blob: 52d5f45e903ae7a6ffbd16acfb3f13df91ebc440 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:typed_data/typed_data.dart';
import 'charcodes.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'entry.dart';
import 'exception.dart';
import 'format.dart';
import 'header.dart';
import 'sparse.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// [TarReader] provides sequential access to the TAR files in a TAR archive.
/// It is designed to read from a stream and to spit out substreams for
/// individual file contents in order to minimize the amount of memory needed
/// to read each archive where possible.
class TarReader implements StreamIterator<TarEntry> {
final BlockReader _reader;
final PaxHeaders _paxHeaders = PaxHeaders();
final int _maxSpecialFileSize;
TarEntry? _current;
/// The underlying content stream for the [_current] entry. Draining this
/// stream will move the tar reader to the beginning of the next file.
/// This is not the same as `` for sparse files, which are
/// reported as expanded through [TarEntry.contents].
/// For that reason, we prefer to drain this stream when skipping a tar entry.
/// When we know we're skipping data, there's no point expanding sparse holes.
/// This stream is always set to null after being drained, and there can only
/// be one [_underlyingContentStream] at a time.
Stream<List<int>>? _underlyingContentStream;
/// Whether [_current] has ever been listened to.
bool _listenedToContentsOnce = false;
/// Whether we're in the process of reading tar headers.
bool _isReadingHeaders = false;
/// Whether this tar reader is terminally done.
/// That is the case if:
/// - [cancel] was called
/// - [moveNext] completed to `false` once.
/// - [moveNext] completed to an error
/// - an error was emitted through a tar entry's content stream
bool _isDone = false;
/// Whether we should ensure that the stream emits no further data after the
/// end of the tar file was reached.
final bool _checkNoTrailingData;
/// Creates a tar reader reading from the raw [tarStream].
/// The [disallowTrailingData] parameter can be enabled to assert that the
/// [tarStream] contains exactly one tar archive before ending.
/// When [disallowTrailingData] is disabled (which is the default), the reader
/// will automatically cancel its stream subscription when [moveNext] returns
/// `false`.
/// When it is enabled and a marker indicating the end of an archive is
/// encountered, [moveNext] will wait for further events on the stream. If
/// further data is received, a [TarException] will be thrown and the
/// subscription will be cancelled. Otherwise, [moveNext] effectively waits
/// for a done event, making a cancellation unecessary.
/// Depending on the input stream, cancellations may cause unintended
/// side-effects. In that case, [disallowTrailingData] can be used to ensure
/// that the stream is only cancelled if it emits an invalid tar file.
/// The [maxSpecialFileSize] parameter can be used to limit the maximum length
/// of hidden entries in the tar stream. These entries include extended PAX
/// headers or long names in GNU tar. The content of those entries has to be
/// buffered in the parser to properly read the following tar entries. To
/// avoid memory-based denial-of-service attacks, this library limits their
/// maximum length. Changing the default of 2 KiB is rarely necessary.
TarReader(Stream<List<int>> tarStream,
{int maxSpecialFileSize = defaultSpecialLength,
bool disallowTrailingData = false})
: _reader = BlockReader(tarStream),
_checkNoTrailingData = disallowTrailingData,
_maxSpecialFileSize = maxSpecialFileSize;
TarEntry get current {
final current = _current;
if (current == null) {
throw StateError('Invalid call to TarReader.current. \n'
'Did you call and await next() and checked that it returned true?');
return current;
/// Reads the tar stream up until the beginning of the next logical file.
/// If such file exists, the returned future will complete with `true`. After
/// the future completes, the next tar entry will be evailable in [current].
/// If no such file exists, the future will complete with `false`.
/// The future might complete with an [TarException] if the tar stream is
/// malformed or ends unexpectedly.
/// If the future completes with `false` or an exception, the reader will
/// [cancel] itself and release associated resources. Thus, it is invalid to
/// call [moveNext] again in that case.
Future<bool> moveNext() async {
await _prepareToReadHeaders();
try {
return await _moveNextInternal();
} on Object {
await cancel();
/// Consumes the stream up to the contents of the next logical tar entry.
/// Will cancel the underlying subscription when returning false, but not when
/// it throws.
