blob: 01a1f20d3154891522a703b66f7dd228b3db1ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:webdriver/src/common/web_element.dart';
import '../../common/exception.dart';
import '../../common/request.dart';
/// Magic constants -- identifiers indicating a value is an element.
/// Source:
const String jsonWireElementStr = 'ELEMENT';
dynamic parseJsonWireResponse(WebDriverResponse response,
{bool valueOnly = true}) {
Map responseBody;
try {
responseBody = json.decode(response.body);
} catch (e) {
final rawBody = response.body == null || response.body.isEmpty
? '<empty response>'
: response.body;
throw WebDriverException(
response.statusCode, 'Error parsing response body: $rawBody');
if (response.statusCode < 200 ||
response.statusCode > 299 ||
(responseBody is Map &&
responseBody['status'] != null &&
responseBody['status'] != 0)) {
final status = responseBody['status'] as int;
final message = responseBody['value']['message'] as String;
switch (status) {
case 0:
throw StateError('Not a WebDriverError Status: 0 Message: $message');
case 6:
throw NoSuchDriverException(status, message);
case 7:
throw NoSuchElementException(status, message);
case 8:
throw NoSuchFrameException(status, message);
case 9:
throw UnknownCommandException(status, message);
case 10:
throw StaleElementReferenceException(status, message);
case 11:
throw ElementNotVisibleException(status, message);
case 12:
throw InvalidElementStateException(status, message);
case 15:
throw ElementIsNotSelectableException(status, message);
case 17:
throw JavaScriptException(status, message);
case 19:
throw XPathLookupException(status, message);
case 21:
throw TimeoutException(status, message);
case 23:
throw NoSuchWindowException(status, message);
case 24:
throw InvalidCookieDomainException(status, message);
case 25:
throw UnableToSetCookieException(status, message);
case 26:
throw UnexpectedAlertOpenException(status, message);
case 27:
throw NoSuchAlertException(status, message);
case 28:
throw ScriptTimeoutException(status, message);
case 29:
throw InvalidElementCoordinatesException(status, message);
case 30:
throw IMENotAvailableException(status, message);
case 31:
throw IMEEngineActivationFailedException(status, message);
case 32:
throw InvalidSelectorException(status, message);
case 33:
throw SessionNotCreatedException(status, message);
case 34:
throw MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException(status, message);
case 13:
throw UnknownException(status, message);
throw WebDriverException(status, message);
if (valueOnly && responseBody is Map) {
return responseBody['value'];
return responseBody;
/// Prefix to represent element in webdriver uri.
/// When [elementId] is null, it means root element.
String elementPrefix(String elementId) =>
elementId == null ? '' : 'element/$elementId/';
/// Deserializes json object returned by WebDriver server.
/// Mainly it handles the element object rebuild.
dynamic deserialize(result, dynamic Function(String) createElement) {
if (result is Map) {
if (result.containsKey(jsonWireElementStr)) {
return createElement(result[jsonWireElementStr]);
} else {
final newResult = {};
result.forEach((key, value) {
newResult[key] = deserialize(value, createElement);
return newResult;
} else if (result is List) {
return => deserialize(item, createElement)).toList();
} else {
return result;
dynamic serialize(dynamic obj) {
if (obj is WebElement) {
return {jsonWireElementStr:};
if (obj is Map) {
final newResult = <String, dynamic>{};
for (final item in obj.entries) {
newResult[item.key] = serialize(item.value);
return newResult;
if (obj is List) {
return obj;