blob: fd180d1ba590927fdd97135201dafe818da83a25 [file] [log] [blame]
part of mustache;
/// Passed as an argument to a mustache lambda function.
class _LambdaContext implements LambdaContext {
final _Node _node;
final _Renderer _renderer;
bool _closed = false;
_LambdaContext(this._node, this._renderer);
void close() {
_closed = true;
_checkClosed() {
if (_closed) throw new TemplateException(
'LambdaContext accessed outside of callback.',
_renderer._templateName, _node.line, _node.column);
/// Render the current section tag in the current context and return the
/// result as a string.
String renderString() {
return _renderer._renderSubtree(_node);
//FIXME Currently only return values are supported.
/// Render and directly output the current section tag.
// void render() {
// _checkClosed();
// }
//FIXME Currently only return values are supported.
/// Output a string.
// void write(Object object) {
// _checkClosed();
// }
/// Get the unevaluated template source for the current section tag.
String get source {
var nodes = _node.children;
if (nodes.isEmpty) return '';
if (nodes.length == 1 && nodes.first.type == _TEXT)
return nodes.first.value;
var source = _renderer._source.substring(_node.start, _node.end);
return source;
/// Evaluate the string as a mustache template using the current context.
String renderSource(String source) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
/// Lookup the value of a variable in the current context.
Object lookup(String variableName) {
return _renderer._resolveValue(variableName);