blob: e95d1ca8e3c2ccf634713a9eb16cef0f34e64395 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
typedef int (*ArithmeticOperation)(int a, int b);
struct S
// Function pointer field, but no parameters.
int (*func1)(void);
// Function pointer field with parameters.
int (*comparator)(int a, int b);
// Function pointer field with lot of parameters
int (*veryManyArguments)(double a, float b, char *c, int d, long long e);
// Function pointer field with parameters, but no names
int (*argsDontHaveNames)(int, int, int, float, char *);
// Function pointer through typedef
ArithmeticOperation operation;
// Pointer to function pointer
void (**sortPtr)(int *array, int len);
// Function pointer with a function pointer parameter
void (*sortBy)(int *array, int len, int (*evaluator)(int x));
// Function where few parameters are named. This should not
// produce parameters in output.
void (*improperlyDeclaredParams)(int a, int, char);
// Function pointer with 2 function pointer parameters
void (*sortByWithFallback)(int *array,
int (*primaryEvaluator)(int x),
int (*fallbackEvaluator)(int x));
// TODO(#545): Handle remaining cases of parsing param names
// ---
// Array of function pointers. Does not produce proper output right now.
void (*manyFunctions[2])(char a, char b);
// Function pointer returning function pointer. Does not produce valid output.
int (*(*functionReturningFunction)(int a, int b))(int c, int d);
// Function pointer returning function pointer. The return type has param
// names, but the function itself doesn't. This also shouldn't produce
// any parameters in output.
int (*(*functionReturningFunctionImproper)(int a, int b))(int, int);