blob: a5012459b61e895d9f93174621d493b743099fef [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'entry.dart';
class _TarStreamTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase<List<int>, Entry> {
const _TarStreamTransformer();
Stream<Entry> bind(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
return _BoundTarStream(stream).stream;
/// A stream transformer turning byte-streams into a stream of tar entries.
/// You can iterate over entries in a tar archive like this:
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:io';
/// import 'package:tar/tar.dart' as tar;
/// Future<void> main() async {
/// final tarFile = File('file.tar.gz')
/// .openRead()
/// // use gzip.decoder if you're reading .tar.gz files
/// .transform(gzip.decoder)
/// .transform(tar.reader);
/// await for (final entry in tarFile) {
/// print(;
/// print(await entry.transform(utf8.decoder).first);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
const reader = _TarStreamTransformer();
class _BoundTarStream {
// sync because we'll only add events in response to events that we receive.
final _controller = StreamController<Entry>(sync: true);
// We don't propagate pauses/resumes from the global [_controller] when we're
// reading an entry, so we have to remember the state to do that later.
var _controllerState = _ControllerState.idle;
// Whether we're skipping input to get to the end of a tar block.
bool _isWaitingForBlockToFinish = false;
// Whether we've seen the end of the tar stream, indicated by two empty
// blocks.
bool _hasReachedEnd = false;
StreamController<Uint8List>? _entryController;
// The subscription to the input stream from the constructor. We only start to
// listen when we have a listener to this stream, and we pause/resume the
// subscription as necessary.
late StreamSubscription<List<int>> _subscription;
// Headers used for file names longer than 100 chars
final Map<String, String> _globalPaxHeader = {};
final Map<String, String> _localPaxHeader = {};
late final Map<String, String> _effectivePaxHeader =
_FallbackMapView(_globalPaxHeader, _localPaxHeader);
FileType? _processingSpecialType;
// When we're parsing a header, this stores collected header values. When
// processing a special file type (e.g. extended headers), this buffer will
// store the content of that file.
Uint8List _buffer = Uint8List(blockSize);
// The amount of bytes to read before we switch states (e.g. from headers to
// entries to vice-versa)
int _remainingBytes = blockSize;
// The offset in the current block, used to track how much data to skip when
// we go to the next block.
int _offsetInBlock = 0;
Stream<Entry> get stream =>;
_BoundTarStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
..onPause = () {
..onResume = () {
..onCancel = () {
..onListen = () {
_controllerState =;
_subscription = stream.listen(
(chunk) {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
_controller.addError(e, s);
onDone: () {
if (!_hasReachedEnd) {
_controller.addError(StateError('Unexpected end of input'));
onError: _controller.addError,
void _setStateAndPropagate(_ControllerState state) {
_controllerState = state;
void _propagateStateIfPossible() {
// Don't pause or resume if we are processing an entry. Users are supposed
// to pause/resume the entry stream instead.
if (_entryController == null) {
switch (_controllerState) {
case _ControllerState.idle:
throw AssertionError('Should not get back to idle.');
if (_subscription.isPaused) _subscription.resume();
case _ControllerState.paused:
if (!_subscription.isPaused) _subscription.pause();
case _ControllerState.canceled:
/// Switches to a state in which we're skipping padding, if necessary.
void _skipPadding() {
if (_offsetInBlock != 0) {
_remainingBytes = blockSize - _offsetInBlock;
_isWaitingForBlockToFinish = true;
void _processChunk(List<int> chunk) {
var offset = 0;
List<int> read(int amount) {
final result = chunk.sublist(offset, offset + amount);
_remainingBytes -= amount;
offset += amount;
_offsetInBlock = (_offsetInBlock + amount).toUnsigned(blockSizeLog2);
return result;
void readExtendedHeader(int availableBytes) {
_buffer.setAll(_buffer.length - _remainingBytes, read(availableBytes));
if (_remainingBytes == 0) {
switch (_processingSpecialType) {
case FileType.extendedHeader:
case FileType.globalExtended:
// Fake a pax header for these two, they're otherwise equivalent
case FileType.gnuLongLinkName:
_localPaxHeader[paxHeaderLinkName] = _readZeroTerminated();
case FileType.gnuLongName:
_localPaxHeader[paxHeaderPath] = _readZeroTerminated();
throw AssertionError('Only headers are special types');
// Resume by parsing the next header, which is then a regular one
_processingSpecialType = null;
if (_buffer.length != blockSize) _buffer = Uint8List(blockSize);
_remainingBytes = blockSize;
void readHeader(int availableBytes) {
_buffer.setAll(blockSize - _remainingBytes, read(availableBytes));
if (_remainingBytes == 0) {
// Header is complete, start emitting an entry. Note that we don't have
// to skip padding as headers always have the length of one block.
