Revert "Common C integer types (#128)" (#141)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-package.yml b/.github/workflows/test-package.yml
index a96f82e..e47bf66 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-package.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-package.yml
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
       fail-fast: false
         # Add macos-latest and/or windows-latest if relevant for this package.
-        os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
-        sdk: [2.16.0, dev] # TODO(dacoharkes): Set to 2.16.0 after SDK release.
+        os: [ubuntu-latest]
+        sdk: [2.12.0, dev]
       - uses: actions/checkout@v2
       - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1.0
diff --git a/ b/
index a233981..ad5be6d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 # Changelog
-## 1.2.0
+## 1.2.1
+Revert added common C integer types as ABI-specific integers.
+Instead, these are available in Dart 2.17.
+## 1.2.0 (retracted)
 This release requires Dart `2.16.0` or greater. 
diff --git a/lib/ffi.dart b/lib/ffi.dart
index e66c090..774ee9e 100644
--- a/lib/ffi.dart
+++ b/lib/ffi.dart
@@ -4,6 +4,5 @@
 export 'src/allocation.dart' show calloc, malloc;
 export 'src/arena.dart';
-export 'src/c_type.dart';
 export 'src/utf8.dart';
 export 'src/utf16.dart';
diff --git a/lib/src/c_type.dart b/lib/src/c_type.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb8880..0000000
--- a/lib/src/c_type.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This library defines [NativeType]s for common C types.
-/// Many C types only define a minimal size in the C standard, but they are
-/// consistent per [Abi]. Therefore we use [AbiSpecificInteger]s to define
-/// these C types in this library.
-/// These types will only be defined here for Dart 2.16 because they did not
-/// make it into the `dart:ffi`. Starting with Dart 2.17 we will re-export the
-/// types from the `dart:ffi` here.
-import 'dart:ffi';
-/// The C `char` type.
-/// Typically a signed or unsigned 8-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 8-bit integer, use [Int8] with the C `int8_t` type
-/// or [Uint8] with the C `uint8_t` type.
-/// For a specifically `signed` or `unsigned` `char`, use [SignedChar] or
-/// [UnsignedChar].
-/// The [Char] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint8(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint8(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint8(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint8(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int8(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Int8(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Int8(),
-class Char extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const Char();
-/// The C `signed char` type.
-/// Typically a signed 8-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 8-bit integer, use [Int8] with the C `int8_t` type.
-/// For an `unsigned char`, use [UnsignedChar].
-/// The [SignedChar] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Int8(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Int8(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Int8(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Int8(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int8(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int8(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Int8(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Int8(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Int8(),
-class SignedChar extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const SignedChar();
-/// The C `unsigned char` type.
-/// Typically an unsigned 8-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 8-bit integer, use [Uint8] with the C `uint8_t` type.
-/// For a `signed char`, use [Char].
-/// The [UnsignedChar] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint8(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint8(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint8(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint8(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Uint8(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint8(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint8(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint8(),
-class UnsignedChar extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const UnsignedChar();
-/// The C `short` type.
-/// Typically a signed 16-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 16-bit integer, use [Int16] with the C `int16_t` type.
-/// For an `unsigned short`, use [UnsignedShort].
-/// The [Short] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Int16(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Int16(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Int16(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Int16(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int16(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int16(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Int16(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int16(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int16(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Int16(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Int16(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int16(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int16(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int16(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int16(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Int16(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Int16(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Int16(),
-class Short extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const Short();
-/// The C `unsigned short` type.
-/// Typically an unsigned 16-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 16-bit integer, use [Uint16] with the C `uint16_t` type.
-/// For a signed `short`, use [Short].
-/// The [UnsignedShort] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint16(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint16(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint16(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint16(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Uint16(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint16(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint16(),
-class UnsignedShort extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const UnsignedShort();
-/// The C `int` type.
-/// Typically a signed 32-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 32-bit integer, use [Int32] with the C `int32_t` type.
-/// For an `unsigned int`, use [UnsignedInt].
-/// The [Int] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Int32(),
-class Int extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const Int();
-/// The C `unsigned int` type.
