkDoesntExistViaTraversal', |
| 'Link > update > throwsIfLinkDoesntExistAtTail', |
| 'Link > update > throwsIfLinkDoesntExistViaTraversal', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28202 |
| 'Link > rename > throwsIfSourceDoesntExistAtTail', |
| 'Link > rename > throwsIfSourceDoesntExistViaTraversal', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28275 |
| 'Link > rename > throwsIfDestinationExistsAsDirectory', |
| |
| // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28277 |
| 'Link > rename > throwsIfDestinationExistsAsFile', |
| ]..addAll(skipOnPlatform[io.Platform.operatingSystem] ?? <String>[]), |
| ); |
| |
| group('toString', () { |
| test('File', () { |
| expect(fs.file('/foo').toString(), "LocalFile: '/foo'"); |
| }); |
| |
| test('Directory', () { |
| expect(fs.directory('/foo').toString(), "LocalDirectory: '/foo'"); |
| }); |
| |
| test('Link', () { |
| expect(fs.link('/foo').toString(), "LocalLink: '/foo'"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |