blob: 3b3415fcf92e291dcf91889e0f412bde2f8e60fe [file] [log] [blame]
part of file.src.interface.file;
/// The common super class for [File], [Directory], and [Link] objects.
/// [FileSystemEntity] objects are returned from file listing operations. To
/// determine if a [FileSystemEntity] is a [File], [Directory], or [Link]
/// perform a type check:
/// if (entity is File) (entity as File).remove();
/// Unlike the native `dart:io` package, all operations are asynchronous. This
/// is because some backing implementations communicate over the network.
abstract class FileSystemEntity {
Future<FileSystemEntity> copy(String newPath);
/// Creates the entity this reference represents.
/// Returns a [Future<FileSystemEntity>] that completes with a reference to
/// the file system object that was created.
/// If [recursive] is `false`, the default, the object is created only if all
/// directories in the [path] actually exist. If [recursive] is `true`, all
/// non-existing path components are created.
/// Existing objects are left untouched by create.
/// May complete with a [Future<FileSystemEntityException>] if the operation
/// fails.
Future<FileSystemEntity> create({bool recursive: false});
/// Deletes this [FileSystemEntity].
/// If the [FileSystemEntity] is a [Directory], and if [recursive] is `false`,
/// the directory must be empty. Otherwise, if [recursive] is `true`, the
/// directory and all sub-directories and files in the directories are
/// deleted.
/// If [recursive] is true, the [FileSystemEntity] is deleted even if the type
/// of the [FileSystemEntity] doesn't match the content of the file system.
/// This behavior allows delete to be used to unconditionally delete any file
/// system object.
/// Returns a [Future<FileSystemEntity>] that completes with this
/// [FileSystemEntity] when the deletion is done. If the FileSystemEntity
/// cannot be deleted, the future completes with an exception.
Future<FileSystemEntity> delete({bool recursive: false});
/// Checks whether the file system entity with this [path] exists.
/// Returns a [Future<bool>] that completes with the result.
/// **NOTE**: Since the method is implemented on every super class, it will
/// complete with false if a *different* type of object exists. To check if
/// *any* object exists at a given path, use [FileSystem.type] method.
Future<bool> exists();
/// The backing implementation of this file system object.
FileSystem get fileSystem;
/// Returns a reference to the parent directory of this file system object.
/// If this object is a root directory, returns `null`.
Directory get parent;
/// The absolute location this entity refers to.
String get path;
Future<FileSystemEntity> rename(String newPath);
/// Exception thrown when a file operation fails.
class FileSystemEntityException implements Exception {
final String message;
/// The file system path on which the error occurred.
/// Can be `null` if the exception does not relate directly to an object.
final String path;
FileSystemEntityException(this.message, this.path);
String toString() => '${FileSystemEntityException}: $message: $path';
/// The type of an entity on the file system.
enum FileSystemEntityType { DIRECTORY, FILE, LINK, NOT_FOUND }
/// Returns the parent directory of [path].
String getParentPath(String path) {
return path == '/' || path == ''
? null
: path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'));