-/// Typically an unsigned 32-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 32-bit integer, use [Uint32] with the C `uint32_t` type.
-/// For a signed `int`, use [Int].
-/// The [UnsignedInt] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint32(),
-class UnsignedInt extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const UnsignedInt();
-/// The C `long int`, aka. `long`, type.
-/// Typically a signed 32- or 64-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 32-bit integer, use [Int32] with the C `int32_t` type.
-/// For a guaranteed 64-bit integer, use [Int64] with the C `int64_t` type.
-/// For an `unsigned long`, use [UnsignedLong].
-/// The [Long] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Int32(),
-class Long extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const Long();
-/// The C `unsigned long int`, aka. `unsigned long`, type.
-/// Typically an unsigned 32- or 64-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 32-bit integer, use [Uint32] with the C `uint32_t` type.
-/// For a guaranteed 64-bit integer, use [Uint64] with the C `uint64_t` type.
-/// For a signed `long`, use [Long].
-/// The [UnsignedLong] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint32(),
-class UnsignedLong extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const UnsignedLong();
-/// The C `long long` type.
-/// Typically a signed 64-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 64-bit integer, use [Int64] with the C `int64_t` type.
-/// For an `unsigned long long`, use [UnsignedLongLong].
-/// The [LongLong] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Int64(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Int64(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Int64(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Int64(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Int64(),
-class LongLong extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const LongLong();
-/// The C `unsigned long long` type.
-/// Typically an unsigned 64-bit integer.
-/// For a guaranteed 64-bit integer, use [Uint64] with the C `uint64_t` type.
-/// For a signed `long long`, use [LongLong].
-/// The [UnsignedLongLong] type is a native type, and should not be constructed
-/// in Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint64(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint64(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint64(),
-class UnsignedLongLong extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const UnsignedLongLong();
-/// The C `intptr_t` type.
-/// The [IntPtr] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int64(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Int64(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Int64(),
-class IntPtr extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const IntPtr();
-/// The C `uintptr_t` type.
-/// The [UintPtr] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint64(),
-class UintPtr extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const UintPtr();
-/// The C `size_t` type.
-/// The [Size] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint64(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint64(),
-class Size extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const Size();
-/// The C `wchar_t` type.
-/// The signedness of `wchar_t` is undefined in C. Here, it is exposed as the
-/// defaults on the tested [Abi]s.
-/// The [WChar] type is a native type, and should not be constructed in
-/// Dart code.
-/// It occurs only in native type signatures and as annotation on [Struct] and
-/// [Union] fields.
-  Abi.androidArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidIA32: Uint32(),
-  Abi.androidX64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.fuchsiaX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosArm: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.iosX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxArm64: Uint32(),
-  Abi.linuxIA32: Int32(),
-  Abi.linuxX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.macosArm64: Int32(),
-  Abi.macosX64: Int32(),
-  Abi.windowsArm64: Uint16(),
-  Abi.windowsIA32: Uint16(),
-  Abi.windowsX64: Uint16(),
-class WChar extends AbiSpecificInteger {
-  const WChar();
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 8e2d644..f2f91d5 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 name: ffi
-version: 1.2.0
+version: 1.2.1
 description: Utilities for working with Foreign Function Interface (FFI) code.
-  sdk: '>=2.16.0<3.0.0'
+  sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
   test: ^1.16.0
diff --git a/test/c_type_test.dart b/test/c_type_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f71363..0000000
--- a/test/c_type_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:ffi';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-void main() {
-  test('uintptr_t', () {
-    expect(sizeOf<UintPtr>(), sizeOf<IntPtr>());
-  });
-  test('wchar_t', () {
-    expect(sizeOf<WChar>(), Platform.isWindows ? 2 : 4);
-  });
-  test('long', () {
-    expect(sizeOf<Long>(), Platform.isWindows ? 4 : sizeOf<IntPtr>());
-  });
-  test('unsigned long', () {
-    expect(sizeOf<UnsignedLong>(), sizeOf<Long>());
-  });
-  test('int', () {
-    expect(sizeOf<Int>(), sizeOf<Int32>());
-  });