blob: 176646e73106fd5640638affb963e477172cd147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator/utils.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:quiver/pattern.dart' as quiver;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../strings.dart' as strings;
import 'config_types.dart';
final _logger = Logger('ffigen.config_provider.spec_utils');
/// Replaces the path separators according to current platform.
String _replaceSeparators(String path) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return path.replaceAll(p.posix.separator,;
} else {
return path.replaceAll(, p.posix.separator);
/// Replaces the path separators according to current platform. If a relative
/// path is passed in, it is resolved relative to the config path, and the
/// absolute path is returned.
String _normalizePath(String path, String? configFilename) {
return _replaceSeparators(
configFilename == null ? path : p.join(p.dirname(configFilename), path));
/// Checks if type of value is [T], logs an error if it's not.
/// [key] is printed as `'item1 -> item2 => item3'` in log message.
bool checkType<T>(List<String> keys, dynamic value) {
if (value is! T) {
"Expected value of key '${keys.join(' -> ')}' to be of type '$T'.");
return false;
return true;
/// Checks if there are nested [key] in [map].
bool checkKeyInYaml(List<String> key, YamlMap map) {
dynamic last = map;
for (final k in key) {
if (last is YamlMap) {
if (!last.containsKey(k)) return false;
last = last[k];
} else {
return false;
// The entry for the last key may be null.
return true;
/// Extracts value of nested [key] from [map].
dynamic getKeyValueFromYaml(List<String> key, YamlMap map) {
if (checkKeyInYaml(key, map)) {
dynamic last = map;
for (final k in key) {
last = last[k];
return last;
return null;
/// Recursively checks the keys in [configKeyMap] from [allowedKeyList].
void warnUnknownKeys(List<List<String>> allowedKeyList, YamlMap configKeyMap) {
final allowedKeyMap = <String, dynamic>{};
for (final specKeys in allowedKeyList) {
var _item = allowedKeyMap;
for (final specSubKey in specKeys) {
_item.putIfAbsent(specSubKey, () => <String, dynamic>{});
_item = _item[specSubKey] as Map<String, dynamic>;
// Add empty key to mark that any sub-keys of this key are allowed.
_item[''] = <String, dynamic>{};
_warnUnknownKeysInMap(allowedKeyMap, configKeyMap, <dynamic>[]);
/// Recursive function to check a key set in a configKeyMap.
void _warnUnknownKeysInMap(Map<String, dynamic> allowedKeyMap,
dynamic configKeyMap, List<dynamic> prev) {
if (allowedKeyMap.containsKey('') || configKeyMap is! YamlMap) {
for (final key in configKeyMap.keys) {
if (allowedKeyMap.containsKey(key)) {
allowedKeyMap[key] as Map<String, dynamic>, configKeyMap[key], prev);
} else {
_logger.warning('Unknown key - ${prev.join(' -> ')}.');
bool booleanExtractor(dynamic value) => value as bool;
bool booleanValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) =>
checkType<bool>(name, value);
Map<String, LibraryImport> libraryImportsExtractor(dynamic yamlConfig) {
final resultMap = <String, LibraryImport>{};
final typeMap = yamlConfig as YamlMap?;
if (typeMap != null) {
for (final typeName in typeMap.keys) {
resultMap[typeName as String] =
LibraryImport(typeName, typeMap[typeName] as String);
return resultMap;
bool libraryImportsValidator(List<String> name, dynamic yamlConfig) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, yamlConfig)) {
return false;
for (final key in (yamlConfig as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!checkType<String>([, key as String], yamlConfig[key])) {
return false;
if (strings.predefinedLibraryImports.containsKey(key)) {
'library-import -> $key should not collide with any predefined imports - ${strings.predefinedLibraryImports.keys}.');
return false;
