blob: c79ccca1183b3979adf6051704d0977654345c62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'binding_string.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'writer.dart';
// Class methods defined on NSObject that we don't want to copy to child objects
// by default.
const _excludedNSObjectClassMethods = {
final _logger = Logger('ffigen.code_generator.objc_interface');
class ObjCInterface extends BindingType {
ObjCInterface? superType;
final methods = <String, ObjCMethod>{};
bool filled = false;
final String lookupName;
final ObjCBuiltInFunctions builtInFunctions;
late final ObjCInternalGlobal _classObject;
late final ObjCInternalGlobal _isKindOfClass;
late final ObjCMsgSendFunc _isKindOfClassMsgSend;
String? usr,
required String originalName,
String? name,
String? lookupName,
String? dartDoc,
required this.builtInFunctions,
}) : lookupName = lookupName ?? originalName,
usr: usr,
originalName: originalName,
name: name ?? originalName,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
) {
bool get isNSString => originalName == "NSString";
bool get isNSData => originalName == "NSData";
BindingString toBindingString(Writer w) {
String paramsToString(List<ObjCMethodParam> params,
{required bool isStatic}) {
final List<String> stringParams = [];
if (isStatic) {
stringParams.add('${w.className} _lib');
stringParams.addAll( => '${_getConvertedType(p.type, w, name)} ${}'));
return '(${stringParams.join(", ")})';
final s = StringBuffer();
if (dartDoc != null) {
final uniqueNamer = UniqueNamer({name, '_id', '_lib'});
final natLib = w.className;
builtInFunctions.ensureUtilsExist(w, s);
final objType = PointerType(objCObjectType).getCType(w);
// Class declaration.
class $name extends ${superType?.name ?? '_ObjCWrapper'} {
$name._($objType id, $natLib lib,
{bool retain = false, bool release = false}) :
super._(id, lib, retain: retain, release: release);
/// Returns a [$name] that points to the same underlying object as [other].
static $name castFrom<T extends _ObjCWrapper>(T other) {
return $name._(other._id, other._lib, retain: true, release: true);
/// Returns a [$name] that wraps the given raw object pointer.
static $name castFromPointer($natLib lib, $objType other,
{bool retain = false, bool release = false}) {
return $name._(other, lib, retain: retain, release: release);
/// Returns whether [obj] is an instance of [$name].
static bool isInstance(_ObjCWrapper obj) {
return obj._lib.${}(
obj._id, obj._lib.${},
if (isNSString) {
builtInFunctions.generateNSStringUtils(w, s);
// Methods.
for (final m in methods.values) {
final methodName = m._getDartMethodName(uniqueNamer);
final isStatic = m.isClass;
final isStret = m.msgSend!.isStret;
var returnType = m.returnType;
var params = m.params;
if (isStret) {
params = [ObjCMethodParam(PointerType(returnType), 'stret'), ...params];
returnType = voidType;
// The method declaration.
if (m.dartDoc != null) {
s.write(' ');
if (isStatic) {
s.write('static ');
s.write(_getConvertedType(returnType, w, name));
switch (m.kind) {
case ObjCMethodKind.method:
// static returnType methodName(NativeLibrary _lib, ...)
s.write(' $methodName');
case ObjCMethodKind.propertyGetter:
// static returnType getMethodName(NativeLibrary _lib)
s.write(' get');
s.write(methodName[0].toUpperCase() + methodName.substring(1));
case ObjCMethodKind.propertySetter:
// static void setMethodName(NativeLibrary _lib, ...)
s.write(' set');
s.write(methodName[0].toUpperCase() + methodName.substring(1));
s.write(paramsToString(params, isStatic: true));
} else {
if (superType?.methods[m.originalName]?.sameAs(m) ?? false) {
s.write('@override\n ');
switch (m.kind) {
case ObjCMethodKind.method:
// returnType methodName(...)
s.write(_getConvertedType(returnType, w, name));
s.write(' $methodName');
s.write(paramsToString(params, isStatic: false));
case ObjCMethodKind.propertyGetter:
s.write(_getConvertedType(returnType, w, name));
if (isStret) {
// void getMethodName(Pointer<returnType> stret, NativeLibrary _lib)
s.write(' get');
s.write(methodName[0].toUpperCase() + methodName.substring(1));
s.write(paramsToString(params, isStatic: false));
} else {
// returnType get methodName
s.write(' get $methodName');
case ObjCMethodKind.propertySetter:
// set methodName(...)
s.write(' set $methodName');
s.write(paramsToString(params, isStatic: false));
s.write(' {\n');
// Implementation.
