blob: afd95e0c7253843a79ccdef4f485a96c4de68180 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'events.dart';
/// Encoded value of the file system in a recording.
const String kFileSystemEncodedValue = '__fs__';
/// The name of the recording manifest file.
const String kManifestName = 'MANIFEST.txt';
/// The key in a serialized [InvocationEvent] map that is used to store the
/// type of invocation.
/// See also:
/// - [kGetType]
/// - [kSetType]
/// - [kInvokeType]
const String kManifestTypeKey = 'type';
/// The key in a serialized [InvocationEvent] map that is used to store the
/// target of the invocation.
const String kManifestObjectKey = 'object';
/// The key in a serialized [InvocationEvent] map that is used to store the
/// result (return value) of the invocation.
const String kManifestResultKey = 'result';
/// The key in a serialized [InvocationEvent] map that is used to store the
/// timestamp of the invocation.
const String kManifestTimestampKey = 'timestamp';
/// The key in a serialized [PropertyGetEvent] or [PropertySetEvent] map that
/// is used to store the property that was accessed or mutated.
const String kManifestPropertyKey = 'property';
/// The key in a serialized [PropertySetEvent] map that is used to store the
/// value to which the property was set.
const String kManifestValueKey = 'value';
/// The key in a serialized [MethodEvent] map that is used to store the name of
/// the method that was invoked.
const String kManifestMethodKey = 'method';
/// The key in a serialized [MethodEvent] map that is used to store the
/// positional arguments that were passed to the method.
const String kManifestPositionalArgumentsKey = 'positionalArguments';
/// The key in a serialized [MethodEvent] map that is used to store the
/// named arguments that were passed to the method.
const String kManifestNamedArgumentsKey = 'namedArguments';
/// The serialized [kManifestTypeKey] for property retrievals.
const String kGetType = 'get';
/// The serialized [kManifestTypeKey] for property mutations.
const String kSetType = 'set';
/// The serialized [kManifestTypeKey] for method invocations.
const String kInvokeType = 'invoke';
/// Gets an id guaranteed to be unique on this isolate for objects within this
/// library.
int newUid() => _nextUid++;
int _nextUid = 1;
/// Gets the name of the specified [symbol].
// TODO(tvolkert): (
String getSymbolName(Symbol symbol) {
// Format of `str` is `Symbol("<name>")`
String str = symbol.toString();
int offset = str.indexOf('"') + 1;
return str.substring(offset, str.indexOf('"', offset));
/// This class is a work-around for the "is" operator not accepting a variable
/// value as its right operand (
class TypeMatcher<T> {
/// Creates a type matcher for the given type parameter.
const TypeMatcher();
/// Returns `true` if the given object is of type `T`.
bool matches(dynamic object) => object is T;