return true;
void loadImportedTypes(YamlMap fileConfig,
Map<String, ImportedType> usrTypeMappings, LibraryImport libraryImport) {
final symbols = fileConfig['symbols'] as YamlMap;
for (final key in symbols.keys) {
final usr = key as String;
final value = symbols[usr]! as YamlMap;
usrTypeMappings[usr] = ImportedType(
libraryImport, value['name'] as String, value['name'] as String);
YamlMap loadSymbolFile(String symbolFilePath, String? configFileName,
PackageConfig? packageConfig) {
final path = symbolFilePath.startsWith('package:')
? packageConfig!.resolve(Uri.parse(symbolFilePath))!.toFilePath()
: _normalizePath(symbolFilePath, configFileName);
return loadYaml(File(path).readAsStringSync()) as YamlMap;
Map<String, ImportedType> symbolFileImportExtractor(
dynamic yamlConfig,
Map<String, LibraryImport> libraryImports,
String? configFileName,
PackageConfig? packageConfig) {
final resultMap = <String, ImportedType>{};
for (final item in (yamlConfig as YamlList)) {
String symbolFilePath;
if (item is String) {
symbolFilePath = item;
} else {
symbolFilePath = item[strings.symbolFile] as String;
final symbolFile =
loadSymbolFile(symbolFilePath, configFileName, packageConfig);
final formatVersion = symbolFile[strings.formatVersion] as String;
if (formatVersion.split('.')[0] !=
strings.symbolFileFormatVersion.split('.')[0]) {
'Incompatible format versions for file $symbolFilePath: ${strings.symbolFileFormatVersion}(ours), $formatVersion(theirs).');
final uniqueNamer = UniqueNamer(libraryImports.keys
for (final file in (symbolFile[strings.files] as YamlMap).keys) {
final existingImports =
libraryImports.values.where((element) => element.importPath == file);
if (existingImports.isEmpty) {
final name =
libraryImports[name] = LibraryImport(name, file as String);
final libraryImport = libraryImports.values.firstWhere(
(element) => element.importPath == file,
symbolFile[strings.files][file] as YamlMap, resultMap, libraryImport);
return resultMap;
bool symbolFileImportValidator(List<String> name, dynamic yamlConfig) {
if (!checkType<YamlList>(name, yamlConfig)) {
return false;
var result = true;
(yamlConfig as YamlList).asMap().forEach((idx, value) {
if (value is YamlMap) {
if (!value.keys.contains(strings.symbolFile)) {
result = false;
.severe('Key $name -> $idx -> ${strings.symbolFile} is required.');
for (final key in value.keys) {
if (key == strings.symbolFile) {
if (!checkType<String>(
[, idx.toString(), key as String], value[key])) {
result = false;
} else {
result = false;
_logger.severe('Unknown key : $name -> $idx -> $key.');
} else if (value is! String) {
result = false;
_logger.severe('Expected $name -> $idx should be a String or Map.');
return result;
Map<String, List<String>> typeMapExtractor(dynamic yamlConfig) {
// Key - type_name, Value - [lib, cType, dartType].
final resultMap = <String, List<String>>{};
final typeMap = yamlConfig as YamlMap?;
if (typeMap != null) {
for (final typeName in typeMap.keys) {
final typeConfigItem = typeMap[typeName] as YamlMap;
resultMap[typeName as String] = [
typeConfigItem[strings.lib] as String,
typeConfigItem[strings.cType] as String,
typeConfigItem[strings.dartType] as String,
return resultMap;
bool typeMapValidator(List<String> name, dynamic yamlConfig) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, yamlConfig)) {
return false;
var result = true;
for (final key in (yamlConfig as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>([, key as String], yamlConfig[key])) {
return false;
final lib = (yamlConfig[key] as YamlMap).containsKey(strings.lib);
if (!lib) {
_logger.severe("Key '${strings.lib}' in $name -> $key is required.");
result = false;
final cType = (yamlConfig[key] as YamlMap).containsKey(strings.cType);
if (!cType) {
_logger.severe("Key '${strings.cType}' in $name -> $key is required.");
