blob: 6b11263f7579626ba7807ed587bdb904cf63bdab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/src/common.dart' as common;
import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'memory_file.dart';
import 'memory_file_system_entity.dart';
import 'memory_link.dart';
import 'node.dart';
import 'style.dart';
import 'utils.dart' as utils;
// Tracks a unique name for system temp directories, per filesystem
// instance.
final Expando<int> _systemTempCounter = Expando<int>();
/// Internal implementation of [Directory].
class MemoryDirectory extends MemoryFileSystemEntity
with common.DirectoryAddOnsMixin
implements Directory {
/// Instantiates a new [MemoryDirectory].
MemoryDirectory(NodeBasedFileSystem fileSystem, String path)
: super(fileSystem, path);
io.FileSystemEntityType get expectedType =>;
Uri get uri {
windows: ==;
bool existsSync() => backingOrNull?.stat.type == expectedType;
Future<Directory> create({bool recursive = false}) async {
createSync(recursive: recursive);
return this;
void createSync({bool recursive = false}) {
Node? node = internalCreateSync(
followTailLink: true,
visitLinks: true,
createChild: (DirectoryNode parent, bool isFinalSegment) {
if (recursive || isFinalSegment) {
return DirectoryNode(parent);
return null;
if (node?.type != expectedType) {
// There was an existing non-directory node at this object's path
throw common.notADirectory(path);
Future<Directory> createTemp([String? prefix]) async =>
Directory createTempSync([String? prefix]) {
prefix = (prefix ?? '') + 'rand';
String fullPath = fileSystem.path.join(path, prefix);
String dirname = fileSystem.path.dirname(fullPath);
String basename = fileSystem.path.basename(fullPath);
DirectoryNode? node = fileSystem.findNode(dirname) as DirectoryNode?;
checkExists(node, () => dirname);
utils.checkIsDir(node!, () => dirname);
int _tempCounter = _systemTempCounter[fileSystem] ?? 0;
String name() => '$basename$_tempCounter';
while (node.children.containsKey(name())) {
_systemTempCounter[fileSystem] = _tempCounter;
DirectoryNode tempDir = DirectoryNode(node);
node.children[name()] = tempDir;
return MemoryDirectory(fileSystem, fileSystem.path.join(dirname, name()));
Future<Directory> rename(String newPath) async => renameSync(newPath);
Directory renameSync(String newPath) => internalRenameSync<DirectoryNode>(
validateOverwriteExistingEntity: (DirectoryNode existingNode) {
if (existingNode.children.isNotEmpty) {
throw common.directoryNotEmpty(newPath);
) as Directory;
Directory get parent =>
(backingOrNull?.isRoot ?? false) ? this : super.parent;
Directory get absolute => super.absolute as Directory;
Stream<FileSystemEntity> list({
bool recursive = false,
bool followLinks = true,
}) =>
recursive: recursive,
followLinks: followLinks,
List<FileSystemEntity> listSync({
bool recursive = false,
bool followLinks = true,
}) {
DirectoryNode node = backing as DirectoryNode;
List<FileSystemEntity> listing = <FileSystemEntity>[];
List<_PendingListTask> tasks = <_PendingListTask>[
? path.substring(0, path.length - 1)
: path,
while (tasks.isNotEmpty) {
_PendingListTask task = tasks.removeLast();
task.dir.children.forEach((String name, Node child) {
Set<LinkNode> breadcrumbs = Set<LinkNode>.from(task.breadcrumbs);
String childPath = fileSystem.path.join(task.path, name);
while (followLinks &&
utils.isLink(child) &&
breadcrumbs.add(child as LinkNode)) {
Node? referent = child.referentOrNull;
if (referent != null) {
child = referent;
if (utils.isDirectory(child)) {
listing.add(MemoryDirectory(fileSystem, childPath));
if (recursive) {
child as DirectoryNode, childPath, breadcrumbs));
} else if (utils.isLink(child)) {
listing.add(MemoryLink(fileSystem, childPath));
} else if (utils.isFile(child)) {
listing.add(MemoryFile(fileSystem, childPath));
return listing;
Directory clone(String path) => MemoryDirectory(fileSystem, path);
String toString() => "MemoryDirectory: '$path'";
class _PendingListTask {
_PendingListTask(this.dir, this.path, this.breadcrumbs);
final DirectoryNode dir;
final String path;
final Set<LinkNode> breadcrumbs;