blob: 6b601bca8e0430e2e60e13c88115ba164ef63d05 [file] [log] [blame]
library scanner2;
//import 'package:mustache/mustache.dart' as m;
class Scanner {
Scanner(String source, this._templateName, String delimiters, {bool lenient: true})
: _source = source,
_lenient = lenient,
_itr = source.runes.iterator {
var delims = _parseDelimiterString(delimiters);
_openDelimiter = delims[0];
_openDelimiterInner = delims[1];
_closeDelimiterInner = delims[2];
_closeDelimiter = delims[3];
if (source == '') {
_c = _EOF;
} else {
_c = _itr.current;
final String _templateName;
final String _source;
final bool _lenient;
final Iterator<int> _itr;
int _offset = 0;
int _c = 0;
final List<Token> _tokens = new List<Token>();
// These can be changed by the change delimiter tag.
int _openDelimiter;
int _openDelimiterInner;
int _closeDelimiterInner;
int _closeDelimiter;
List<Token> scan() {
while(true) {
int c = _peek();
if (c == _EOF) break;
else if (c == _openDelimiter) _scanOpenDelimiter();
else _scanText();
return _tokens;
int _peek() => _c;
int _read() {
int c = _c;
_c = _itr.moveNext() ? _itr.current : _EOF;
return c;
String _readWhile(bool test(int charCode), [Function endOfFile]) {
int start = _offset;
while (_peek() != _EOF && test(_peek())) {
if (_peek() == _EOF && endOfFile != null) endOfFile();
int end = _peek() == _EOF ? _source.length : _offset;
return _source.substring(start, end);
_expect(int expectedCharCode) {
int c = _read();
if (c == _EOF) {
throw new TemplateException('Unexpected end of input',
_templateName, _source, _offset);
} else if (c != expectedCharCode) {
throw new TemplateException('Unexpected character, '
'expected: ${new String.fromCharCode(expectedCharCode)} ($expectedCharCode), '
'was: ${new String.fromCharCode(c)} ($c)',
_templateName, _source, _offset);
bool _isWhitespace(int c)
=> const [_SPACE, _TAB , _NEWLINE, _RETURN].contains(c);
// Scan text. This adds text tokens, line end tokens, and whitespace
// tokens for whitespace at the begining of a line. This is because the
// mustache spec requires special handing of whitespace.
void _scanText() {
int start = 0;
TokenType token;
String value;
for (int c = _peek(); c != _EOF && c != _openDelimiter; c = _peek()) {
start = _offset;
switch (c) {
case _SPACE:
case _TAB:
value = _readWhile((c) => c == _SPACE || c == _TAB);
token = TokenType.whitespace;
case _NEWLINE:
token = TokenType.lineEnd;
value = '\n';
case _RETURN:
if (_peek() == _NEWLINE) {
token = TokenType.lineEnd;
value = '\r\n';
} else {
token = TokenType.text;
value = '\r';
value = _readWhile((c) => c != _openDelimiter && c != _NEWLINE);
token = TokenType.text;
_tokens.add(new Token(token, value, start, _offset));
//TODO remove this.
var _errorEofInTag = null;
void _scanOpenDelimiter() {
int start = _offset;
_expect(_openDelimiter); //TODO Change to assert.
// If only a single delimiter then create a text token.
if (_openDelimiterInner != null && _peek() != _openDelimiterInner) {
var value = new String.fromCharCode(_openDelimiter);
_tokens.add(new Token(TokenType.text, value, start, _offset));
} else {
if (_openDelimiterInner != null) _expect(_openDelimiterInner);
//TODO consider only allowing if other delimiters are set to mustache.
if (_peek() == _OPEN_MUSTACHE) {
var value = new String.fromCharCodes(_openDelimiterInner != null
? [_openDelimiter, _openDelimiterInner, _OPEN_MUSTACHE]
: [_openDelimiter, _OPEN_MUSTACHE]);
_tokens.add(new Token(TokenType.openTripleMustache, value, start, _offset));
} else {
var value = _openDelimiterInner != null
? new String.fromCharCodes([_openDelimiter, _openDelimiterInner])
: new String.fromCharCode(_openDelimiter);
_tokens.add(new Token(TokenType.openDelimiter, value, start, _offset));
// Check to see if this is a change delimiter tag. {{= | | =}}
// Need to skip whitespace and check for "=".