result = false;
final dartType = (yamlConfig[key] as YamlMap).containsKey(strings.dartType);
if (!dartType) {
_logger.severe("Key '${strings.dartType}' in $name -> $key is required.");
result = false;
return result;
Map<String, String> stringStringMapExtractor(dynamic yamlConfig) {
final resultMap = <String, String>{};
final inputMap = yamlConfig as YamlMap?;
if (inputMap != null) {
for (final key in inputMap.keys) {
resultMap[key as String] = inputMap[key] as String;
return resultMap;
bool stringStringMapValidator(List<String> name, dynamic yamlConfig) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, yamlConfig)) {
return false;
for (final key in (yamlConfig as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!checkType<String>([, key as String], yamlConfig[key])) {
return false;
return true;
Map<String, ImportedType> makeImportTypeMapping(
Map<String, List<String>> rawTypeMappings,
Map<String, LibraryImport> libraryImportsMap) {
final typeMappings = <String, ImportedType>{};
for (final key in rawTypeMappings.keys) {
final lib = rawTypeMappings[key]![0];
final cType = rawTypeMappings[key]![1];
final dartType = rawTypeMappings[key]![2];
if (strings.predefinedLibraryImports.containsKey(lib)) {
typeMappings[key] =
ImportedType(strings.predefinedLibraryImports[lib]!, cType, dartType);
} else if (libraryImportsMap.containsKey(lib)) {
typeMappings[key] =
ImportedType(libraryImportsMap[lib]!, cType, dartType);
} else {
throw Exception("Please declare $lib under library-imports.");
return typeMappings;
final _quoteMatcher = RegExp(r'''^["'](.*)["']$''', dotAll: true);
final _cmdlineArgMatcher = RegExp(r'''['"](\\"|[^"])*?['"]|[^ ]+''');
List<String> compilerOptsToList(String compilerOpts) {
final list = <String>[];
_cmdlineArgMatcher.allMatches(compilerOpts).forEach((element) {
var match =;
if (match != null) {
if (quiver.matchesFull(_quoteMatcher, match)) {
match = _quoteMatcher.allMatches(match)!;
return list;
List<String> compilerOptsExtractor(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
return compilerOptsToList(value);
final list = <String>[];
for (final el in (value as YamlList)) {
if (el is String) {
return list;
bool compilerOptsValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (value is String || value is YamlList) {
return true;
} else {
_logger.severe('Expected $name to be a String or List of String.');
return false;
CompilerOptsAuto compilerOptsAutoExtractor(dynamic value) {
return CompilerOptsAuto(
macIncludeStdLib: getKeyValueFromYaml(
[strings.macos, strings.includeCStdLib],
value as YamlMap,
) as bool?,
bool compilerOptsAutoValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
var _result = true;
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, value)) {
return false;
for (final oskey in (value as YamlMap).keys) {
if (oskey == strings.macos) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>([, oskey as String], value[oskey])) {
return false;
for (final inckey in (value[oskey] as YamlMap).keys) {
if (inckey == strings.includeCStdLib) {
if (!checkType<bool>(
[, oskey, inckey as String], value[oskey][inckey])) {
_result = false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown key '$inckey' in '$name -> $oskey.");
_result = false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown key '$oskey' in '$name'.");
_result = false;
return _result;
Headers headersExtractor(dynamic yamlConfig, String? configFilename) {
final entryPoints = <String>[];
final includeGlobs = <quiver.Glob>[];
for (final key in (yamlConfig as YamlMap).keys) {
if (key == strings.entryPoints) {
for (final h in (yamlConfig[key] as YamlList)) {
final headerGlob = _normalizePath(h as String, configFilename);
// Add file directly to header if it's not a Glob but a File.