Future<bool> _moveNextInternal() async {
// We're reading a new logical file, so clear the local pax headers
var gnuLongName = '';
var gnuLongLink = '';
var eofAcceptable = true;
var format = TarFormat.ustar |
TarFormat.pax |
TarFormat.gnu |
TarFormat.v7 |;
HeaderImpl? nextHeader;
// Externally, [moveNext] iterates through the tar archive as if it is a
// series of files. Internally, the tar format often uses fake "files" to
// add meta data that describes the next file. These meta data "files"
// should not normally be visible to the outside. As such, this loop
// iterates through one or more "header files" until it finds a
// "normal file".
while (true) {
final rawHeader = await _readFullBlock(allowEmpty: eofAcceptable);
nextHeader = await _readHeader(rawHeader);
if (nextHeader == null) {
if (eofAcceptable) {
await _handleExpectedEof();
return false;
} else {
// We're beginning to read a file, if the tar file ends now something is
// wrong
eofAcceptable = false;
format = format.mayOnlyBe(nextHeader.format);
// Check for PAX/GNU special headers and files.
if (nextHeader.typeFlag == TypeFlag.xHeader ||
nextHeader.typeFlag == TypeFlag.xGlobalHeader) {
format = format.mayOnlyBe(TarFormat.pax);
final paxHeaderSize = _checkSpecialSize(nextHeader.size);
final rawPaxHeaders =
(await _readFullBlock(amount: numBlocks(paxHeaderSize)))
.sublistView(0, paxHeaderSize);
rawPaxHeaders, nextHeader.typeFlag == TypeFlag.xGlobalHeader);
// This is a meta header affecting the next header.
} else if (nextHeader.typeFlag == TypeFlag.gnuLongLink ||
nextHeader.typeFlag == TypeFlag.gnuLongName) {
format = format.mayOnlyBe(TarFormat.gnu);
final size = _checkSpecialSize(nextHeader.size);
final realName = await _readFullBlock(amount: numBlocks(size));
final readName = realName.readString(0, realName.length);
if (nextHeader.typeFlag == TypeFlag.gnuLongName) {
gnuLongName = readName;
} else {
gnuLongLink = readName;
// This is a meta header affecting the next header.
} else {
// The old GNU sparse format is handled here since it is technically
// just a regular file with additional attributes.
if (gnuLongName.isNotEmpty) = gnuLongName;
if (gnuLongLink.isNotEmpty) nextHeader.linkName = gnuLongLink;
if (nextHeader.internalTypeFlag == TypeFlag.regA) {
/// Legacy archives use trailing slash for directories
if ('/')) {
nextHeader.internalTypeFlag = TypeFlag.dir;
} else {
nextHeader.internalTypeFlag = TypeFlag.reg;
final content = await _handleFile(nextHeader, rawHeader);
// Set the final guess at the format
if (format.has(TarFormat.ustar) && format.has(TarFormat.pax)) {
format = format.mayOnlyBe(TarFormat.ustar);
nextHeader.format = format;
_current = TarEntry(nextHeader, content);
_listenedToContentsOnce = false;
_isReadingHeaders = false;
return true;
Future<void> cancel() async {
if (_isDone) return;
_isDone = true;
_current = null;
_underlyingContentStream = null;
_listenedToContentsOnce = false;
_isReadingHeaders = false;
// Note: Calling cancel is safe when the stream has already been completed.
// It's a noop in that case, which is what we want.
return _reader.close();
/// Utility function for quickly iterating through all entries in [tarStream].
static Future<void> forEach(Stream<List<int>> tarStream,
FutureOr<void> Function(TarEntry entry) action) async {
final reader = TarReader(tarStream);
try {
while (await reader.moveNext()) {
await action(reader.current);
} finally {
await reader.cancel();
/// Ensures that this reader can safely read headers now.
/// This methods prevents:
/// * concurrent calls to [moveNext]
/// * a call to [moveNext] while a stream is active:
/// * if [contents] has never been listened to, we drain the stream
/// * otherwise, throws a [StateError]
Future<void> _prepareToReadHeaders() async {
if (_isDone) {
throw StateError('Tried to call TarReader.moveNext() on a canceled '
'reader. \n'
'Note that a reader is canceled when moveNext() throws or returns '
if (_isReadingHeaders) {
throw StateError('Concurrent call to TarReader.moveNext() detected. \n'
'Please await all calls to Reader.moveNext().');
_isReadingHeaders = true;
final underlyingStream = _underlyingContentStream;
if (underlyingStream != null) {
if (_listenedToContentsOnce) {
throw StateError(
'Illegal call to TarReader.moveNext() while a previous stream was '
'When listening to tar contents, make sure the stream is '
'complete or cancelled before calling TarReader.moveNext() again.');
} else {
await underlyingStream.drain<void>();
// The stream should reset when drained (we do this in _publishStream)
assert(_underlyingContentStream == null);
int _checkSpecialSize(int size) {
if (size > _maxSpecialFileSize) {
throw TarException(
'TAR file contains hidden entry with an invalid size of $size.');
return size;
/// Ater we detected the end of a tar file, optionally check for trailing
/// data.