final convertReturn = m.kind != ObjCMethodKind.propertySetter &&
if (returnType != voidType) {
s.write(' ${convertReturn ? 'final _ret = ' : 'return '}');
if (isStret) {
s.write('stret, ');
s.write(isStatic ? '_lib.${}' : '_id');
s.write(', _lib.${m.selObject!.name}');
for (final p in m.params) {
s.write(', ${_doArgConversion(p)}');
if (convertReturn) {
final result = _doReturnConversion(
returnType, '_ret', name, '_lib', m.isOwnedReturn);
s.write(' return $result;');
s.write(' }\n\n');
if (isNSString) {
builtInFunctions.generateStringUtils(w, s);
return BindingString(
type: BindingStringType.objcInterface, string: s.toString());
void addDependencies(Set<Binding> dependencies) {
if (dependencies.contains(this)) return;
_classObject = ObjCInternalGlobal(
(Writer w) => '${}("$lookupName")',
_isKindOfClass = builtInFunctions.getSelObject('isKindOfClass:');
_isKindOfClassMsgSend = builtInFunctions.getMsgSendFunc(
BooleanType(), [ObjCMethodParam(PointerType(objCObjectType), 'clazz')]);
if (isNSString) {
if (isNSData) {
if (superType != null) {
for (final m in methods.values) {
m.addDependencies(dependencies, builtInFunctions);
void _copyMethodsFromSuperType() {
// We need to copy certain methods from the super type:
// - Class methods, because Dart classes don't inherit static methods.
// - Methods that return instancetype, because the subclass's copy of the
// method needs to return the subclass, not the super class.
// Note: instancetype is only allowed as a return type, not an arg type.
for (final m in superType!.methods.values) {
if (m.isClass &&
!_excludedNSObjectClassMethods.contains(m.originalName)) {
} else if (_isInstanceType(m.returnType)) {
void _fixNullabilityOfOverriddenMethods() {
// ObjC ignores nullability when deciding if an override for an inherited
// method is valid. But in Dart it's invalid to override a method and change
// it's return type from non-null to nullable, or its arg type from nullable
// to non-null. So in these cases we have to make the non-null type
// nullable, to avoid Dart compile errors.
var superType_ = superType;
while (superType_ != null) {
for (final method in methods.values) {
final superMethod = superType_.methods[method.originalName];
if (superMethod != null && !superMethod.isClass && !method.isClass) {
if (superMethod.returnType.typealiasType is! ObjCNullable &&
method.returnType.typealiasType is ObjCNullable) {
superMethod.returnType = ObjCNullable(superMethod.returnType);
final numArgs = method.params.length < superMethod.params.length
? method.params.length
: superMethod.params.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
final param = method.params[i];
final superParam = superMethod.params[i];
if (superParam.type.typealiasType is ObjCNullable &&
param.type.typealiasType is! ObjCNullable) {
param.type = ObjCNullable(param.type);
superType_ = superType_.superType;
static bool _isInstanceType(Type type) {
if (type is ObjCInstanceType) return true;
final baseType = type.typealiasType;
return baseType is ObjCNullable && baseType.child is ObjCInstanceType;
void addMethod(ObjCMethod method) {
final oldMethod = methods[method.originalName];
if (oldMethod != null) {
// Typically we ignore duplicate methods. However, property setters and
// getters are duplicated in the AST. One copy is marked with
// ObjCMethodKind.propertyGetter/Setter. The other copy is missing
// important information, and is a plain old instanceMethod. So if the
// existing method is an instanceMethod, and the new one is a property,
// override it.
if (method.isProperty && !oldMethod.isProperty) {
// Fallthrough.
} else if (!method.isProperty && oldMethod.isProperty) {
// Don't override, but also skip the same method check below.
} else {
// Check duplicate is the same method.
if (!method.sameAs(oldMethod)) {
_logger.severe('Duplicate methods with different signatures: '
methods[method.originalName] = method;
void _addNSStringMethods() {
originalName: 'stringWithCharacters:length:',
kind: ObjCMethodKind.method,
isClass: true,
returnType: this,
params_: [
ObjCMethodParam(PointerType(wCharType), 'characters'),
ObjCMethodParam(unsignedIntType, 'length'),
originalName: 'dataUsingEncoding:',
kind: ObjCMethodKind.method,
isClass: false,
returnType: builtInFunctions.nsData,
params_: [
ObjCMethodParam(unsignedIntType, 'encoding'),
originalName: 'length',
kind: ObjCMethodKind.propertyGetter,
isClass: false,
returnType: unsignedIntType,
params_: [],
void _addNSDataMethods() {
originalName: 'bytes',
kind: ObjCMethodKind.propertyGetter,
isClass: false,
returnType: PointerType(voidType),
params_: [],
String getCType(Writer w) => PointerType(objCObjectType).getCType(w);
String getDartType(Writer w) => name;
bool get sameFfiDartAndCType => true;
bool get sameDartAndCType => false;
// Utils for converting between the internal types passed to native code, and
// the external types visible to the user. For example, ObjCInterfaces are
// passed to native as Pointer<ObjCObject>, but the user sees the Dart wrapper
// class. These methods need to be kept in sync.
