blob: 25258f0512132f7651a6b254e7e38b6b8d683888 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// =======================================================================
/// ==== Script to generate dynamic library for native_function_tests =====
/// =======================================================================
/// This Script effectively calls the following (but user can provide
/// command line args which will replace the defaults shown below)-
/// Linux:
/// ```
/// clang -shared -fpic native_functions.c -o
/// ```
/// MacOS:
/// ```
/// clang -shared -fpic native_functions.c -o native_functions.dylib
/// ```
/// Windows:
/// ```
/// call clang -shared native_functions.c -o native_functions.dll -Wl,"/DEF:native_functions.def"
/// del native_functions.exp
/// del native_functions.lib
/// ```
/// =======================================================================
/// =======================================================================
/// =======================================================================
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
const MACOS = 'macos';
const WINDOWS = 'windows';
const LINUX = 'linux';
Map<String, Options> platformOptions = {
LINUX: Options(
outputfilename: '',
sharedFlag: '-shared',
inputHeader: 'native_functions.c',
fPIC: '-fpic',
WINDOWS: Options(
outputfilename: 'native_functions.dll',
sharedFlag: '-shared',
inputHeader: 'native_functions.c',
moduleDefPath: '-Wl,/DEF:native_functions.def',
MACOS: Options(
outputfilename: 'native_functions.dylib',
sharedFlag: '-shared',
inputHeader: 'native_functions.c',
fPIC: '-fpic',
void main(List<String> arguments) {
print('Building Dynamic Library for Native Tests... ');
final options = getPlatformOptions();
// Run clang compiler to generate the dynamic library.
final ProcessResult result = runClangProcess(options);
printSuccess(result, options);
/// Calls the clang compiler.
ProcessResult runClangProcess(Options options) {
final result = Process.runSync(
return result;
/// Prints success message (or process error if any).
void printSuccess(ProcessResult result, Options options) {
if ((result.stderr as String).isEmpty) {
print('Generated file: ${options.outputfilename}');
} else {
/// Get options based on current platform.
Options getPlatformOptions() {
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
return platformOptions[MACOS];
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
return platformOptions[WINDOWS];
} else if (Platform.isLinux) {
return platformOptions[LINUX];
} else {
throw Exception('Unknown Platform.');
/// Hold options which would be passed to clang.
class Options {
/// Name of dynamic library to generate.
final String outputfilename;
/// Tells compiler to generate a shared library.
final String sharedFlag;
/// Flag for generating Position Independant Code (Not used on windows).
final String fPIC;
/// Input file.
final String inputHeader;
/// Path to `.def` file containing symbols to export, windows use only.
final String moduleDefPath;
@required this.outputfilename,
@required this.sharedFlag,
@required this.inputHeader,
this.fPIC = '',
this.moduleDefPath = '',