Future<void> _handleExpectedEof() async {
if (_checkNoTrailingData) {
// Trailing zeroes are okay, but don't allow any more data here.
Uint8List block;
do {
block = await _reader.nextBlock();
if (!block.isAllZeroes) {
throw TarException(
'Illegal content after the end of the tar archive.');
} while (block.length == blockSize);
// The stream is done when we couldn't read the full block.
await cancel();
Never _unexpectedEof() {
throw TarException.header('Unexpected end of file');
/// Reads [amount] blocks from the input stream, or throws an exception if
/// the stream ends prematurely.
Future<Uint8List> _readFullBlock({bool allowEmpty = false, int amount = 1}) {
final blocks = Uint8List(amount * blockSize);
var offset = 0;
return _reader.nextBlocks(amount).forEach((chunk) {
blocks.setAll(offset, chunk);
offset += chunk.length;
}).then((void _) {
if (allowEmpty && offset == 0) {
return Uint8List(0);
} else if (offset < blocks.length) {
} else {
return blocks;
/// Reads the next block header and assumes that the underlying reader
/// is already aligned to a block boundary. It returns the raw block of the
/// header in case further processing is required.
/// EOF is hit when one of the following occurs:
/// * Exactly 0 bytes are read and EOF is hit.
/// * Exactly 1 block of zeros is read and EOF is hit.
/// * At least 2 blocks of zeros are read.
Future<HeaderImpl?> _readHeader(Uint8List rawHeader) async {
// Exactly 0 bytes are read and EOF is hit.
if (rawHeader.isEmpty) return null;
if (rawHeader.isAllZeroes) {
rawHeader = await _reader.nextBlock();
// Exactly 1 block of zeroes is read and EOF is hit.
if (rawHeader.isEmpty) return null;
if (rawHeader.isAllZeroes) {
// Two blocks of zeros are read - Normal EOF.
return null;
throw TarException('Encountered a non-zero block after a zero block');
return HeaderImpl.parseBlock(rawHeader, paxHeaders: _paxHeaders);
/// Creates a stream of the next entry's content
Future<Stream<List<int>>> _handleFile(
HeaderImpl header, Uint8List rawHeader) async {
List<SparseEntry>? sparseData;
if (header.typeFlag == TypeFlag.gnuSparse) {
sparseData = await _readOldGNUSparseMap(header, rawHeader);
} else {
sparseData = await _readGNUSparsePAXHeaders(header);
if (sparseData != null) {
if (header.hasContent &&
!validateSparseEntries(sparseData, header.size)) {
throw TarException.header('Invalid sparse file header.');
final sparseHoles = invertSparseEntries(sparseData, header.size);
final sparseDataLength =
sparseData.fold<int>(0, (value, element) => value + element.length);
final streamBlockCount = numBlocks(sparseDataLength);
final safeStream = _publishStream(
_reader.nextBlocks(streamBlockCount), streamBlockCount * blockSize);
return sparseStream(safeStream, sparseHoles, header.size);
} else {
var size = header.size;
if (!header.hasContent) size = 0;
if (size < 0) {
throw TarException.header('Invalid size ($size) detected!');
if (size == 0) {
return _publishStream(const Stream<Never>.empty(), 0);
} else {
final blockCount = numBlocks(header.size);
return _publishStream(_reader.nextBlocks(blockCount), header.size);
/// Publishes an library-internal stream for users.
/// This adds a check to ensure that the stream we're exposing has the
/// expected length. It also sets the [_underlyingContentStream] field when
/// the stream starts and resets it when it's done.
Stream<List<int>> _publishStream(Stream<List<int>> stream, int length) {
// There can only be one content stream at a time. This precondition is
// checked by _prepareToReadHeaders.
assert(_underlyingContentStream == null);
return _underlyingContentStream = Stream.eventTransformed(stream, (sink) {
_listenedToContentsOnce = true;
late _OutgoingStreamGuard guard;
return guard = _OutgoingStreamGuard(
// Reset state when the stream is done. This will only be called when
// the sream is done, not when a listener cancels.
