blob: 804631330bae72e573a463666e35ada69faec088 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of webdriver;
class WebElement extends _WebDriverBase implements SearchContext {
final String id;
// These fields represent information about how the element was found.
final SearchContext context;
final dynamic /* String | By */ locator;
final int index;
WebElement._(driver, id, [this.context, this.locator, this.index])
: = id,
super(driver, 'element/$id');
/// Click on this element.
Future click() async {
await _post('click');
/// Submit this element if it is part of a form.
Future submit() async {
await _post('submit');
/// Send [keysToSend] to this element.
Future sendKeys(String keysToSend) async {
await _post('value', {'value': [keysToSend]});
/// Clear the content of a text element.
Future clear() async {
await _post('clear');
/// Is this radio button/checkbox selected?
Future<bool> get selected => _get('selected');
/// Is this form element enabled?
Future<bool> get enabled => _get('enabled');
/// Is this element visible in the page?
Future<bool> get displayed => _get('displayed');
/// The location within the document of this element.
Future<Point> get location async {
var point = await _get('location');
return new Point.fromJson(point);
/// The size of this element.
Future<Size> get size async {
var size = await _get('size');
return new Size.fromJson(size);
/// The tag name for this element.
Future<String> get name => _get('name');
/// Visible text within this element.
Future<String> get text => _get('text');
* Find an element nested within this element.
* Throws [WebDriverError] no such element if matching element is not found.
Future<WebElement> findElement(By by) async {
var element = await _post('element', by);
return new WebElement._(driver, element['ELEMENT'], this, by);
/// Find multiple elements nested within this element.
Stream<WebElement> findElements(By by) {
var controller = new StreamController<WebElement>();
() async {
var elements = await _post('elements', by);
int i = 0;
for (var element in elements) {
.add(new WebElement._(driver, element['ELEMENT'], this, by, i));
await controller.close();
// TODO(DrMarcII): switch to this when async* is supported
// async* {
// var elements = await _post('elements', by);
// int i = 0;
// for (var element in elements) {
// yield new WebElement._(driver, element['ELEMENT'], this, by, i);
// i++;
// }
// }
* Access to the HTML attributes of this tag.
* TODO(DrMarcII): consider special handling of boolean attributes.
Attributes get attributes => new Attributes._(driver, '$_prefix/attribute');
* Access to the cssProperties of this element.
* TODO(DrMarcII): consider special handling of color and possibly other
* properties.
Attributes get cssProperties => new Attributes._(driver, '$_prefix/css');
* Does this element represent the same element as another element?
* Not the same as ==
Future<bool> equals(WebElement other) => _get('equals/${}');
Map<String, String> toJson() => {'ELEMENT': id};
int get hashCode => driver.hashCode * 3 + id.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is WebElement && other.driver == this.driver && ==;
String toString() {
var out = new StringBuffer()..write(context);
if (locator is By) {
if (index == null) {
} else {
} else {
if (index != null) {
return out.toString();