blob: afd7e45f4833fe4f424d0cb8fc1e57a6cbd28405 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
part of webdriver.core;
class Keyboard extends _WebDriverBase {
static const String nullChar = '\uE000';
static const String cancel = '\uE001';
static const String help = '\uE002';
static const String backSpace = '\uE003';
static const String tab = '\uE004';
static const String clear = '\uE005';
static const String returnChar = '\uE006';
static const String enter = '\uE007';
static const String shift = '\uE008';
static const String control = '\uE009';
static const String alt = '\uE00A';
static const String pause = '\uE00B';
static const String escape = '\uE00C';
static const String space = '\uE00D';
static const String pageUp = '\uE00E';
static const String pageDown = '\uE00F';
static const String end = '\uE010';
static const String home = '\uE011';
static const String left = '\uE012';
static const String up = '\uE013';
static const String right = '\uE014';
static const String down = '\uE015';
static const String insert = '\uE016';
static const String delete = '\uE017';
static const String semicolon = '\uE018';
static const String equals = '\uE019';
static const String numpad0 = '\uE01A';
static const String numpad1 = '\uE01B';
static const String numpad2 = '\uE01C';
static const String numpad3 = '\uE01D';
static const String numpad4 = '\uE01E';
static const String numpad5 = '\uE01F';
static const String numpad6 = '\uE020';
static const String numpad7 = '\uE021';
static const String numpad8 = '\uE022';
static const String numpad9 = '\uE023';
static const String multiply = '\uE024';
static const String add = '\uE025';
static const String separator = '\uE026';
static const String subtract = '\uE027';
static const String decimal = '\uE028';
static const String divide = '\uE029';
static const String f1 = '\uE031';
static const String f2 = '\uE032';
static const String f3 = '\uE033';
static const String f4 = '\uE034';
static const String f5 = '\uE035';
static const String f6 = '\uE036';
static const String f7 = '\uE037';
static const String f8 = '\uE038';
static const String f9 = '\uE039';
static const String f10 = '\uE03A';
static const String f11 = '\uE03B';
static const String f12 = '\uE03C';
static const String command = '\uE03D';
static const String meta = command;
Keyboard._(driver) : super(driver, '');
/// Send [keysToSend] to the active element.
Future sendKeys(String keysToSend) async {
await _post('keys', {'value': [keysToSend]});
String toString() => '$driver.keyboard';
int get hashCode => driver.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) => other is Keyboard && other.driver == driver;