() {
_underlyingContentStream = null;
if (guard.hadError) {
/// Checks the PAX headers for GNU sparse headers.
/// If they are found, then this function reads the sparse map and returns it.
/// This assumes that 0.0 headers have already been converted to 0.1 headers
/// by the PAX header parsing logic.
Future<List<SparseEntry>?> _readGNUSparsePAXHeaders(HeaderImpl header) async {
/// Identify the version of GNU headers.
var isVersion1 = false;
final major = _paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseMajor];
final minor = _paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseMinor];
final sparseMapHeader = _paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseMap];
if (major == '0' && (minor == '0' || minor == '1') ||
// assume 0.0 or 0.1 if no version header is set
sparseMapHeader != null && sparseMapHeader.isNotEmpty) {
isVersion1 = false;
} else if (major == '1' && minor == '0') {
isVersion1 = true;
} else {
// Unknown version that we don't support
return null;
header.format |= TarFormat.pax;
/// Update [header] from GNU sparse PAX headers.
final possibleName = _paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseName] ?? '';
if (possibleName.isNotEmpty) { = possibleName;
final possibleSize =
_paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseSize] ?? _paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseRealSize];
if (possibleSize != null && possibleSize.isNotEmpty) {
final size = int.tryParse(possibleSize, radix: 10);
if (size == null) {
throw TarException.header('Invalid PAX size ($possibleSize) detected');
header.size = size;
// Read the sparse map according to the appropriate format.
if (isVersion1) {
return await _readGNUSparseMap1x0();
return _readGNUSparseMap0x1(header);
/// Reads the sparse map as stored in GNU's PAX sparse format version 1.0.
/// The format of the sparse map consists of a series of newline-terminated
/// numeric fields. The first field is the number of entries and is always
/// present. Following this are the entries, consisting of two fields
/// (offset, length). This function must stop reading at the end boundary of
/// the block containing the last newline.
/// Note that the GNU manual says that numeric values should be encoded in
/// octal format. However, the GNU tar utility itself outputs these values in
/// decimal. As such, this library treats values as being encoded in decimal.
Future<List<SparseEntry>> _readGNUSparseMap1x0() async {
var newLineCount = 0;
final block = Uint8Queue();
/// Ensures that [block] h as at least [n] tokens.
Future<void> feedTokens(int n) async {
while (newLineCount < n) {
final newBlock = await _readFullBlock();
if (newBlock.length < blockSize) {
throw TarException.header(
'GNU Sparse Map does not have enough lines!');
newLineCount += newBlock.where((byte) => byte == $lf).length;
/// Get the next token delimited by a newline. This assumes that
/// at least one newline exists in the buffer.
String nextToken() {
final nextNewLineIndex = block.indexOf($lf);
final result = block.sublist(0, nextNewLineIndex);
block.removeRange(0, nextNewLineIndex + 1);
return result.readString(0, nextNewLineIndex);
await feedTokens(1);
// Parse for the number of entries.
// Use integer overflow resistant math to check this.
final numEntriesString = nextToken();
final numEntries = int.tryParse(numEntriesString);
if (numEntries == null || numEntries < 0 || 2 * numEntries < numEntries) {
throw TarException.header(
'Invalid sparse map number of entries: $numEntriesString!');
// Parse for all member entries.
// [numEntries] is trusted after this since a potential attacker must have
// committed resources proportional to what this library used.
await feedTokens(2 * numEntries);
final sparseData = <SparseEntry>[];
for (var i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
final offsetToken = nextToken();
final lengthToken = nextToken();
final offset = int.tryParse(offsetToken);
final length = int.tryParse(lengthToken);
if (offset == null || length == null) {
throw TarException.header(
'Failed to read a GNU sparse map entry. Encountered '
'offset: $offsetToken, length: $lengthToken');
sparseData.add(SparseEntry(offset, length));
return sparseData;
/// Reads the sparse map as stored in GNU's PAX sparse format version 0.1.
