blob: 4f257767443f9ff40ffcd0c578bd0e9f9ea5f5e5 [file] [log] [blame]
library mustache_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:mustache/mustache.dart';
const MISMATCHED_TAG = 'Mismatched tag';
const UNEXPECTED_EOF = 'Unexpected end of input';
const BAD_VALUE_SECTION = 'Invalid value type for section';
const BAD_VALUE_INV_SECTION = 'Invalid value type for inverse section';
const BAD_TAG_NAME = 'Tag contained invalid characters in name';
const VALUE_NULL = 'Value was null or missing';
Template parse(String source, {bool lenient: false})
=> new Template(source, lenient: lenient);
main() {
group('Basic', () {
test('Variable', () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": "bob"});
expect(output, equals('_bob_'));
test('Comment', () {
var output = parse('_{{! i am a\n comment ! }}_').renderString({});
expect(output, equals('__'));
group('Section', () {
test('Map', () {
var output = parse('{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": {"var": "bob"}});
expect(output, equals('_bob_'));
test('List', () {
var output = parse('{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": [{"var": "bob"}, {"var": "jim"}]});
expect(output, equals('_bob__jim_'));
test('Empty List', () {
var output = parse('{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": []});
expect(output, equals(''));
test('False', () {
var output = parse('{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": false});
expect(output, equals(''));
test('Invalid value', () {
var ex = renderFail(
{"section": 42});
expect(ex is TemplateException, isTrue);
expect(ex.message, startsWith(BAD_VALUE_SECTION));
test('True', () {
var output = parse('{{#section}}_ok_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": true});
expect(output, equals('_ok_'));
test('Nested', () {
var output = parse('{{#section}}.{{var}}.{{#nested}}_{{nestedvar}}_{{/nested}}.{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": {
"var": "bob",
"nested": [
{"nestedvar": "jim"},
{"nestedvar": "sally"}
expect(output, equals('.bob._jim__sally_.'));
test('Whitespace in section tags', () {
expect(parse('{{}}oi{{/}}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
expect(parse('{{#}}oi{{/}}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
expect(parse('{{ }}oi{{/}}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
expect(parse('{{# }}oi{{/}}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
expect(parse('{{}}oi{{/}}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
expect(parse('{{}}oi{{/ }}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
expect(parse('{{}}oi{{/ }}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
expect(parse('{{# }}oi{{/ }}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('oi'));
test('Whitespace in variable tags', () {
expect(parse('{{}}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('true'));
expect(parse('{{}}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('true'));
expect(parse('{{ }}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('true'));
expect(parse('{{ }}').renderString({'foo': {'bar': true}}), equals('true'));
test('Odd whitespace in tags', () {
render(source, values, output)
=> expect(parse(source, lenient: true)
.renderString(values), equals(output));
"{{\t# foo}}oi{{\n/foo}}",
{'foo': true},
"{{ # # foo }} {{ oi }} {{ / # foo }}",
{'# foo': [{'oi': 'OI!'}]},
' OI! ');
"{{ #foo }} {{ oi }} {{ /foo }}",
{'foo': [{'oi': 'OI!'}]},
' OI! ');
"{{\t#foo }} {{ oi }} {{ /foo }}",
{'foo': [{'oi': 'OI!'}]},
' OI! ');
"{{{ #foo }}} {{{ /foo }}}",
{'#foo': 1, '/foo': 2},
'1 2');
// Invalid - I'm ok with that for now.
// render(
// "{{{ { }}}",
// {'{': 1},
// '1');
{'foo': 'bar'},
{'foo': 'bar'},
"{{\t# foo}}oi{{\n/foo}}",
{'foo': true},
{'foo': true},
"{{ > }}",
{'>': 'oi'},
group('Inverse Section', () {
test('Map', () {
var output = parse('{{^section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": {"var": "bob"}});
expect(output, equals(''));
test('List', () {
var output = parse('{{^section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": [{"var": "bob"}, {"var": "jim"}]});
expect(output, equals(''));
test('Empty List', () {
var output = parse('{{^section}}_ok_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": []});
expect(output, equals('_ok_'));
test('False', () {
var output = parse('{{^section}}_ok_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": false});
expect(output, equals('_ok_'));
test('Invalid value', () {
var ex = renderFail(
{"section": 42});
expect(ex is TemplateException, isTrue);
expect(ex.message, startsWith(BAD_VALUE_INV_SECTION));
test('True', () {
var output = parse('{{^section}}_ok_{{/section}}')
.renderString({"section": true});
expect(output, equals(''));
group('Html escape', () {
test('Escape at start', () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": "&."});
expect(output, equals('_&._'));
test('Escape at end', () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": ".&"});
expect(output, equals('_.&_'));
test('&', () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": "&"});
expect(output, equals('_&_'));
test('<', () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": "<"});
expect(output, equals('_&lt;_'));
test('>', () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": ">"});
expect(output, equals('_&gt;_'));
test('"', () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": '"'});
expect(output, equals('_&quot;_'));
test("'", () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": "'"});
expect(output, equals('_&#x27;_'));
test("/", () {
var output = parse('_{{var}}_')
.renderString({"var": "/"});
expect(output, equals('_&#x2F;_'));
group('Invalid format', () {
