blob: a0802ea9c15acae20aa90906a388d6f406f79abe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'recording.dart';
/// Base class for recordable file system invocation events.
/// Instances of this class will be aggregated in a [Recording]
abstract class InvocationEvent<T> {
/// The object on which the invocation occurred. Will always be non-null.
Object get object;
/// The return value of the invocation. This may be null (and will always be
/// `null` for setters).
T get result;
/// The stopwatch value (in milliseconds) when the invocation occurred.
/// This value is recorded when the invocation first occurs, not when the
/// delegate returns.
int get timestamp;
/// A recordable invocation of a property getter on a file system object.
abstract class PropertyGetEvent<T> extends InvocationEvent<T> {
/// The property that was retrieved.
Symbol get property;
/// A recordable invocation of a property setter on a file system object.
abstract class PropertySetEvent<T> extends InvocationEvent<Null> {
/// The property that was set.
/// All setter property symbols will have a trailing equals sign. For example,
/// if the `foo` property was set, this value will be a symbol of `foo=`.
Symbol get property;
/// The value to which [property] was set. This is distinct from [result],
/// which is always `null` for setters.
T get value;
/// A recordable invocation of a method on a file system object.
abstract class MethodEvent<T> extends InvocationEvent<T> {
/// The method that was invoked.
Symbol get method;
/// The positional arguments that were passed to the method.
List<dynamic> get positionalArguments;
/// The named arguments that were passed to the method.
Map<Symbol, dynamic> get namedArguments;
abstract class EventImpl<T> implements InvocationEvent<T> {
EventImpl(this.object, this.result, this.timestamp);
final Object object;
final T result;
final int timestamp;
/// Encodes this event into a JSON-ready format.
Map<String, dynamic> encode() => <String, dynamic>{
'object': object,
'result': result,
'timestamp': timestamp,
String toString() => encode().toString();
class PropertyGetEventImpl<T> extends EventImpl<T>
implements PropertyGetEvent<T> {
PropertyGetEventImpl(Object object,, T result, int timestamp)
: super(object, result, timestamp);
final Symbol property;
Map<String, dynamic> encode() => <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'get',
'property': property,
class PropertySetEventImpl<T> extends EventImpl<Null>
implements PropertySetEvent<T> {
PropertySetEventImpl(Object object,, this.value, int timestamp)
: super(object, null, timestamp);
final Symbol property;
final T value;
Map<String, dynamic> encode() => <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'set',
'property': property,
'value': value,
class MethodEventImpl<T> extends EventImpl<T> implements MethodEvent<T> {
MethodEventImpl(Object object, this.method, List<dynamic> positionalArguments,
Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments, T result, int timestamp)
: this.positionalArguments = new List.unmodifiable(positionalArguments),
this.namedArguments = new Map.unmodifiable(namedArguments),
super(object, result, timestamp);
final Symbol method;
final List<dynamic> positionalArguments;
final Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments;
Map<String, dynamic> encode() => <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'invoke',
'method': method,
'positionalArguments': positionalArguments,
'namedArguments': namedArguments,