/// The sparse map is stored in the PAX headers and is stored like this:
/// `offset₀,size₀,offset₁,size₁...`
List<SparseEntry> _readGNUSparseMap0x1(TarHeader header) {
// Get number of entries, check for integer overflows
final numEntriesString = _paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseNumBlocks];
final numEntries =
numEntriesString != null ? int.tryParse(numEntriesString) : null;
if (numEntries == null || numEntries < 0 || 2 * numEntries < numEntries) {
throw TarException.header('Invalid GNU version 0.1 map');
// There should be two numbers in [sparseMap] for each entry.
final sparseMap = _paxHeaders[paxGNUSparseMap]?.split(',');
if (sparseMap == null) {
throw TarException.header('Invalid GNU version 0.1 map');
if (sparseMap.length != 2 * numEntries) {
throw TarException.header(
'Detected sparse map length ${sparseMap.length} '
'that is not twice the number of entries $numEntries');
/// Loop through sparse map entries.
/// [numEntries] is now trusted.
final sparseData = <SparseEntry>[];
for (var i = 0; i < sparseMap.length; i += 2) {
final offset = int.tryParse(sparseMap[i]);
final length = int.tryParse(sparseMap[i + 1]);
if (offset == null || length == null) {
throw TarException.header(
'Failed to read a GNU sparse map entry. Encountered '
'offset: $offset, length: $length');
sparseData.add(SparseEntry(offset, length));
return sparseData;
/// Reads the sparse map from the old GNU sparse format.
/// The sparse map is stored in the tar header if it's small enough.
/// If it's larger than four entries, then one or more extension headers are
/// used to store the rest of the sparse map.
/// [TarHeader.size] does not reflect the size of any extended headers used.
/// Thus, this function will read from the chunked stream iterator to fetch
/// extra headers.
/// See also:
Future<List<SparseEntry>> _readOldGNUSparseMap(
HeaderImpl header, Uint8List rawHeader) async {
// Make sure that the input format is GNU.
// Unfortunately, the STAR format also has a sparse header format that uses
// the same type flag but has a completely different layout.
if (header.format != TarFormat.gnu) {
throw TarException.header('Tried to read sparse map of non-GNU header');
// Read the real size of the file when sparse holes are expanded.
header.size = rawHeader.readNumeric(483, 12);
final sparseEntries = <SparseEntry>[];
bool readEntry(Uint8List source, int offset) {
// If a sparse header starts with a null byte, it marks the end of the
// sparse structures.
if (rawHeader[offset] == 0) return false;
final fileOffset = source.readNumeric(offset, 12);
final length = source.readNumeric(offset + 12, 12);
sparseEntries.add(SparseEntry(fileOffset, length));
return true;
// The first four sparse headers are stored in the tar header itself
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
final offset = 386 + 24 * i;
if (!readEntry(rawHeader, offset)) break;
var isExtended = rawHeader[482] != 0;
while (isExtended) {
// Ok, we have a new block of sparse headers to process
final block = await _readFullBlock();
// A full block of sparse data contains up to 21 entries
for (var i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
if (!readEntry(block, i * 24)) break;
// The last bytes indicates whether another sparse header block follows.
isExtended = block[504] != 0;
return sparseEntries;
class PaxHeaders extends UnmodifiableMapBase<String, String> {
final Map<String, String> _globalHeaders = {};
Map<String, String> _localHeaders = {};
/// Applies new global PAX-headers from the map.
/// The [headers] will replace global headers with the same key, but leave
/// others intact.
void newGlobals(Map<String, String> headers) {
/// Applies new local PAX-headers from the map.
/// This replaces all currently active local headers.
void newLocals(Map<String, String> headers) {
_localHeaders = headers;
/// Clears local headers.
/// This is used by the reader after a file has ended, as local headers only
/// apply to the next entry.
void clearLocals() {
_localHeaders = {};
String? operator [](Object? key) {
return _localHeaders[key] ?? _globalHeaders[key];
Iterable<String> get keys => {..._globalHeaders.keys, ..._localHeaders.keys};
/// Decodes the content of an extended pax header entry.
/// Semantically, a [PAX Header][posix pax] is a map with string keys and
/// values, where both keys and values are encodes with utf8.
/// However, [old GNU Versions][gnu sparse00] used to repeat keys to store
/// sparse file information in sparse headers. This method will transparently
/// rewrite the PAX format of version 0.0 to version 0.1.
