blob: bc92596dd8da5c8ef17d8a7da396dccaa17eaa1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
// governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of wip;
class WipDebugger extends WipDomain {
final _pausedController =
new StreamController<DebuggerPausedEvent>.broadcast();
final _resumedController = new StreamController.broadcast();
Map<String, WipScript> _scripts = {};
WipDebugger(WipConnection connection) : super(connection) {
connection._registerDomain('Debugger', this);
// TODO:
//_register('Debugger.breakpointResolved', _breakpointResolved);
_register('Debugger.globalObjectCleared', _globalObjectCleared);
_register('Debugger.paused', _paused);
_register('Debugger.resumed', _resumed);
//_register('Debugger.scriptFailedToParse', _scriptFailedToParse);
_register('Debugger.scriptParsed', _scriptParsed);
Future enable() => _sendCommand('Debugger.enable');
Future disable() => _sendCommand('Debugger.disable');
Future<String> getScriptSource(String scriptId) async {
var resp =
await _sendCommand('Debugger.getScriptSource', {'scriptId': scriptId});
return resp.result['scriptSource'];
Future pause() => _sendCommand('Debugger.pause');
Future resume() => _sendCommand('Debugger.resume');
Future stepInto() => _sendCommand('Debugger.stepInto');
Future stepOut() => _sendCommand('Debugger.stepOut');
Future stepOver() => _sendCommand('Debugger.stepOver');
* State should be one of "all", "none", or "uncaught".
Future setPauseOnExceptions(String state) =>
_sendCommand('Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions', {'state': state});
Stream get onPaused =>;
Stream get onResumed =>;
WipScript getScript(String scriptId) => _scripts[scriptId];
void _globalObjectCleared(WipEvent event) {
void _paused(WipEvent event) {
_pausedController.add(new DebuggerPausedEvent(event));
void _resumed(WipEvent event) {
void _scriptParsed(WipEvent event) {
var script = new WipScript(event.params);
_scripts[script.scriptId] = script;
void close() {
class DebuggerPausedEvent extends _WrappedWipEvent {
DebuggerPausedEvent(WipEvent event) : super(event);
String get reason => params['reason'];
Object get data => params['data'];
Iterable<WipCallFrame> getCallFrames() =>
params['callFrames'].map((frame) => new WipCallFrame(frame));
String toString() => 'paused: ${reason}';
class WipCallFrame {
final Map<String, dynamic> _map;
String get callFrameId => _map['callFrameId'];
String get functionName => _map['functionName'];
WipLocation get location => new WipLocation(_map['location']);
WipRemoteObject get thisObject => new WipRemoteObject(_map['this']);
Iterable<WipScope> getScopeChain() =>
_map['scopeChain'].map((scope) => new WipScope(scope));
String toString() => '[${functionName}]';
class WipLocation {
final Map<String, dynamic> _map;
int get columnNumber => _map['columnNumber'];
int get lineNumber => _map['lineNumber'];
String get scriptId => _map['scriptId'];
String toString() => '[${scriptId}:${lineNumber}:${columnNumber}]';
class WipRemoteObject {
final Map<String, dynamic> _map;
String get className => _map['className'];
String get description => _map['description'];
String get objectId => _map['objectId'];
String get subtype => _map['subtype'];
String get type => _map['type'];
Object get value => _map['value'];
class WipScript {
final Map<String, dynamic> _map;
String get scriptId => _map['scriptId'];
String get url => _map['url'];
int get startLine => _map['startLine'];
int get startColumn => _map['startColumn'];
int get endLine => _map['endLine'];
int get endColumn => _map['endColumn'];
bool get isContentScript => _map['isContentScript'];
String get sourceMapURL => _map['sourceMapURL'];
String toString() => '[script ${scriptId}: ${url}]';
class WipScope {
final Map<String, dynamic> _map;
// "catch", "closure", "global", "local", "with"
String get scope => _map['scope'];
* Object representing the scope. For global and with scopes it represents the
* actual object; for the rest of the scopes, it is artificial transient
* object enumerating scope variables as its properties.
WipRemoteObject get object => new WipRemoteObject(_map['object']);