blob: ee524127fd9230e26b4106410accfccbda1b8f4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// =======================================================================
/// =============== Build script to generate dyamic library ===============
/// =======================================================================
/// This Script effectively calls the following (but user can provide
/// command line args which will replace the defaults shown below)-
/// Linux:
/// ```
/// clang -I/usr/lib/llvm-9/include/ -I/usr/lib/llvm-10/include/ -lclang -shared -fpic path/to/wrapper.c -o path/to/
/// ```
/// MacOS:
/// ```
/// clang -I/usr/local/opt/llvm/include/ -L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib/ -I/Applications/ -v -lclang -shared -fpic path/to/wrapper.c -o path/to/libwrapped_clang.dylib
/// ```
/// Windows:
/// ```
/// clang -IC:\Progra~1\LLVM\include -LC:\Progra~1\LLVM\lib -llibclang -shared path/to/wrapper.c -o path/to/wrapped_clang.dll -Wl,/DEF:path/to/wrapper.def
/// ```
/// =======================================================================
/// =======================================================================
/// =======================================================================
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/find_dot_dart_tool.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/strings.dart' as strings;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
const _macOS = 'macos';
const _windows = 'windows';
const _linux = 'linux';
/// Default platform options.
Map<String, _Options> _platformOptions = {
_linux: _Options(
sharedFlag: '-shared',
inputHeader: _getWrapperPath('wrapper.c'),
fPIC: '-fpic',
ldLibFlag: '-lclang',
headerIncludes: [
_windows: _Options(
sharedFlag: '-shared',
inputHeader: _getWrapperPath('wrapper.c'),
moduleDefPath: '-Wl,/DEF:${_getWrapperPath("wrapper.def")}',
ldLibFlag: '-llibclang',
headerIncludes: [
libIncludes: [
_macOS: _Options(
sharedFlag: '-shared',
inputHeader: _getWrapperPath('wrapper.c'),
fPIC: '-fpic',
ldLibFlag: '-lclang',
headerIncludes: [
libIncludes: [
/// If main is called directly we always re-create the dynamic library.
void main(List<String> arguments) {
print('Building Dynamic Library for libclang wrapper...');
final options = _getPlatformOptions();
// Updates header/lib includes in platform options.
_changeIncludesUsingCmdArgs(arguments, options);
// Run clang compiler to generate the dynamic library.
final ProcessResult result = _runClangProcess(options);
_printDetails(result, options);
/// Returns true if auto creating dylib was successful.
/// This will fail if llvm is not in default directories or if .dart_tool
/// doesn't exist.
bool autoCreateDylib() {
final options = _getPlatformOptions();
final ProcessResult result = _runClangProcess(options);
if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty) {
return checkDylibExist();
bool checkDylibExist() {
return File(path.join(
/// Removes old dynamic libraries(if any) by deleting .dart_tool/ffigen.
/// Throws error if '.dart_tool' is not found.
void _deleteOldDylib() {
// Find .dart_tool.
final dtpath = _getDotDartToolPath();
// Find .dart_tool/ffigen and delete recursively if it exists.
final ffigenDir = Directory(path.join(dtpath, strings.ffigenFolderName));
if (ffigenDir.existsSync()) ffigenDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
/// Creates necesarry parent folders and return full path to dylib.
String _dylibPath() {
// Find .dart_tool.
final dtpath = _getDotDartToolPath();
// Create .dart_tool/ffigen if it doesn't exists.
final ffigenDir = Directory(path.join(dtpath, strings.ffigenFolderName));
if (!ffigenDir.existsSync()) ffigenDir.createSync();
// Return dylib path
return path.join(ffigenDir.absolute.path, strings.dylibFileName);
/// Returns full path of the wrapper files.
/// Throws error if not found.
String _getWrapperPath(String wrapperName) {
final file = File(path.join(
.resolve(path.posix.join('..', 'lib', 'src', 'clang_library'))
// This needs to be in posix style or illegal character exception is
// thrown on windows.
if (file.existsSync()) {
return file.absolute.path;
} else {
throw Exception('Unable to find $wrapperName file.');
/// Gets full path to .dart_tool.
/// Throws Exception if not found.
String _getDotDartToolPath() {
final dtpath = findDotDartTool()?.toFilePath();
if (dtpath == null) {
throw Exception('.dart_tool not found.');
return dtpath;
/// Calls the clang compiler.
ProcessResult _runClangProcess(_Options options) {
final result = Process.runSync(
return result;
/// Prints success message (or process error if any).
void _printDetails(ProcessResult result, _Options options) {
if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty) {
} else {
print('Created dynamic library.');
ArgResults _getArgResults(List<String> args) {
final parser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
'Build Script to generate dynamic library used by this package:');
abbr: 'I', help: 'Path to header include directories');
abbr: 'L', help: 'Path to library include directories');
abbr: 'h',
help: 'prints this usage',
negatable: false,
ArgResults results;
try {
results = parser.parse(args);
if (results.wasParsed('help')) {
} catch (e) {
return results;
/// Use cmd args(if any) to change header/lib include paths.
void _changeIncludesUsingCmdArgs(List<String> arguments, _Options options) {
final argResult = _getArgResults(arguments);
if (argResult.wasParsed('include-header')) {
options.headerIncludes = (argResult['include-header'] as List<String>)
.map((header) => '-I$header')
if (argResult.wasParsed('include-lib')) {
options.libIncludes = (argResult['include-lib'] as List<String>)
.map((lib) => '-L$lib')
/// Get options based on current platform.
_Options _getPlatformOptions() {
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
return _platformOptions[_macOS];
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
return _platformOptions[_windows];
} else if (Platform.isLinux) {
return _platformOptions[_linux];
} else {
throw Exception('Unknown Platform.');
/// Hold options which would be passed to clang.
class _Options {
/// Tells compiler to generate a shared library.
final String sharedFlag;
/// Flag for generating Position Independant Code (Not used on windows).
final String fPIC;
/// Input file.
final String inputHeader;
/// Path to `.def` file containing symbols to export, windows use only.
final String moduleDefPath;
/// Path to header files.
List<String> headerIncludes;
/// Path to dynamic/static libraries
List<String> libIncludes;
/// Linker flag for linking to libclang.
final String ldLibFlag;
@required this.sharedFlag,
@required this.inputHeader,
@required this.ldLibFlag,
this.headerIncludes = const [],
this.libIncludes = const [],
this.fPIC = '',
this.moduleDefPath = '',