blob: 0dfd17fe44f419063d924a9bdc05f3031797a591 [file] [log] [blame]
part of webdriver;
/// A JavaScript alert(), confirm(), or prompt() dialog
class Alert extends _WebDriverBase {
* The text of the JavaScript alert(), confirm(), or
* prompt() dialog.
final String text;
Alert._(this.text, driver) : super(driver, '');
* Accepts the currently displayed alert (may not be the alert for which
* this object was created).
* Throws [WebDriverError] no such alert exception if there isn't currently an
* alert.
Future accept() async {
await _post('accept_alert');
* Dismisses the currently displayed alert (may not be the alert for which
* this object was created).
* Throws [WebDriverError] no such alert exception if there isn't currently an
* alert.
Future dismiss() async {
await _post('dismiss_alert');
* Sends keys to the currently displayed alert (may not be the alert for which
* this object was created).
* Throws [WebDriverError] no such alert exception if there isn't currently an
* alert.
Future sendKeys(String keysToSend) async {
await _post('alert_text', {'text': keysToSend});