blob: 3531eb5940ed93571d42ef17d6c1cad5a4756805 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator/typedef.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'binding_string.dart';
import 'type.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'writer.dart';
/// A binding to a global variable
/// For a C global variable -
/// ```c
/// int a;
/// ```
/// The generated dart code is -
/// ```dart
/// final int a = _dylib.lookup<ffi.Int32>('a').value;
/// ```
class Global extends LookUpBinding {
final Type type;
String? usr,
String? originalName,
required String name,
required this.type,
String? dartDoc,
}) : super(
usr: usr,
originalName: originalName,
name: name,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
List<Typedef>? _typedefDependencies;
List<Typedef> getTypedefDependencies(Writer w) {
if (_typedefDependencies == null) {
_typedefDependencies = <Typedef>[];
// Add typedef's required by the variable's type.
final valueType = type.getBaseType();
if (valueType.broadType == BroadType.NativeFunction) {
return _typedefDependencies!;
BindingString toBindingString(Writer w) {
final s = StringBuffer();
final globalVarName = name;
if (dartDoc != null) {
final pointerName = w.wrapperLevelUniqueNamer.makeUnique('_$globalVarName');
final dartType = type.getDartType(w);
final cType = type.getCType(w);
"late final ${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.Pointer<$cType> $pointerName = ${w.lookupFuncIdentifier}<$cType>('$originalName');\n\n");
if (type.broadType == BroadType.Struct) {
if (type.struc!.isOpaque) {
'${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.Pointer<$cType> get $globalVarName => $pointerName;\n\n');
} else {
s.write('$dartType get $globalVarName => $pointerName.ref;\n\n');
} else {
s.write('$dartType get $globalVarName => $pointerName.value;\n\n');
'set $globalVarName($dartType value) => $pointerName.value = value;\n\n');
return BindingString(type:, string: s.toString());