if (File(headerGlob).existsSync()) {
final osSpecificPath = headerGlob;
_logger.fine('Adding header/file: $headerGlob');
} else {
final glob = Glob(headerGlob);
for (final file in glob.listFileSystemSync(const LocalFileSystem(),
followLinks: true)) {
final fixedPath = file.path;
_logger.fine('Adding header/file: $fixedPath');
if (key == strings.includeDirectives) {
for (final h in (yamlConfig[key] as YamlList)) {
final headerGlob = h as String;
final fixedGlob = _normalizePath(headerGlob, configFilename);
return Headers(
entryPoints: entryPoints,
includeFilter: GlobHeaderFilter(
includeGlobs: includeGlobs,
bool headersValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, value)) {
return false;
if (!(value as YamlMap).containsKey(strings.entryPoints)) {
_logger.severe("Required '$name -> ${strings.entryPoints}'.");
return false;
} else {
for (final key in value.keys) {
if (key == strings.entryPoints || key == strings.includeDirectives) {
if (!checkType<YamlList>([, key as String], value[key])) {
return false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown key '$key' in '$name'.");
return false;
return true;
/// Returns location of dynamic library by searching default locations. Logs
/// error and throws an Exception if not found.
String findDylibAtDefaultLocations() {
String? k;
if (Platform.isLinux) {
for (final l in strings.linuxDylibLocations) {
k = findLibclangDylib(l);
if (k != null) return k;
Process.runSync('ldconfig', ['-p']);
final ldConfigResult = Process.runSync('ldconfig', ['-p']);
if (ldConfigResult.exitCode == 0) {
final lines = (ldConfigResult.stdout as String).split('\n');
final paths = [
for (final line in lines)
if (line.contains('libclang')) line.split(' => ')[1],
for (final location in paths) {
if (File(location).existsSync()) {
return location;
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
for (final l in strings.windowsDylibLocations) {
k = findLibclangDylib(l);
if (k != null) return k;
} else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
for (final l in strings.macOsDylibLocations) {
k = findLibclangDylib(l);
if (k != null) return k;
final findLibraryResult =
Process.runSync('xcodebuild', ['-find-library', 'libclang.dylib']);
if (findLibraryResult.exitCode == 0) {
final location = (findLibraryResult.stdout as String).split('\n').first;
if (File(location).existsSync()) {
return location;
final xcodePathResult = Process.runSync('xcode-select', ['-print-path']);
if (xcodePathResult.exitCode == 0) {
final xcodePath = (xcodePathResult.stdout as String).split('\n').first;
final location =
p.join(xcodePath, strings.xcodeDylibLocation, strings.dylibFileName);
if (File(location).existsSync()) {
return location;
} else {
throw Exception('Unsupported Platform.');
_logger.severe("Couldn't find dynamic library in default locations.");
"Please supply one or more path/to/llvm in ffigen's config under the key '${strings.llvmPath}'.");
throw Exception("Couldn't find dynamic library in default locations.");
String? findLibclangDylib(String parentFolder) {
final location = p.join(parentFolder, strings.dylibFileName);
if (File(location).existsSync()) {
return location;
} else {
return null;
String llvmPathExtractor(dynamic value) {
// Extract libclang's dylib from user specified paths.
for (final path in (value as YamlList)) {
if (path is! String) continue;
final dylibPath =
findLibclangDylib(p.join(path, strings.dynamicLibParentName));
if (dylibPath != null) {
_logger.fine('Found dynamic library at: $dylibPath');
return dylibPath;
// Check if user has specified complete path to dylib.
final completeDylibPath = path;
if (p.extension(completeDylibPath).isNotEmpty &&
File(completeDylibPath).existsSync()) {
'Using complete dylib path: $completeDylibPath from llvm-path.');
return completeDylibPath;
"Couldn't find dynamic library under paths specified by ${strings.llvmPath}.");
// Extract path from default locations.