if (_buffer.isAllZeroes) {
_hasReachedEnd = true;
final header = Header.fromBlock(
fileName: _effectivePaxHeader[paxHeaderPath],
linkName: _effectivePaxHeader[paxHeaderLinkName],
final type = header.type;
if (!_transparentFileTypes.contains(type)) {
final entry = _entryController = StreamController(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
if (_subscription.isPaused) _subscription.resume();
onPause: _subscription.pause,
onResume: _subscription.resume,
_remainingBytes = header.size;
} else {
_remainingBytes = header.size;
_buffer = Uint8List(header.size);
_processingSpecialType = type;
while (offset < chunk.length) {
if (_hasReachedEnd) break;
var remainingInChunk = chunk.length - offset;
if (_isWaitingForBlockToFinish) {
final remainingInBlock = blockSize - _offsetInBlock;
if (remainingInBlock <= remainingInChunk) {
// Skip the block padding, then go on with the next block
offset += remainingInBlock;
_offsetInBlock += remainingInBlock;
remainingInChunk -= remainingInBlock;
_isWaitingForBlockToFinish = false;
} else {
// The rest of this chunk is padding data that we can ignore.
_offsetInBlock += remainingInChunk;
final availableBytes = min(_remainingBytes, remainingInChunk);
if (_processingSpecialType != null) {
} else {
final currentEntry = _entryController;
if (currentEntry == null) {
// If there's no current entry, we're reading a header
} else {
// Otherwise, add to the current entry
final outputChunk = read(availableBytes);
if (_remainingBytes == 0) {
// Entry is done. Close and start by reading the next header
_entryController = null;
_remainingBytes = blockSize;
/// Decodes the content of an extended pax header entry.
/// For details, see
Map<String, String> _readPaxHeader() {
var offset = 0;
final map = <String, String>{};
while (offset < _buffer.length) {
// At the start of an entry, expect its length
var length = 0;
var currentChar = _buffer[offset];
var charsInLength = 0;
while (currentChar >= $0 && currentChar <= $9) {
length = length * 10 + currentChar - $0;
currentChar = _buffer[++offset];
if (length == 0) {
throw StateError('Could not parse extended pax header: Got entry with '
'zero length.');
// Skip the whitespace
if (currentChar != $space) {
throw StateError('Could not parse extended pax header: Expected '
'whitespace after length indicator.');
currentChar = _buffer[++offset];
// Read the key
final keyBuffer = StringBuffer();
while (currentChar != $equal) {
currentChar = _buffer[++offset];
// Skip over the equals sign
// Now, read the value from the known size. We subtract 3 for the space,
// the equals and the trailing newline
final lengthOfValue = length - 3 - keyBuffer.length - charsInLength;
final value =
utf8.decode(_buffer.sublist(offset, offset + lengthOfValue));
map[keyBuffer.toString()] = value;
// Skip over value and trailing newline
offset += lengthOfValue + 1;
return map;
String _readZeroTerminated() {
return readZeroTerminated(_buffer, 0, _buffer.length);
// Archive entries with those types are hidden from users
const _transparentFileTypes = {
enum _ControllerState {
extension on Uint8List {
bool get isAllZeroes {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (this[i] != 0) return false;
return true;
class _FallbackMapView<K, V> extends UnmodifiableMapBase<K, V> {
final Map<K, V> first;
final Map<K, V> fallback;
_FallbackMapView(this.first, this.fallback);
V? operator [](Object? key) {
return first[key] ?? fallback[key];
Iterable<K> get keys => <K>{...first.keys, ...fallback.keys};