int wsStart = _offset;
var ws = _readWhile(
(c) => const [_SPACE, _TAB, _NEWLINE, _RETURN].contains(c));
if (_peek() == _EQUAL) {
} else {
if (ws.isNotEmpty) {
_tokens.add(new Token(TokenType.whitespace, ws, wsStart, _offset));
// Scan contents of a tag and the end delimiter token.
void _scanTagContent() {
int start;
TokenType token;
String value;
List<Token> result = <Token>[];
bool isCloseDelimiter(int c) =>
(_closeDelimiterInner == null && c == _closeDelimiter)
|| (_closeDelimiterInner != null && c == _closeDelimiterInner);
for (int c = _peek(); c != _EOF && !isCloseDelimiter(c); c = _peek()) {
start = _offset;
switch (c) {
case _HASH:
case _CARET:
case _GT:
case _AMP:
case _EXCLAIM:
token = TokenType.sigil;
value = new String.fromCharCode(c);
case _SPACE:
case _TAB:
case _NEWLINE:
case _RETURN:
token = TokenType.whitespace;
value = _readWhile(
(c) => const [_SPACE, _TAB, _NEWLINE, _RETURN].contains(c));
case _PERIOD:
token =;
value = '.';
// Indentifier can be any other character in lenient mode.
token = TokenType.identifier;
value = _readWhile((c) => !(const [ _HASH, _CARET, _FORWARD_SLASH,
_PERIOD].contains(c)) &&
c != _closeDelimiterInner &&
c != _closeDelimiter);
_tokens.add(new Token(token, value, start, _offset));
// Scan close delimiter token.
void _scanCloseDelimiter() {
if (_peek() != _EOF) {
int start = _offset;
if (_closeDelimiterInner != null) _expect(_closeDelimiterInner);
String value = new String.fromCharCodes(_closeDelimiterInner == null
? [_closeDelimiter]
: [_closeDelimiterInner, _closeDelimiter]);
_tokens.add(new Token(TokenType.closeDelimiter, value, start, _offset));
// Scan close triple mustache delimiter token.
//TODO consider forcing the delimiters to all be mustaches.
void _scanCloseTripleMustache() {
if (_peek() != _EOF) {
int start = _offset;
if (_closeDelimiterInner != null) _expect(_closeDelimiterInner);
String value = new String.fromCharCodes(_closeDelimiterInner == null
? [_closeDelimiter, _CLOSE_MUSTACHE]
: [_closeDelimiterInner, _closeDelimiter, _CLOSE_MUSTACHE]);
_tokens.add(new Token(TokenType.closeTripleMustache, value, start, _offset));
// Open delimiter characters and = have already been read.
void _scanChangeDelimiterTag(int start) {
var delimiterInner = _closeDelimiterInner;
var delimiter = _closeDelimiter;
_readWhile((c) => const [_SPACE, _TAB, _NEWLINE, _RETURN].contains(c));
int c;
c = _read();
if (c == _EQUAL) throw _error('Incorrect change delimiter tag.');
_openDelimiter = c;
c = _read();
if (_isWhitespace(c)) {
_openDelimiterInner = null;
} else {
_openDelimiterInner = c;
_readWhile((c) => const [_SPACE, _TAB, _NEWLINE, _RETURN].contains(c));
c = _read();
if (_isWhitespace(c) || c == _EQUAL)
throw _error('Incorrect change delimiter tag.');
if (_isWhitespace(_peek()) || _peek() == _EQUAL) {
_closeDelimiterInner = null;
_closeDelimiter = c;
} else {
_closeDelimiterInner = c;
_closeDelimiter = _read();
_readWhile((c) => const [_SPACE, _TAB, _NEWLINE, _RETURN].contains(c));
_readWhile((c) => const [_SPACE, _TAB, _NEWLINE, _RETURN].contains(c));
if (delimiterInner != null) _expect(delimiterInner);
var value = _delimiterString(
_tokens.add(new Token(TokenType.changeDelimiter, value, start, _offset));
TemplateException _error(String message) {
return new TemplateException(message, _templateName, _source, _offset);
_delimiterString(int open, int openInner, int closeInner, int close) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (openInner != null) buffer.writeCharCode(openInner);
buffer.write(' ');
if (closeInner != null) buffer.writeCharCode(closeInner);
return buffer.toString();
List<int> _parseDelimiterString(String s) {
if (s == null) return [_OPEN_MUSTACHE, _OPEN_MUSTACHE,
if (s.length == 3) {
return [s.codeUnits[0], null, null, s.codeUnits[2]];
} else if (s.length == 5) {
return [s.codeUnits[0],
} else {
throw new TemplateException(
'Invalid delimiter string $s', null, null, null);
const int _EOF = -1;
const int _TAB = 9;
const int _NEWLINE = 10;
const int _RETURN = 13;
const int _SPACE = 32;
const int _EXCLAIM = 33;
const int _QUOTE = 34;
