blob: 6ca823927e59c5b10cab7b06968b22152032494b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of webdriver;
class Capabilities {
static const String browserName = "browserName";
static const String platform = "platform";
static const String supportsJavascript = "javascriptEnabled";
static const String takesScreenshot = "takesScreenshot";
static const String version = "version";
static const String supportsAlerts = "handlesAlerts";
static const String supportSqlDatabase = "databaseEnabled";
static const String supportsLocationContext = "locationContextEnabled";
static const String supportsApplicationCache = "applicationCacheEnabled";
static const String supportsBrowserConnection = "browserConnectionEnabled";
static const String supportsFindingByCss = "cssSelectorsEnabled";
static const String proxy = "proxy";
static const String supportsWebStorage = "webStorageEnabled";
static const String rotatable = "rotatable";
static const String acceptSslCerts = "acceptSslCerts";
static const String hasNativeEvents = "nativeEvents";
static const String unexpectedAlertBehaviour = "unexpectedAlertBehaviour";
static const String loggingPrefs = "loggingPrefs";
static const String enableProfiling = "webdriver.logging.profiler.enabled";
static Map<String, dynamic> get chrome => empty
..[browserName] =
..[version] = ''
..[platform] = BrowserPlatform.any;
static Map<String, dynamic> get firefox => empty
..[browserName] = Browser.firefox
..[version] = ''
..[platform] = BrowserPlatform.any;
static Map<String, dynamic> get android => empty
..[browserName] =
..[version] = ''
..[platform] =;
static Map<String, dynamic> get empty => new Map<String, dynamic>();
class Browser {
static const String firefox = "firefox";
static const String firefox2 = "firefox2";
static const String firefox3 = "firefox3";
static const String firefoxProxy = "firefoxproxy";
static const String firefoxChrome = "firefoxchrome";
static const String googleChrome = "googlechrome";
static const String safari = "safari";
static const String opera = "opera";
static const String iexplore = "iexplore";
static const String iexploreProxy = "iexploreproxy";
static const String safariProxy = "safariproxy";
static const String chrome = "chrome";
static const String konqueror = "konqueror";
static const String mock = "mock";
static const String ieHta = "iehta";
static const String android = "android";
static const String htmlUnit = "htmlunit";
static const String ie = "internet explorer";
static const String iphone = "iPhone";
static const String ipad = "iPad";
static const String phantomJS = "phantomjs";
class BrowserPlatform {
static const String any = "ANY";
static const String android = "ANDROID";