blob: 22da230d291b0e2bfbf75dc2f744f2ae920e1793 [file] [log] [blame]
part of webdriver;
class Cookies extends _WebDriverBase {
: super(driver, 'cookie');
/// Set a cookie.
Future add(Cookie cookie) async {
await _post('', { 'cookie': cookie });
/// Delete the cookie with the given [name].
Future delete(String name) async {
await _delete('$name');
/// Delete all cookies visible to the current page.
Future deleteAll() async {
await _delete('');
/// Retrieve all cookies visible to the current page.
Stream<Cookie> get all async* {
var cookies = await _get('');
for (var cookie in cookies) {
yield new Cookie.fromJson(cookie);
class Cookie {
/// The name of the cookie.
final String name;
/// The cookie value.
final String value;
/// (Optional) The cookie path.
final String path;
/// (Optional) The domain the cookie is visible to.
final String domain;
/// (Optional) Whether the cookie is a secure cookie.
final bool secure;
/// (Optional) When the cookie expires.
final DateTime expiry;
const Cookie(, this.value,
{this.path, this.domain,, this.expiry});
factory Cookie.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
var expiry;
if (json['expiry'] is num) {
expiry = new DateTime
.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(json['expiry']*1000, isUtc: true);
return new Cookie(
path: json['path'],
domain: json['domain'],
secure: json['secure'],
expiry: expiry);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
var json = {
'name': name,
'value': value
if (path is String) {
json['path'] = path;
if (domain is String) {
json['domain'] = domain;
if (secure is bool) {
json['secure'] = secure;
if (expiry is DateTime) {
json['expiry'] = (expiry.millisecondsSinceEpoch / 1000).ceil();
return json;
class Timeouts extends _WebDriverBase {
: super(driver, 'timeouts');
Future _set(String type, Duration duration) async {
await _post('', { 'type' : type, 'ms': duration.inMilliseconds});
/// Set the script timeout.
Future setScriptTimeout(Duration duration) =>
_set('script', duration);
/// Set the implicit timeout.
Future setImplicitTimeout(Duration duration) =>
_set('implicit', duration);
/// Set the page load timeout.
Future setPageLoadTimeout(Duration duration) =>
_set('page load', duration);