blob: fd679b81bad3c5a8d4a1aee277db795086cfd0f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'binding_string.dart';
import 'type.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'writer.dart';
/// A binding for C function.
/// For a C function -
/// ```c
/// int sum(int a, int b);
/// ```
/// The Generated dart code is -
/// ```dart
/// int sum(int a, int b) {
/// return _sum(a, b);
/// }
/// final _dart_sum _sum = _dylib.lookupFunction<_c_sum, _dart_sum>('sum');
/// typedef _c_sum = ffi.Int32 Function(ffi.Int32 a, ffi.Int32 b);
/// typedef _dart_sum = int Function(int a, int b);
/// ```
class Func extends LookUpBinding {
final FunctionType functionType;
final bool exposeSymbolAddress;
/// Contains typealias for function type if [exposeSymbolAddress] is true.
Type? _exposedFunctionType;
/// [originalName] is looked up in dynamic library, if not
/// provided, takes the value of [name].
String? usr,
required String name,
String? originalName,
String? dartDoc,
required Type returnType,
List<Parameter>? parameters,
this.exposeSymbolAddress = false,
}) : functionType = FunctionType(
returnType: returnType,
parameters: parameters ?? const [],
usr: usr,
originalName: originalName,
name: name,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
) {
for (var i = 0; i < functionType.parameters.length; i++) {
if (functionType.parameters[i].name.trim() == '') {
functionType.parameters[i].name = 'arg$i';
_exposedFunctionType = Type.typealias(
Typealias(name: 'Native_$name', type: Type.functionType(functionType)));
BindingString toBindingString(Writer w) {
final s = StringBuffer();
final enclosingFuncName = name;
final funcVarName = w.wrapperLevelUniqueNamer.makeUnique('_$name');
final funcPointerName = w.wrapperLevelUniqueNamer.makeUnique('_${name}Ptr');
if (dartDoc != null) {
// Resolve name conflicts in function parameter names.
final paramNamer = UniqueNamer({});
for (final p in functionType.parameters) { = paramNamer.makeUnique(;
// Write enclosing function.
if (w.dartBool &&
functionType.returnType.getBaseTypealiasType().broadType ==
BroadType.Boolean) {
// Use bool return type in enclosing function.
s.write('bool $enclosingFuncName(\n');
} else {
'${functionType.returnType.getDartType(w)} $enclosingFuncName(\n');
for (final p in functionType.parameters) {
if (w.dartBool &&
p.type.getBaseTypealiasType().broadType == BroadType.Boolean) {
// Use bool parameter type in enclosing function.
s.write(' bool ${},\n');
} else {
s.write(' ${p.type.getDartType(w)} ${},\n');
s.write(') {\n');
s.write('return $funcVarName');
for (final p in functionType.parameters) {
if (w.dartBool &&
p.type.getBaseTypealiasType().broadType == BroadType.Boolean) {
// Convert bool parameter to int before calling.
s.write(' ${}?1:0,\n');
} else {
s.write(' ${},\n');
if (w.dartBool && functionType.returnType.broadType == BroadType.Boolean) {
// Convert int return type to bool.
s.write(' )!=0;\n');
} else {
s.write(' );\n');
final cType = exposeSymbolAddress
? _exposedFunctionType!.getCType(w)
: functionType.getCType(w, writeArgumentNames: false);
final dartType = functionType.getDartType(w, writeArgumentNames: false);
if (exposeSymbolAddress) {
// Add to SymbolAddress in writer.
name: name,
ptrName: funcPointerName,
// Write function pointer.
"late final $funcPointerName = ${w.lookupFuncIdentifier}<${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.NativeFunction<$cType>>('$originalName');\n");
'late final $funcVarName = $funcPointerName.asFunction<$dartType>();\n\n');
return BindingString(type: BindingStringType.func, string: s.toString());
void addDependencies(Set<Binding> dependencies) {
if (dependencies.contains(this)) return;
if (exposeSymbolAddress) {
/// Represents a Parameter, used in [Func] and [Typealias].
class Parameter {
final String? originalName;
String name;
final Type type;
Parameter({String? originalName, = '', required Type type})
: originalName = originalName ?? name,
// A type with broadtype [BroadType.NativeFunction] is wrapped with a
// pointer because this is a shorthand used in C for Pointer to function.
type = type.getBaseTypealiasType().broadType == BroadType.NativeFunction
? Type.pointer(type)
: type;