blob: 5993842fefbfe2b55544f26ccd266f3a95f21790 [file] [log] [blame]
library webdriver.html;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:convert' show JSON, UTF8;
import 'dart:html' show HttpRequest, ProgressEvent;
import 'package:webdriver/async_helpers.dart' show Lock;
import 'package:webdriver/core.dart' as core
show createDriver, fromExistingSession, WebDriver;
import 'package:webdriver/src/command_processor.dart' show CommandProcessor;
import 'package:webdriver/src/exception.dart' show WebDriverException;
export 'package:webdriver/core.dart' hide createDriver, fromExistingSession;
final Uri defaultUri = Uri.parse('');
/// Creates a WebDriver instance connected to the specified WebDriver server.
/// Note: WebDriver endpoints will be constructed using [resolve] against
/// [uri]. Therefore, if [uri] does not end with a trailing slash, the
/// last path component will be dropped.
Future<core.WebDriver> createDriver({Uri uri, Map<String, dynamic> desired}) =>
core.createDriver(new _HtmlCommandProcessor(), uri: uri, desired: desired);
/// Creates a WebDriver instance connected to an existing session.
/// Note: WebDriver endpoints will be constructed using [resolve] against
/// [uri]. Therefore, if [uri] does not end with a trailing slash, the
/// last path component will be dropped.
Future<core.WebDriver> fromExistingSession(String sessionId, {Uri uri}) =>
core.fromExistingSession(new _HtmlCommandProcessor(), sessionId, uri: uri);
class _HtmlCommandProcessor implements CommandProcessor {
final Lock _lock = new Lock();
Future<Object> post(Uri uri, dynamic params, {bool value: true}) =>
_request('POST', uri, params, value);
Future<Object> get(Uri uri, {bool value: true}) =>
_request('GET', uri, null, value);
Future<Object> delete(Uri uri, {bool value: true}) =>
_request('DELETE', uri, null, value);
Future close() async {}
Future<Object> _request(
String method, Uri uri, dynamic params, bool value) async {
await _lock.acquire();
var sendData = null;
if (params != null && method == 'POST') {
sendData = JSON.encode(params);
HttpRequest request;
try {
request = await HttpRequest.request(uri.toString(),
method: method,
requestHeaders: _headers,
responseType: 'json',
sendData: sendData,
mimeType: 'application/json');
} on ProgressEvent catch (e) {
request =;
} finally {
var respBody = request.response;
try {
respBody = JSON.decode(respBody);
} catch (e) {}
if (request.status < 200 ||
request.status > 299 ||
(respBody is Map && respBody['status'] != 0)) {
throw new WebDriverException(
httpStatusCode: request.status,
httpReasonPhrase: request.statusText,
jsonResp: respBody);
if (value && respBody is Map) {
return respBody['value'];
return respBody;
Map<String, String> get _headers => {'Accept': 'application/json',};