blob: 0649de57bf18eedbc6f4f5b0e5fe5266d95e8e70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Validates the yaml input by the user, prints useful info for the user
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/header_parser/type_extractor/cxtypekindmap.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../strings.dart' as strings;
import 'config_types.dart';
import 'spec_utils.dart';
final _logger = Logger('ffigen.config_provider.config');
/// Provides configurations to other modules.
/// Handles validation, extraction of confiurations from yaml file.
class Config {
/// output file name.
String get output => _output;
late String _output;
// Holds headers and filters for header.
Headers get headers => _headers;
late Headers _headers;
/// CommandLine Arguments to pass to clang_compiler.
List<String> get compilerOpts => _compilerOpts;
late List<String> _compilerOpts;
/// Declaration config for Functions.
Declaration get functionDecl => _functionDecl;
late Declaration _functionDecl;
/// Declaration config for Structs.
Declaration get structDecl => _structDecl;
late Declaration _structDecl;
/// Declaration config for Enums.
Declaration get enumClassDecl => _enumClassDecl;
late Declaration _enumClassDecl;
/// Declaration config for Unnamed enum constants.
Declaration get unnamedEnumConstants => _unnamedEnumConstants;
late Declaration _unnamedEnumConstants;
/// Declaration config for Macro constants.
Declaration get macroDecl => _macroDecl;
late Declaration _macroDecl;
/// If generated bindings should be sorted alphabetically.
bool get sort => _sort;
late bool _sort;
/// If typedef of supported types(int8_t) should be directly used.
bool get useSupportedTypedefs => _useSupportedTypedefs;
late bool _useSupportedTypedefs;
/// Stores typedef name to NativeType mappings specified by user.
Map<String, SupportedNativeType> get typedefNativeTypeMappings =>
late Map<String, SupportedNativeType> _typedefNativeTypeMappings;
/// Extracted Doc comment type.
CommentType get commentType => _commentType;
late CommentType _commentType;
/// If tool should generate array workarounds.
/// If false(default), structs with inline array members will have all its
/// members removed.
bool get arrayWorkaround => _arrayWorkaround;
late bool _arrayWorkaround;
/// If dart bool should be generated for C booleans.
bool get dartBool => _dartBool;
late bool _dartBool;
/// Name of the wrapper class.
String get wrapperName => _wrapperName;
late String _wrapperName;
/// Doc comment for the wrapper class.
String get wrapperDocComment => _wrapperDocComment;
late String _wrapperDocComment;
/// Header of the generated bindings.
String get preamble => _preamble;
late String _preamble;
/// If `Dart_Handle` should be mapped with Handle/Object.
bool get useDartHandle => _useDartHandle;
late bool _useDartHandle;
/// Create config from Yaml map.
factory Config.fromYaml(YamlMap map) {
final configspecs = Config._();
_logger.finest('Config Map: ' + map.toString());
final specs = configspecs._getSpecs();
final result = configspecs._checkConfigs(map, specs);
if (!result) {
throw FormatException('Invalid configurations provided.');
configspecs._extract(map, specs);
return configspecs;
/// Validates Yaml according to given specs.
bool _checkConfigs(YamlMap map, Map<String, Specification> specs) {
var _result = true;
for (final key in specs.keys) {
final spec = specs[key];
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
_result = _result && spec!.validator(key, map[key]);
} else if (spec!.requirement == Requirement.yes) {
_logger.severe("Key '${key}' is required.");
_result = false;
} else if (spec.requirement == Requirement.prefer) {
_logger.warning("Prefer adding Key '$key' to your config.");
// Warn about unknown keys.
for (final key in map.keys) {
if (!specs.containsKey(key)) {
_logger.warning("Unknown key '$key' found.");
return _result;
/// Extracts variables from Yaml according to given specs.
/// Validation must be done beforehand, using [_checkConfigs].
void _extract(YamlMap map, Map<String, Specification> specs) {
for (final key in specs.keys) {
final spec = specs[key];
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
} else {
/// Returns map of various specifications avaialble for our tool.
