blob: f71dec227b26d9c0619392bbac8df24f72609f23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'common.dart';
import 'events.dart';
import 'recording_directory.dart';
import 'recording_file.dart';
import 'recording_file_system_entity.dart';
import 'recording_io_sink.dart';
import 'recording_link.dart';
import 'recording_random_access_file.dart';
/// Encodes an object into a JSON-ready representation.
typedef dynamic _Encoder(dynamic object);
/// This class is a work-around for the "is" operator not accepting a variable
/// value as its right operand (
class _TypeMatcher<T> {
/// Creates a type matcher for the given type parameter.
const _TypeMatcher();
/// Returns `true` if the given object is of type `T`.
bool check(dynamic object) => object is T;
/// Known encoders. Types not covered here will be encoded using
/// [_encodeDefault].
/// When encoding an object, we will walk this map in iteration order looking
/// for a matching encoder. Thus, when there are two encoders that match an
// object, the first one will win.
const Map<_TypeMatcher, _Encoder> _kEncoders = const <_TypeMatcher, _Encoder>{
const _TypeMatcher<num>(): _encodeRaw,
const _TypeMatcher<bool>(): _encodeRaw,
const _TypeMatcher<String>(): _encodeRaw,
const _TypeMatcher<Null>(): _encodeRaw,
const _TypeMatcher<List>(): _encodeRaw,
const _TypeMatcher<Map>(): _encodeMap,
const _TypeMatcher<Iterable>(): _encodeIterable,
const _TypeMatcher<Symbol>(): getSymbolName,
const _TypeMatcher<DateTime>(): _encodeDateTime,
const _TypeMatcher<Uri>(): _encodeUri,
const _TypeMatcher<p.Context>(): _encodePathContext,
const _TypeMatcher<EventImpl>(): _encodeEvent,
const _TypeMatcher<FileSystem>(): _encodeFileSystem,
const _TypeMatcher<RecordingDirectory>(): _encodeFileSystemEntity,
const _TypeMatcher<RecordingFile>(): _encodeFileSystemEntity,
const _TypeMatcher<RecordingLink>(): _encodeFileSystemEntity,
const _TypeMatcher<RecordingIOSink>(): _encodeIOSink,
const _TypeMatcher<RecordingRandomAccessFile>(): _encodeRandomAccessFile,
const _TypeMatcher<Encoding>(): _encodeEncoding,
const _TypeMatcher<FileMode>(): _encodeFileMode,
const _TypeMatcher<FileStat>(): _encodeFileStat,
const _TypeMatcher<FileSystemEntityType>(): _encodeFileSystemEntityType,
const _TypeMatcher<FileSystemEvent>(): _encodeFileSystemEvent,
/// Encodes [object] into a JSON-ready representation.
/// This function is intended to be used as the `toEncodable` argument to the
/// `JsonEncoder` constructors.
/// See also:
/// - [JsonEncoder.withIndent]
dynamic encode(dynamic object) {
_Encoder encoder = _encodeDefault;
for (_TypeMatcher matcher in _kEncoders.keys) {
if (matcher.check(object)) {
encoder = _kEncoders[matcher];
return encoder(object);
/// Default encoder (used for types not covered in [_kEncoders]).
String _encodeDefault(dynamic object) => object.runtimeType.toString();
/// Pass-through encoder.
dynamic _encodeRaw(dynamic object) => object;
List<T> _encodeIterable<T>(Iterable<T> iterable) => iterable.toList();
/// Encodes the map keys, and passes the values through.
/// As [JsonEncoder] encodes an object graph, it will repeatedly call
/// `toEncodable` to encode unknown types, so any values in a map that need
/// special encoding will already be handled by `JsonEncoder`. However, the
/// encoder won't try to encode map *keys* by default, which is why we encode
/// them here.
Map<String, T> _encodeMap<T>(Map<dynamic, T> map) {
Map<String, T> encoded = <String, T>{};
for (dynamic key in map.keys) {
String encodedKey = encode(key);
encoded[encodedKey] = map[key];
return encoded;
int _encodeDateTime(DateTime dateTime) => dateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
String _encodeUri(Uri uri) => uri.toString();
Map<String, String> _encodePathContext(p.Context context) => <String, String>{
'cwd': context.current,
Map<String, dynamic> _encodeEvent(EventImpl event) => event.encode();
String _encodeFileSystem(FileSystem fs) => kFileSystemEncodedValue;
/// Encodes a file system entity by using its `uid` as a reference identifier.
/// During replay, this allows us to tie the return value of of one event to
/// the object of another.
String _encodeFileSystemEntity(RecordingFileSystemEntity entity) {
return '${entity.runtimeType}@${entity.uid}';
String _encodeIOSink(RecordingIOSink sink) {
return '${sink.runtimeType}@${sink.uid}';
String _encodeRandomAccessFile(RecordingRandomAccessFile raf) {
return '${raf.runtimeType}@${raf.uid}';
String _encodeEncoding(Encoding encoding) =>;
String _encodeFileMode(FileMode fileMode) {
switch (fileMode) {
case FileMode.READ:
return 'READ';
case FileMode.WRITE:
return 'WRITE';
case FileMode.APPEND:
return 'APPEND';
case FileMode.WRITE_ONLY:
return 'WRITE_ONLY';
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid value: $fileMode');
Map<String, dynamic> _encodeFileStat(FileStat stat) => <String, dynamic>{
'changed': stat.changed,
'modified': stat.modified,
'accessed': stat.accessed,
'type': stat.type,
'mode': stat.mode,
'size': stat.size,
'modeString': stat.modeString(),
String _encodeFileSystemEntityType(FileSystemEntityType type) =>
Map<String, dynamic> _encodeFileSystemEvent(FileSystemEvent event) =>
<String, dynamic>{
'type': event.type,
'path': event.path,