const int _APOS = 39;
const int _HASH = 35;
const int _AMP = 38;
const int _PERIOD = 46;
const int _FORWARD_SLASH = 47;
const int _LT = 60;
const int _EQUAL = 61;
const int _GT = 62;
const int _CARET = 94;
const int _OPEN_MUSTACHE = 123;
const int _CLOSE_MUSTACHE = 125;
const int _A = 65;
const int _Z = 90;
const int _a = 97;
const int _z = 122;
const int _0 = 48;
const int _9 = 57;
const int _UNDERSCORE = 95;
const int _MINUS = 45;
class TokenType {
const TokenType(;
final String name;
String toString() => '(TokenType $name)';
static const TokenType text = const TokenType('text');
static const TokenType comment = const TokenType('comment');
static const TokenType openDelimiter = const TokenType('openDelimiter');
static const TokenType closeDelimiter = const TokenType('closeDelimiter');
// A sigil is the word commonly used to describe the special character at the
// start of mustache tag i.e. #, ^ or /.
static const TokenType sigil = const TokenType('sigil');
static const TokenType identifier = const TokenType('identifier');
static const TokenType dot = const TokenType('dot');
static const TokenType changeDelimiter = const TokenType('changeDelimiter');
//TODO consider just using normal delimiter and checking the value to see if it is a triple
static const TokenType openTripleMustache = const TokenType('openTripleMustache');
static const TokenType closeTripleMustache = const TokenType('closeTripleMustache');
static const TokenType whitespace = const TokenType('whitespace');
static const TokenType lineEnd = const TokenType('lineEnd');
class Token {
Token(this.type, this.value, this.start, this.end);
final TokenType type;
final String value;
final int start;
final int end;
String toString() => "(Token ${} \"$value\" $start $end)";
// Only used for testing.
bool operator ==(o) => o is Token
&& type == o.type
&& value == o.value
&& start == o.start
&& end == o.end;
// TODO hashcode. import quiver.
class TemplateException { //implements m.TemplateException {
TemplateException(this.message, this.templateName, this.source, this.offset);
final String message;
final String templateName;
final String source;
final int offset;
bool _isUpdated = false;
int _line;
int _column;
String _context;
int get line {
return _line;
int get column {
return _column;
String get context {
return _context;
String toString() {
var list = [];
if (templateName != null) list.add(templateName);
if (line != null) list.add(line);
if (column != null) list.add(column);
var location = list.isEmpty ? '' : ' (${list.join(':')})';
return '$message$location\n$context';
// This source code is a modified version of FormatException.toString().
void _update() {
if (_isUpdated) return;
_isUpdated = true;
if (source == null
|| offset == null
|| (offset < 0 || offset > source.length))
// Find line and character column.
int lineNum = 1;
int lineStart = 0;
bool lastWasCR;
for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
int char = source.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char == 0x0a) {
if (lineStart != i || !lastWasCR) {
lineStart = i + 1;
lastWasCR = false;
} else if (char == 0x0d) {
lineStart = i + 1;
lastWasCR = true;
_line = lineNum;
_column = offset - lineStart + 1;
// Find context.
int lineEnd = source.length;
for (int i = offset; i < source.length; i++) {
int char = source.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char == 0x0a || char == 0x0d) {
lineEnd = i;
int length = lineEnd - lineStart;
int start = lineStart;
int end = lineEnd;
String prefix = "";
String postfix = "";
if (length > 78) {
// Can't show entire line. Try to anchor at the nearest end, if
// one is within reach.
int index = offset - lineStart;
if (index < 75) {
end = start + 75;
postfix = "...";
} else if (end - offset < 75) {
start = end - 75;
prefix = "...";
} else {
// Neither end is near, just pick an area around the offset.
start = offset - 36;
end = offset + 36;
prefix = postfix = "...";
String slice = source.substring(start, end);
int markOffset = offset - start + prefix.length;
_context = "$prefix$slice$postfix\n${" " * markOffset}^\n";