try {
final res = findDylibAtDefaultLocations();
return res;
} catch (e) {
"Couldn't find ${p.join(strings.dynamicLibParentName, strings.dylibFileName)} in specified locations.");
bool llvmPathValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (!checkType<YamlList>(name, value)) {
return false;
return true;
OutputConfig outputExtractor(
dynamic value, String? configFilename, PackageConfig? packageConfig) {
if (value is String) {
return OutputConfig(_normalizePath(value, configFilename), null);
value = value as YamlMap;
return OutputConfig(
_normalizePath((value)[strings.bindings] as String, configFilename),
? symbolFileOutputExtractor(
value[strings.symbolFile], configFilename, packageConfig)
: null,
bool outputValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
return true;
} else if (value is YamlMap) {
final keys = value.keys;
var result = true;
for (final key in keys) {
if (key == strings.bindings) {
if (!checkType<String>([, key as String], value[key])) {
result = false;
} else if (key == strings.symbolFile) {
result = symbolFileOutputValidator(
[, strings.symbolFile], value[key]);
} else {
result = false;
_logger.severe("Unknown key '$key' in '$name'.");
return result;
} else {
"Expected value of key '${name.join(' -> ')}' to be a String or Map.");
return false;
SymbolFile symbolFileOutputExtractor(
dynamic value, String? configFilename, PackageConfig? packageConfig) {
value = value as YamlMap;
var output = value[strings.output] as String;
if (Uri.parse(output).scheme != "package") {
'Consider using a Package Uri for ${strings.symbolFile} -> ${strings.output}: $output so that external packages can use it.');
output = _normalizePath(output, configFilename);
} else {
output = packageConfig!.resolve(Uri.parse(output))!.toFilePath();
final importPath = value[strings.importPath] as String;
if (Uri.parse(importPath).scheme != "package") {
'Consider using a Package Uri for ${strings.symbolFile} -> ${strings.importPath}: $importPath so that external packages can use it.');
return SymbolFile(importPath, output);
bool symbolFileOutputValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, value)) {
return false;
if (!(value as YamlMap).containsKey(strings.output)) {
_logger.severe("Required '$name -> ${strings.output}'.");
return false;
if (!(value).containsKey(strings.importPath)) {
_logger.severe("Required '$name -> ${strings.importPath}'.");
return false;
for (final key in value.keys) {
if (key == strings.output || key == strings.importPath) {
if (!checkType<String>([, key as String], value[key])) {
return false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown key '$key' in '$name'.");
return false;
return true;
Language languageExtractor(dynamic value) {
if (value == strings.langC) {
return Language.c;
} else if (value == strings.langObjC) {
return Language.objc;
return Language.c;
bool languageValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
if (value == strings.langC) {
return true;
if (value == strings.langObjC) {
_logger.severe('Objective C support is EXPERIMENTAL. The API may change '
'in a breaking way without notice.');
return true;
_logger.severe("'$name' must be one of the following - "
"{${strings.langC}, ${strings.langObjC}}");
return false;
_logger.severe("Expected value of key '$name' to be a String.");
return false;
/// Returns true if [str] is not a full name.
/// E.g `abc` is a full name, `abc.*` is not.
bool isFullDeclarationName(String str) =>
quiver.matchesFull(RegExp('[a-zA-Z_0-9]*'), str);
Includer _extractIncluderFromYaml(dynamic yamlMap) {
final includeMatchers = <RegExp>[],
includeFull = <String>{},
excludeMatchers = <RegExp>[],
excludeFull = <String>{};
final include = (yamlMap[strings.include] as YamlList?)?.cast<String>();
if (include != null) {
if (include.isEmpty) {
return Includer.excludeByDefault();
for (final str in include) {
if (isFullDeclarationName(str)) {
} else {
includeMatchers.add(RegExp(str, dotAll: true));
final exclude = (yamlMap[strings.exclude] as YamlList?)?.cast<String>();
if (exclude != null) {
for (final str in exclude) {
if (isFullDeclarationName(str)) {
} else {
excludeMatchers.add(RegExp(str, dotAll: true));
return Includer(
includeMatchers: includeMatchers,
includeFull: includeFull,
excludeMatchers: excludeMatchers,
excludeFull: excludeFull,
Declaration declarationConfigExtractor(dynamic yamlMap) {
final renamePatterns = <RegExpRenamer>[];