bool _needsConverting(Type type) =>
type is ObjCInstanceType ||
type.typealiasType is ObjCInterface ||
type.typealiasType is ObjCBlock ||
type.typealiasType is ObjCObjectPointer ||
type.typealiasType is ObjCNullable;
String _getConvertedType(Type type, Writer w, String enclosingClass) {
if (type is ObjCInstanceType) return enclosingClass;
final baseType = type.typealiasType;
if (baseType is ObjCNullable && baseType.child is ObjCInstanceType) {
return '$enclosingClass?';
return type.getDartType(w);
String _doArgConversion(ObjCMethodParam arg) {
final baseType = arg.type.typealiasType;
if (baseType is ObjCNullable) {
return '${}?._id ?? ffi.nullptr';
} else if (arg.type is ObjCInstanceType ||
baseType is ObjCInterface ||
baseType is ObjCObjectPointer ||
baseType is ObjCBlock) {
return '${}._id';
String _doReturnConversion(Type type, String value, String enclosingClass,
String library, bool isOwnedReturn) {
var prefix = '';
var baseType = type.typealiasType;
if (baseType is ObjCNullable) {
prefix = '$value.address == 0 ? null : ';
type = baseType.child;
baseType = type.typealiasType;
final ownerFlags = 'retain: ${!isOwnedReturn}, release: true';
if (type is ObjCInstanceType) {
return '$prefix$enclosingClass._($value, $library, $ownerFlags)';
if (baseType is ObjCInterface) {
return '$prefix${}._($value, $library, $ownerFlags)';
if (baseType is ObjCBlock) {
return '$prefix${}._($value, $library)';
if (baseType is ObjCObjectPointer) {
return '${prefix}NSObject._($value, $library, $ownerFlags)';
return prefix + value;
enum ObjCMethodKind {
class ObjCProperty {
final String originalName;
String? dartName;
class ObjCMethod {
final String? dartDoc;
final String originalName;
final ObjCProperty? property;
Type returnType;
final List<ObjCMethodParam> params;
final ObjCMethodKind kind;
final bool isClass;
bool returnsRetained = false;
ObjCInternalGlobal? selObject;
ObjCMsgSendFunc? msgSend;
required this.originalName,,
required this.kind,
required this.isClass,
required this.returnType,
List<ObjCMethodParam>? params_,
}) : params = params_ ?? [];
bool get isProperty =>
kind == ObjCMethodKind.propertyGetter ||
kind == ObjCMethodKind.propertySetter;
void addDependencies(
Set<Binding> dependencies, ObjCBuiltInFunctions builtInFunctions) {
for (final p in params) {
selObject ??= builtInFunctions.getSelObject(originalName)
msgSend ??= builtInFunctions.getMsgSendFunc(returnType, params)
String _getDartMethodName(UniqueNamer uniqueNamer) {
if (property != null) {
// A getter and a setter are allowed to have the same name, so we can't
// just run the name through uniqueNamer. Instead they need to share
// the dartName, which is run through uniqueNamer.
if (property!.dartName == null) {
property!.dartName = uniqueNamer.makeUnique(property!.originalName);
return property!.dartName!;
// Objective C methods can look like:
// foo
// foo:
// foo:someArgName:
// So replace all ':' with '_'.
return uniqueNamer.makeUnique(originalName.replaceAll(":", "_"));
bool sameAs(ObjCMethod other) {
if (originalName != other.originalName) return false;
if (kind != other.kind) return false;
if (isClass != other.isClass) return false;
// msgSend is deduped by signature, so this check covers the signature.
return msgSend == other.msgSend;
static final _copyRegExp = RegExp('[cC]opy');
bool get isOwnedReturn =>
returnsRetained ||
originalName.startsWith('new') ||
originalName.startsWith('alloc') ||
String toString() => '$returnType $originalName(${params.join(', ')})';
class ObjCMethodParam {
Type type;
final String name;
String toString() => '$type $name';