blob: c8a55d8a91b95c52b4b5133df0d8bccdf91e98a1 [file] [log] [blame]
part of webdriver;
class Window extends _WebDriverBase {
Window._(windowHandle, prefix, commandProcessor)
: super('$prefix/window/$windowHandle', commandProcessor);
/// The size of this window.
Future<Size> get size => _get('size')
.then((json) => new Size.fromJson(json));
/// The location of this window.
Future<Point> get location => _get('position')
.then((json) => new Point.fromJson(json));
/// Maximize this window.
Future<Window> maximize() => _post('maximize').then((_) => this);
/// Set this window size.
Future<Window> setSize(Size size) => _post('size', size).then((_) => this);
/// Set this window location.
Future<Window> setLocation(Point point) =>
_post('position', point).then((_) => this);