test('Mismatched tag', () {
var source = '{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/notsection}}';
var ex = renderFail(source, {"section": {"var": "bob"}});
expectFail(ex, 1, 25, 'Mismatched tag');
test('Unexpected EOF', () {
var source = '{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section';
var ex = renderFail(source, {"section": {"var": "bob"}});
expectFail(ex, 1, source.length + 2, UNEXPECTED_EOF);
test('Bad tag name, open section', () {
var source = r'{{#section$%$^%}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}';
var ex = renderFail(source, {"section": {"var": "bob"}});
expectFail(ex, null, null, BAD_TAG_NAME);
test('Bad tag name, close section', () {
var source = r'{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section$%$^%}}';
var ex = renderFail(source, {"section": {"var": "bob"}});
expectFail(ex, null, null, BAD_TAG_NAME);
test('Bad tag name, variable', () {
var source = r'{{#section}}_{{var$%$^%}}_{{/section}}';
var ex = renderFail(source, {"section": {"var": "bob"}});
expectFail(ex, null, null, BAD_TAG_NAME);
group('Lenient', () {
test('Odd section name', () {
var output = parse(r'{{#section$%$^%}}_{{var}}_{{/section$%$^%}}', lenient: true)
.renderString({r'section$%$^%': {'var': 'bob'}});
expect(output, equals('_bob_'));
test('Odd variable name', () {
var output = parse(r'{{#section}}_{{var$%$^%}}_{{/section}}', lenient: true)
.renderString({'section': {r'var$%$^%': 'bob'}});
test('Null variable', () {
var output = parse(r'{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}', lenient: true)
.renderString({'section': {'var': null}});
expect(output, equals('__'));
test('Null section', () {
var output = parse('{{#section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}', lenient: true)
.renderString({"section": null});
expect(output, equals(''));
// Known failure
// test('Null inverse section', () {
// var output = parse('{{^section}}_{{var}}_{{/section}}', lenient: true)
// .renderString({"section": null}, lenient: true);
// expect(output, equals(''));
// });
group('Escape tags', () {
test('{{{ ... }}}', () {
var output = parse('{{{blah}}}')
.renderString({'blah': '&'});
expect(output, equals('&'));
test('{{& ... }}', () {
var output = parse('{{{blah}}}')
.renderString({'blah': '&'});
expect(output, equals('&'));
group('Partial tag', () {
String _partialTest(Map values, Map sources, String renderTemplate, {bool lenient: false}) {
var templates = new Map<String, Template>();
var resolver = (name) => templates[name];
for (var k in sources.keys) {
templates[k] = new Template(sources[k],
name: k, lenient: lenient, partialResolver: resolver);
var t = resolver(renderTemplate);
return t.renderString(values);
test('basic', () {
var output = _partialTest(
{'foo': 'bar'},
{'root': '{{>partial}}', 'partial': '{{foo}}'},
expect(output, 'bar');
test('missing partial strict', () {
var threw = false;
try {
{'foo': 'bar'},
{'root': '{{>partial}}'},
lenient: false);
} catch (e) {
expect(e is TemplateException, isTrue);
threw = true;
expect(threw, isTrue);
test('missing partial lenient', () {
var output = _partialTest(
{'foo': 'bar'},
{'root': '{{>partial}}'},
lenient: true);
expect(output, equals(''));
test('context', () {
var output = _partialTest(
{'text': 'content'},
{'root': '"{{>partial}}"',
'partial': '*{{text}}*'},
lenient: true);
expect(output, equals('"*content*"'));
test('recursion', () {
var output = _partialTest(
{ 'content': "X", 'nodes': [ { 'content': "Y", 'nodes': [] } ] },
{'root': '{{>node}}',
'node': '{{content}}<{{#nodes}}{{>node}}{{/nodes}}>'},
lenient: true);
expect(output, equals('X<Y<>>'));
group('Lambdas', () {
_lambdaTest({template, lambda, output}) =>
expect(parse(template).renderString({'lambda': lambda}), equals(output));
test('basic', () {
template: 'Hello, {{lambda}}!',
lambda: (_) => 'world',
output: 'Hello, world!');
test('escaping', () {
template: '<{{lambda}}{{{lambda}}}',
lambda: (_) => '>',
output: '<&gt;>');
test('sections', () {
template: '{{#lambda}}FILE{{/lambda}} != {{#lambda}}LINE{{/lambda}}',
lambda: (s) => '__${s}__',
output: '__FILE__ != __LINE__');
test('inverted sections truthy', () {
var template = '<{{^lambda}}{{static}}{{/lambda}}>';
var values = {'lambda': (_) => false, 'static': 'static'};
var output = '<>';
expect(parse(template).renderString(values), equals(output));
test("seth's use case", () {
var template = '<{{#markdown}}{{content}}{{/markdown}}>';
var values = {'markdown': (s) => s.toLowerCase(), 'content': 'OI YOU!'};
var output = '<oi you!>';
expect(parse(template).renderString(values), equals(output));
group('Other', () {
test('Standalone line', () {
var val = parse('|\n{{#bob}}\n{{/bob}}\n|').renderString({'bob': []});
expect(val, equals('|\n|'));
group('Array indexing', () {
test('Basic', () {
var val = parse('{{array.1}}').renderString({'array': [1, 2, 3]});
expect(val, equals('2'));
test('RangeError', () {
var error = renderFail('{{array.5}}', {'array': [1, 2, 3]});
expect(error, isRangeError);
group('Mirrors', () {
test('Simple field', () {
var output = parse('_{{bar}}_')
.renderString(new Foo() = 'bob');
expect(output, equals('_bob_'));
test('Lambda', () {
var output = parse('_{{lambda}}_')
.renderString(new Foo()..lambda = (_) => 'yo');
expect(output, equals('_yo_'));
renderFail(source, values) {
try {
return null;
} catch (e) {
return e;
expectFail(ex, int line, int column, [String msgStartsWith]) {
expect(ex is TemplateException, isTrue);
if (line != null)
expect(ex.line, equals(line));
if (column != null)
expect(ex.column, equals(column));
if (msgStartsWith != null)
expect(ex.message, startsWith(msgStartsWith));
class Foo {
String bar;
Function lambda;