final renameFull = <String, String>{};
final memberRenamePatterns = <RegExpMemberRenamer>[];
final memberRenamerFull = <String, Renamer>{};
final includer = _extractIncluderFromYaml(yamlMap);
Includer? symbolIncluder;
if (yamlMap[strings.symbolAddress] != null) {
symbolIncluder = _extractIncluderFromYaml(yamlMap[strings.symbolAddress]);
final rename = (yamlMap[strings.rename] as YamlMap?)?.cast<String, String>();
if (rename != null) {
for (final str in rename.keys) {
if (isFullDeclarationName(str)) {
renameFull[str] = rename[str]!;
} else {
.add(RegExpRenamer(RegExp(str, dotAll: true), rename[str]!));
final memberRename =
(yamlMap[strings.memberRename] as YamlMap?)?.cast<String, YamlMap>();
if (memberRename != null) {
for (final decl in memberRename.keys) {
final renamePatterns = <RegExpRenamer>[];
final renameFull = <String, String>{};
final memberRenameMap = memberRename[decl]!.cast<String, String>();
for (final member in memberRenameMap.keys) {
if (isFullDeclarationName(member)) {
renameFull[member] = memberRenameMap[member]!;
} else {
RegExp(member, dotAll: true), memberRenameMap[member]!));
if (isFullDeclarationName(decl)) {
memberRenamerFull[decl] = Renamer(
renameFull: renameFull,
renamePatterns: renamePatterns,
} else {
RegExp(decl, dotAll: true),
renameFull: renameFull,
renamePatterns: renamePatterns,
return Declaration(
includer: includer,
renamer: Renamer(
renameFull: renameFull,
renamePatterns: renamePatterns,
memberRenamer: MemberRenamer(
memberRenameFull: memberRenamerFull,
memberRenamePattern: memberRenamePatterns,
symbolAddressIncluder: symbolIncluder,
bool declarationConfigValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
var _result = true;
if (value is YamlMap) {
for (final key in value.keys) {
if (key == strings.include || key == strings.exclude) {
if (!checkType<YamlList>([, key as String], value[key])) {
_result = false;
} else if (key == strings.rename) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>([, key as String], value[key])) {
_result = false;
} else {
for (final subkey in (value[key] as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!checkType<String>(
[, key, subkey as String], value[key][subkey])) {
_result = false;
} else if (key == strings.memberRename) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>([, key as String], value[key])) {
_result = false;
} else {
for (final declNameKey in (value[key] as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>([, key, declNameKey as String],
value[key][declNameKey])) {
_result = false;
} else {
for (final memberNameKey
in ((value[key] as YamlMap)[declNameKey] as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!checkType<String>([,
memberNameKey as String,
], value[key][declNameKey][memberNameKey])) {
_result = false;
} else if (key == strings.symbolAddress) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap>([, key as String], value[key])) {
_result = false;
} else {
for (final subkey in (value[key] as YamlMap).keys) {
if (subkey == strings.include || subkey == strings.exclude) {
if (!checkType<YamlList>(
[, key, subkey as String], value[key][subkey])) {
_result = false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown key '$subkey' in '$name -> $key'.");
_result = false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Expected value '$name' to be a Map.");
_result = false;
return _result;
Includer exposeFunctionTypeExtractor(dynamic value) =>
bool exposeFunctionTypeValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
var _result = true;
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, value)) {
_result = false;
} else {
final mp = value as YamlMap;
for (final key in mp.keys) {
if (key == strings.include || key == strings.exclude) {
if (!checkType<YamlList>([, key as String], value[key])) {
_result = false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown subkey '$key' in '$name'.");
_result = false;
return _result;
Includer leafFunctionExtractor(dynamic value) =>
bool leafFunctionValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
var _result = true;
if (!checkType<YamlMap>(name, value)) {
_result = false;
} else {
final mp = value as YamlMap;
for (final key in mp.keys) {
if (key == strings.include || key == strings.exclude) {
if (!checkType<YamlList>([, key as String], value[key])) {
_result = false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown subkey '$key' in '$name'.");
