blob: efbec6b34e6825b4e364dafd3330671858f7085a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of file.src.backends.memory;
class _MemoryLink extends _MemoryFileSystemEntity implements Link {
_MemoryLink(MemoryFileSystem fileSystem, String path)
: super(fileSystem, path);
io.FileSystemEntityType get expectedType => io.FileSystemEntityType.LINK;
bool existsSync() => _backingOrNull?.type == expectedType;
Future<Link> rename(String newPath) async => renameSync(newPath);
Link renameSync(String newPath) => _renameSync(
checkType: (_Node node) {
if (node.type != expectedType) {
throw new FileSystemException(
node.type == FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY
? 'Is a directory'
: 'Invalid argument');
Future<Link> create(String target, {bool recursive: false}) async {
createSync(target, recursive: recursive);
return this;
void createSync(String target, {bool recursive: false}) {
bool preexisting = true;
_createSync(createChild: (_DirectoryNode parent, bool isFinalSegment) {
if (isFinalSegment) {
preexisting = false;
return new _LinkNode(parent, target);
} else if (recursive) {
return new _DirectoryNode(parent);
return null;
if (preexisting) {
// Per the spec, this is an error.
throw new io.FileSystemException('File exists', path);
Future<Link> update(String target) async {
return this;
void updateSync(String target) {
_Node node = _backing;
_checkType(expectedType, node.type, () => path);
(node as _LinkNode).target = target;
void deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) => _deleteSync(
recursive: recursive,
checkType: (_Node node) =>
_checkType(expectedType, node.type, () => path),
Future<String> target() async => targetSync();
String targetSync() {
_Node node = _backing;
if (node.type != expectedType) {
// Note: this may change;
throw new FileSystemException('No such file or directory', path);
return (node as _LinkNode).target;
Link get absolute => super.absolute;
Link _clone(String path) => new _MemoryLink(fileSystem, path);