blob: 87a735a92aada7c92b933eda8db7c5f3e307b09f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Objective C support is only available on mac.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import '../test_utils.dart';
import 'block_bindings.dart';
import 'util.dart';
void main() {
late BlockTestObjCLibrary lib;
late void Function(Pointer<Char>, Pointer<Void>) executeInternalCommand;
group('Blocks', () {
setUpAll(() {
final dylib = File('test/native_objc_test/block_test.dylib');
lib = BlockTestObjCLibrary(;
executeInternalCommand = DynamicLibrary.process().lookupFunction<
Void Function(Pointer<Char>, Pointer<Void>),
void Function(
Pointer<Char>, Pointer<Void>)>('Dart_ExecuteInternalCommand');
doGC() {
final gcNow = "gc-now".toNativeUtf8();
executeInternalCommand(gcNow.cast(), nullptr);;
test('BlockTester is working', () {
// This doesn't test any Block functionality, just that the BlockTester
// itself is working correctly.
final blockTester = BlockTester.makeFromMultiplier_(lib, 10);
expect(blockTester.call_(123), 1230);
final intBlock = blockTester.getBlock();
final blockTester2 = BlockTester.makeFromBlock_(lib, intBlock);
expect(blockTester2.call_(456), 4560);
test('Block from function pointer', () {
final block = ObjCBlock1.fromFunctionPointer(
lib, Pointer.fromFunction(_add100, 999));
final blockTester = BlockTester.makeFromBlock_(lib, block);
expect(blockTester.call_(123), 223);
expect(block(123), 223);
int Function(int) makeAdder(int addTo) {
return (int x) => addTo + x;
test('Block from function', () {
final block = ObjCBlock1.fromFunction(lib, makeAdder(4000));
final blockTester = BlockTester.makeFromBlock_(lib, block);
expect(blockTester.call_(123), 4123);
expect(block(123), 4123);
test('Listener block same thread', () async {
final hasRun = Completer();
int value = 0;
final block = ObjCBlock.listener(lib, () {
value = 123;
BlockTester.callOnSameThread_(lib, block);
await hasRun.future;
expect(value, 123);
test('Listener block new thread', () async {
final hasRun = Completer();
int value = 0;
final block = ObjCBlock.listener(lib, () {
value = 123;
final thread = BlockTester.callOnNewThread_(lib, block);
await hasRun.future;
expect(value, 123);
test('Float block', () {
final block = ObjCBlock2.fromFunction(lib, (double x) {
return x + 4.56;
expect(block(1.23), closeTo(5.79, 1e-6));
expect(BlockTester.callFloatBlock_(lib, block), closeTo(5.79, 1e-6));
Pointer<Void> funcPointerBlockRefCountTest() {
final block = ObjCBlock1.fromFunctionPointer(
lib, Pointer.fromFunction(_add100, 999));
expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, block.pointer.cast()), 1);
return block.pointer.cast();
test('Function pointer block ref counting', () {
final rawBlock = funcPointerBlockRefCountTest();
expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, rawBlock.cast()), 0);
Pointer<Void> funcBlockRefCountTest() {
final block = ObjCBlock1.fromFunction(lib, makeAdder(4000));
expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, block.pointer.cast()), 1);
return block.pointer.cast();
test('Function pointer block ref counting', () {
final rawBlock = funcBlockRefCountTest();
expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, rawBlock.cast()), 0);
test('Block fields have sensible values', () {
final block = ObjCBlock1.fromFunction(lib, makeAdder(4000));
final blockPtr = block.pointer;
expect(blockPtr.ref.isa, isNot(0));
expect(blockPtr.ref.flags, isNot(0)); // Set by Block_copy.
expect(blockPtr.ref.reserved, 0);
expect(blockPtr.ref.invoke, isNot(0));
expect(, isNot(0));
final descPtr = blockPtr.ref.descriptor;
expect(descPtr.ref.reserved, 0);
expect(descPtr.ref.size, isNot(0));
expect(descPtr.ref.copy_helper, nullptr);
expect(descPtr.ref.dispose_helper, nullptr);
expect(descPtr.ref.signature, nullptr);
int _add100(int x) {
return x + 100;