_result = false;
return _result;
SupportedNativeType nativeSupportedType(int value, {bool signed = true}) {
switch (value) {
case 1:
return signed ? SupportedNativeType.Int8 : SupportedNativeType.Uint8;
case 2:
return signed ? SupportedNativeType.Int16 : SupportedNativeType.Uint16;
case 4:
return signed ? SupportedNativeType.Int32 : SupportedNativeType.Uint32;
case 8:
return signed ? SupportedNativeType.Int64 : SupportedNativeType.Uint64;
throw Exception(
'Unsupported value given to sizemap, Allowed values for sizes are: 1, 2, 4, 8');
String stringExtractor(dynamic value) => value as String;
bool nonEmptyStringValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (value is String && value.isNotEmpty) {
return true;
} else {
_logger.severe("Expected value of key '$name' to be a non-empty String.");
return false;
bool dartClassNameValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (value is String &&
quiver.matchesFull(RegExp('[a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*'), value)) {
return true;
} else {
"Expected value of key '$name' to be a valid public class name.");
return false;
CommentType commentExtractor(dynamic value) {
if (value is bool) {
if (value) {
return CommentType.def();
} else {
return CommentType.none();
final ct = CommentType.def();
if (value is YamlMap) {
for (final key in value.keys) {
if (key == {
if (value[key] == strings.any) { = CommentStyle.any;
} else if (value[key] == strings.doxygen) { = CommentStyle.doxygen;
} else if (key == strings.length) {
if (value[key] == strings.full) {
ct.length = CommentLength.full;
} else if (value[key] == strings.brief) {
ct.length = CommentLength.brief;
return ct;
bool commentValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
if (value is bool) {
return true;
} else if (value is YamlMap) {
var result = true;
for (final key in value.keys) {
if (key == {
if (value[key] is! String ||
!(value[key] == strings.doxygen || value[key] == strings.any)) {
"'$name'>'${}' must be one of the following - {${strings.doxygen}, ${strings.any}}");
result = false;
} else if (key == strings.length) {
if (value[key] is! String ||
!(value[key] == strings.brief || value[key] == strings.full)) {
"'$name'>'${strings.length}' must be one of the following - {${strings.brief}, ${strings.full}}");
result = false;
} else {
_logger.severe("Unknown key '$key' in '$name'.");
result = false;
return result;
} else {
_logger.severe("Expected value of key '$name' to be a bool or a Map.");
return false;
CompoundDependencies dependencyOnlyExtractor(dynamic value) {
var result = CompoundDependencies.full;
if (value == strings.opaqueCompoundDependencies) {
result = CompoundDependencies.opaque;
return result;
bool dependencyOnlyValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
var result = true;
if (value is! String ||
!(value == strings.fullCompoundDependencies ||
value == strings.opaqueCompoundDependencies)) {
"'$name' must be one of the following - {${strings.fullCompoundDependencies}, ${strings.opaqueCompoundDependencies}}");
result = false;
return result;
StructPackingOverride structPackingOverrideExtractor(dynamic value) {
final matcherMap = <RegExp, int?>{};
for (final key in (value as YamlMap).keys) {
matcherMap[RegExp(key as String, dotAll: true)] =
return StructPackingOverride(matcherMap: matcherMap);
bool structPackingOverrideValidator(List<String> name, dynamic value) {
var _result = true;
if (!checkType<YamlMap>([], value)) {
_result = false;
} else {
for (final key in (value as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!(strings.packingValuesMap.keys.contains(value[key]))) {
"'$name -> $key' must be one of the following - ${strings.packingValuesMap.keys.toList()}");
_result = false;
return _result;
FfiNativeConfig ffiNativeExtractor(dynamic yamlConfig) {
final yamlMap = yamlConfig as YamlMap?;
return FfiNativeConfig(
enabled: true,
asset: yamlMap?[strings.ffiNativeAsset] as String?,
bool ffiNativeValidator(List<String> name, dynamic yamlConfig) {
if (!checkType<YamlMap?>(name, yamlConfig)) {
return false;
if (yamlConfig == null) {
// Empty means no asset name.
return true;
for (final key in (yamlConfig as YamlMap).keys) {
if (!checkType<String>([, key as String], yamlConfig[key])) {
return false;
if (key != strings.ffiNativeAsset) {
_logger.severe("'$name -> $key' must be one of the following - ${[
return true;