blob: e49b9a759404895ff58de406c10cdec5baad2557 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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part of file.src.forwarding;
/// A directory that forwards all methods and properties to a delegate.
abstract class ForwardingDirectory<T extends Directory>
extends ForwardingFileSystemEntity<T, io.Directory> implements Directory {
T wrap(io.Directory delegate) => wrapDirectory(delegate);
Future<Directory> create({bool recursive: false}) async =>
wrap(await delegate.create(recursive: recursive));
void createSync({bool recursive: false}) =>
delegate.createSync(recursive: recursive);
Future<Directory> createTemp([String prefix]) async =>
wrap(await delegate.createTemp(prefix));
Directory createTempSync([String prefix]) =>
Stream<FileSystemEntity> list({
bool recursive: false,
bool followLinks: true,
}) =>
delegate.list(recursive: recursive, followLinks: followLinks).map(_wrap);
List<FileSystemEntity> listSync({
bool recursive: false,
bool followLinks: true,
}) =>
.listSync(recursive: recursive, followLinks: followLinks)
FileSystemEntity _wrap(io.FileSystemEntity entity) {
if (entity is io.File) {
return wrapFile(entity);
} else if (entity is io.Directory) {
return wrapDirectory(entity);
} else if (entity is io.Link) {
return wrapLink(entity);
throw new FileSystemException('Unsupported type: $entity', entity.path);