/// Key: Name, Value: [Specification]
Map<String, Specification> _getSpecs() {
return <String, Specification>{
strings.output: Specification<String>(
requirement: Requirement.yes,
validator: outputValidator,
extractor: outputExtractor,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _output = result as String,
strings.headers: Specification<Headers>(
requirement: Requirement.yes,
validator: headersValidator,
extractor: headersExtractor,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _headers = result as Headers,
strings.compilerOpts: Specification<List<String>>(
validator: compilerOptsValidator,
extractor: compilerOptsExtractor,
defaultValue: () => [],
extractedResult: (dynamic result) =>
_compilerOpts = result as List<String>,
strings.functions: Specification<Declaration>(
validator: declarationConfigValidator,
extractor: declarationConfigExtractor,
defaultValue: () => Declaration(),
extractedResult: (dynamic result) {
_functionDecl = result as Declaration;
strings.structs: Specification<Declaration>(
validator: declarationConfigValidator,
extractor: declarationConfigExtractor,
defaultValue: () => Declaration(),
extractedResult: (dynamic result) {
_structDecl = result as Declaration;
strings.enums: Specification<Declaration>(
validator: declarationConfigValidator,
extractor: declarationConfigExtractor,
defaultValue: () => Declaration(),
extractedResult: (dynamic result) {
_enumClassDecl = result as Declaration;
strings.unnamedEnums: Specification<Declaration>(
validator: declarationConfigValidator,
extractor: declarationConfigExtractor,
defaultValue: () => Declaration(),
extractedResult: (dynamic result) =>
_unnamedEnumConstants = result as Declaration,
strings.macros: Specification<Declaration>(
validator: declarationConfigValidator,
extractor: declarationConfigExtractor,
defaultValue: () => Declaration(),
extractedResult: (dynamic result) {
_macroDecl = result as Declaration;
strings.sizemap: Specification<Map<int, SupportedNativeType>>(
validator: sizemapValidator,
extractor: sizemapExtractor,
defaultValue: () => <int, SupportedNativeType>{},
extractedResult: (dynamic result) {
final map = result as Map<int, SupportedNativeType>;
for (final key in map.keys) {
if (cxTypeKindToSupportedNativeTypes.containsKey(key)) {
cxTypeKindToSupportedNativeTypes[key] = map[key]!;
strings.typedefmap: Specification<Map<String, SupportedNativeType>>(
validator: typedefmapValidator,
extractor: typedefmapExtractor,
defaultValue: () => <String, SupportedNativeType>{},
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _typedefNativeTypeMappings =
result as Map<String, SupportedNativeType>,
strings.sort: Specification<bool>(
validator: booleanValidator,
extractor: booleanExtractor,
defaultValue: () => false,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _sort = result as bool,
strings.useSupportedTypedefs: Specification<bool>(
validator: booleanValidator,
extractor: booleanExtractor,
defaultValue: () => true,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) =>
_useSupportedTypedefs = result as bool,
strings.comments: Specification<CommentType>(
validator: commentValidator,
extractor: commentExtractor,
defaultValue: () => CommentType.def(),
extractedResult: (dynamic result) =>
_commentType = result as CommentType,
strings.arrayWorkaround: Specification<bool>(
validator: booleanValidator,
extractor: booleanExtractor,
defaultValue: () => false,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _arrayWorkaround = result as bool,
strings.dartBool: Specification<bool>(
validator: booleanValidator,
extractor: booleanExtractor,
defaultValue: () => true,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _dartBool = result as bool,
), Specification<String>(
requirement: Requirement.prefer,
validator: dartClassNameValidator,
extractor: stringExtractor,
defaultValue: () => 'NativeLibrary',
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _wrapperName = result as String,
strings.description: Specification<String?>(
requirement: Requirement.prefer,
validator: nonEmptyStringValidator,
extractor: stringExtractor,
defaultValue: () => null,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) =>
_wrapperDocComment = result as String,
strings.preamble: Specification<String>(
validator: nonEmptyStringValidator,
extractor: stringExtractor,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _preamble = result as String,
strings.useDartHandle: Specification<bool>(
validator: booleanValidator,
extractor: booleanExtractor,
defaultValue: () => true,
extractedResult: (dynamic result) => _useDartHandle = result as bool,