blob: a864f2ef81dadd8d49e4414811cd3e3eb613cd78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#import <Foundation/NSThread.h>
typedef struct {
double x;
double y;
double z;
double w;
} Vec4;
typedef int32_t (^IntBlock)(int32_t);
typedef float (^FloatBlock)(float);
typedef double (^DoubleBlock)(double);
typedef Vec4 (^Vec4Block)(Vec4);
typedef void (^VoidBlock)();
// Wrapper around a block, so that our Dart code can test creating and invoking
// blocks in Objective C code.
@interface BlockTester : NSObject {
IntBlock myBlock;
+ (BlockTester*)makeFromBlock:(IntBlock)block;
+ (BlockTester*)makeFromMultiplier:(int32_t)mult;
+ (uint64_t)getBlockRetainCount:(void*)block;
- (int32_t)call:(int32_t)x;
- (IntBlock)getBlock;
- (void)pokeBlock;
+ (void)callOnSameThread:(VoidBlock)block;
+ (NSThread*)callOnNewThread:(VoidBlock)block;
+ (float)callFloatBlock:(FloatBlock)block;
+ (double)callDoubleBlock:(DoubleBlock)block;
+ (Vec4)callVec4Block:(Vec4Block)block;
@implementation BlockTester
+ (BlockTester*)makeFromBlock:(IntBlock)block {
BlockTester* bt = [BlockTester new];
bt->myBlock = block;
return bt;
+ (BlockTester*)makeFromMultiplier:(int32_t)mult {
BlockTester* bt = [BlockTester new];
bt->myBlock = [^int32_t(int32_t x) {
return x * mult;
} copy];
return bt;
typedef struct {
void* isa;
int flags;
// There are other fields, but we just need the flags and isa.
} BlockRefCountExtractor;
void* valid_block_isa = NULL;
+ (uint64_t)getBlockRetainCount:(void*)block {
BlockRefCountExtractor* b = (BlockRefCountExtractor*)block;
// HACK: The only way I can find to reliably figure out that a block has been
// deleted is to check the isa field (the lower bits of the flags field seem
// to be randomized, not just set to 0). But we also don't know the value this
// field has when it's constructed (copying the block changes it from
// _NSConcreteGlobalBlock to an internal value). So we assume that the first
// time this function is called, we have a valid block, and on subsequent
// calls we check to see if the isa field changed.
if (valid_block_isa == NULL) {
valid_block_isa = b->isa;
if (b->isa != valid_block_isa) {
return 0;
// The ref count is stored in the lower bits of the flags field, but skips the
// 0x1 bit.
return (b->flags & 0xFFFF) >> 1;
- (int32_t)call:(int32_t)x {
return myBlock(x);
- (IntBlock)getBlock {
return myBlock;
- (void)pokeBlock {
// Used to repro
[[myBlock retain] release];
+ (void)callOnSameThread:(VoidBlock)block {
+ (NSThread*)callOnNewThread:(VoidBlock)block {
return [[NSThread alloc] initWithBlock: block];
+ (float)callFloatBlock:(FloatBlock)block {
return block(1.23);
+ (double)callDoubleBlock:(DoubleBlock)block {
return block(1.23);
+ (Vec4)callVec4Block:(Vec4Block)block {
Vec4 vec4;
vec4.x = 1.2;
vec4.y = 3.4;
vec4.z = 5.6;
vec4.w = 7.8;
return block(vec4);