/// [posix pax]:
/// [gnu sparse00]:
void readPaxHeaders(List<int> data, bool isGlobal,
{bool ignoreUnknown = true}) {
var offset = 0;
final map = <String, String>{};
final sparseMap = <String>[];
Never error() => throw TarException.header('Invalid PAX record');
while (offset < data.length) {
// At the start of an entry, expect its length which is terminated by a
// space char.
final space = data.indexOf($space, offset);
if (space == -1) break;
var length = 0;
var currentChar = data[offset];
var charsInLength = 0;
while (currentChar >= $0 && currentChar <= $9) {
length = length * 10 + currentChar - $0;
currentChar = data[++offset];
if (length == 0) {
// Skip the whitespace
if (currentChar != $space) {
// Length also includes the length description and a space we just read
final endOfEntry = offset + length - 1 - charsInLength;
// checking against endOfEntry - 1 because the trailing whitespace is
// optional for the last entry
if (endOfEntry < offset || endOfEntry - 1 > data.length) {
// Read the key
final nextEquals = data.indexOf($equal, offset);
if (nextEquals == -1 || nextEquals >= endOfEntry) {
final key = utf8.decoder.convert(data, offset, nextEquals);
// Skip over the equals sign
offset = nextEquals + 1;
// Subtract one for trailing newline
final endOfValue = endOfEntry - 1;
final value = utf8.decoder.convert(data, offset, endOfValue);
if (!_isValidPaxRecord(key, value)) {
// If we're seeing weird PAX Version 0.0 sparse keys, expect alternating
// GNU.sparse.offset and GNU.sparse.numbytes headers.
if (key == paxGNUSparseNumBytes || key == paxGNUSparseOffset) {
if ((sparseMap.length.isEven && key != paxGNUSparseOffset) ||
(sparseMap.length.isOdd && key != paxGNUSparseNumBytes) ||
value.contains(',')) {
} else if (!ignoreUnknown || supportedPaxHeaders.contains(key)) {
// Ignore unrecognized headers to avoid unbounded growth of the global
// header map.
map[key] = value;
// Skip over value
offset = endOfValue;
// and the trailing newline
final hasNewline = offset < data.length;
if (hasNewline && data[offset] != $lf) {
throw TarException('Invalid PAX Record (missing trailing newline)');
if (sparseMap.isNotEmpty) {
map[paxGNUSparseMap] = sparseMap.join(',');
if (isGlobal) {
} else {
/// Checks whether [key], [value] is a valid entry in a pax header.
/// This is adopted from the Golang tar reader (`validPAXRecord`), which says
/// that "Keys and values should be UTF-8, but the number of bad writers out
/// there forces us to be a more liberal."
static bool _isValidPaxRecord(String key, String value) {
// These limitations are documented in the PAX standard.
if (key.isEmpty || key.contains('=')) return false;
// These aren't, but Golangs's tar has them and got away with it.
switch (key) {
case paxPath:
case paxLinkpath:
case paxUname:
case paxGname:
return !value.codeUnits.contains(0);
return !key.codeUnits.contains(0);
/// Event-sink tracking the length of emitted tar entry streams.
/// [ChunkedStreamReader.readStream] might return a stream shorter than
/// expected. That indicates an invalid tar file though, since the correct size
/// is stored in the header.
class _OutgoingStreamGuard extends EventSink<Uint8List> {
int remainingContentSize;
int remainingPaddingSize;
final EventSink<List<int>> out;
void Function() onDone;
bool hadError = false;
bool isInContent = true;
_OutgoingStreamGuard(this.remainingContentSize, this.out, this.onDone)
: remainingPaddingSize = _paddingFor(remainingContentSize);
static int _paddingFor(int contentSize) {
final offsetInLastBlock = contentSize.toUnsigned(blockSizeLog2);
if (offsetInLastBlock != 0) {
return blockSize - offsetInLastBlock;
return 0;
void add(Uint8List event) {
if (isInContent) {
if (event.length <= remainingContentSize) {
// We can fully add this chunk as it consists entirely of data
remainingContentSize -= event.length;
} else {
// We can add the first bytes as content, the others are padding that we
// shouldn't emit
out.add(event.sublistView(0, remainingContentSize));
isInContent = false;
remainingPaddingSize -= event.length - remainingContentSize;
remainingContentSize = 0;
} else {
// Ok, the entire event is padding
remainingPaddingSize -= event.length;
// The underlying stream comes from pkg:tar, so if we get too many bytes
// that's a bug in this package.
assert(remainingPaddingSize >= 0, 'Stream emitted to many bytes');
void addError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
hadError = true;
out.addError(error, stackTrace);
void close() {
// If the stream stopped after an error, the user is already aware that
// something is wrong.
if (remainingContentSize > 0 && !hadError) {
TarException('Unexpected end of tar file'), StackTrace.current);