Update lib/src/README.md (#100)

diff --git a/lib/src/README.md b/lib/src/README.md
index d999223..900c9f7 100644
--- a/lib/src/README.md
+++ b/lib/src/README.md
@@ -1,41 +1,66 @@
-## Project Structure
+# **_package:ffigen_**: Internal Working
+## Table of Contents -
+1. [Overview](#overview)
+2. [LibClang](#LibClang)
+    1. [The Wrapper library](#The-Wrapper-library)
+    2. [Generation and Usage](#Generation-and-Usage)
+    3. [Bindings](#Bindings)
+3. [Scripts](#scripts)
+    1. [ffigen.dart](#ffigen.dart)
+    2. [setup.dart](#setup.dart)
+4. [Components](#components)
+    1. [Config Provider](#Config-Provider)
+    2. [Header Parser](#Header-Parser)
+    3. [Code Generator](#Code-Generator)
+# Overview
+`package:ffigen` simplifies the process of generating `dart:ffi` bindings from C header files. It is simple to use, with the input being a small YAML config file. It requires LLVM (9+) to work. This document tries to give a complete overview of every component without going into too many details about every single class/file.
+# LibClang
+`package:ffigen` binds to LibClang using `dart:ffi` for parsing C header files. A wrapper library must be generated to use it, as `dart:ffi` currently [doesn't support structs by value](https://github.com/dart-lang/ffigen/issues/3).
+## The Wrapper library
+> Note: The wrapper is only needed because `dart:ffi` currently doesn't support Structs by value.
-- `bin` - Contains ffigen.dart script which end user will execute.
-- `tool` - Contains script to generate LibClang bindings using Code_Generator submodule (dev use only).
-- `example` - Example projects which demonstrate generation of bindings for given C header files.
-- `lib/src/code_generator` - Generates binding files.
-- `lib/src/config_provider` - Holds configurations to be passed to other modules.
-- `lib/src/header_parser` - Parses header files, utilises clang_bindings.
+The `wrapper.c` file consists of functions that wrap LibClang functions. Most of them simply convert structs by value to pointers. Except -
+- `clang_visitChildren_wrap` - The bindings for this function internally uses a **list** of **stack** for maintaining the supplied visitor functions. This is required because this function takes a function pointer which itself passes a struct by value. All this effort makes `clang_visitChildren_wrap` behave exactly like `clang_visitChildren`.
+## Generation and Usage
+The files needed for generating the wrapper are in `lib/src/clang_library`.
+> The `wrapper.def` file is only needed on windows because the symbols are otherwise hidden.
-## Basic Workflow
-1. The User provides the location all the header files (as a list of globs or filepaths),
-For each header file, we create a translation unit and parse the `declarations` in it
-to the bindings.
-2. User can provide `header filters` to select which declaration from a particular header file should be added to the generated bindings. The can provide a list of header 'names' to include/exclude.
-We compare the header file name (not the exact path) to decide.
-The default behaviour is to include everything that's included when parsing a header.
-3. Use can provide Compiler options, which are passed to clang compiler as it is.
-4. All bindings are generated in a single file.
+The libclang wrapper can be _manually_ generated using `pub run ffigen:setup`. See [setup.dart](#setup.dart) for details.
-# Code Details
-## Modules
-We are using libclang to parse header files.
-This project is roughly divided in 3 major modules -
-### code_generator
-Converts a library(all bindings) to an actual string representation.
-- Library (output of the header parser).
-- Writer (provides configurations for generating bindings).
-- Binding (base class for all bindings - Func, Struc, Global, EnumClass, etc).
-### config_provider
-This takes care of validating user config files, printing config warnings and errors,
-converting config.yaml to a format the header_parser can use.
-- Spec (represents a single config, which a user can provide in the config file).
-- Config (holds all the config which will be required by header parser).
-### header_parser
-Uses libclang to convert the header to a Library which is then used by code_generator.
-- clang_bindings (bindings to libclang which are used for parsing).
-- sub_parsers (each sub-parser parses a particular kind of declaration - struct, function, typedef, enum).
-- type_extractor (extracts types from variables, function parameters, return types).
-- includer (tells what should/shouldn't be included depending of config).
-- parser (Main Entrypoint) (creates translation units for all header files, and sets up parsing them).
-- translation_unit_parser (parses header files, splits declarations and feeds them to their respective sub_parsers).
+The generated file is placed in the project's `.dart_tool/ffigen` folder, the file name also specifies the ffigen version (E.g - `_v0_2_4_libclang_wrapper.dylib`), this helps ensure the correct wrapper is being used for its corresponding version.
+This dynamic library is then used by [Header Parser](#header-parser) for parsing C files.
+## Bindings
+The config file for generating bindings is `tool/libclang_config.yaml`. The bindings are generated to `lib/src/header_parser/clang_bindings/clang_bindings.dart`. These are used by [Header Parser](#header-parser) for calling libclang functions.
+# Scripts
+## ffigen.dart
+This is the main entry point for the user-  `pub run ffigen`.
+- Command-line options:
+    - `--verbose`: Sets log level.
+    - `--config`: Specifies a config file.
+- `ffigen.dart` will first check if a dynamic library already exists and is up to date. If not, it tries to auto-create it. If that fails, user must excplicitly call [setup.dart](#setup.dart).
+- The internal modules are called by `ffigen.dart` in the following way:
+    - It first creates a `Config` object from an input Yaml file. This is used by other modules.
+    - The `parse` method is then invoked to generate a `Library` object.
+    - Finally, the code is generated from the `Library` object to the specified file.
+## setup.dart
+Used to generate the wrapper dynamic library. Users will need to explicitly call this if `pub run ffigen` is unable to auto-create the dynamic library.
+> `clang` must be on user's path for `setup.dart` to work.
+- Command-line options:
+    - `-I`: Specifies header includes.
+    - `-L`: Specifies library includes.
+- `setup.dart` generates the dynamic library to the project's `.dart_tool/ffigen` folder using `clang`.
+# Components
+## Config Provider
+The Config Provider holds all the configurations required by other modules.
+- Config Provider handles validation and extraction of configurations from YAML files.
+- Config Provider converts configurations to the format required by other modules. This object is passed around to every other module.
+## Header Parser
+The Header Parser parses C header files and converts them into a `Library` object.
+- Header Parser handles including/excluding/renaming of declarations.
+- Header Parser also filters out any _unimplemented_ or _unsupported_ declarations before generating a `Library` object.
+## Code Generator
+The Code Generator generates the actual string bindings.
+- Code generator handles all external name collisions, while internal name conflicts are handled by each specific `Binding`.
+- Code Generator also handles how workarounds for arrays and bools are generated.