blob: a89dfc0a1129c00ef8666f09e76d87588dacce4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
library webdriver.web_element_test;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:webdriver/sync_core.dart';
import 'package:webdriver/src/sync/w3c_spec/exception.dart';
import 'sync_io_config.dart' as config;
/// Tests specific to the W3C spec for WebElement. There are significant
/// differences between the JSON and W3C specs here.
void runTests(config.createTestDriver createTestDriver) {
group('WebElement', () {
WebDriver driver;
WebElement table;
WebElement button;
WebElement form;
WebElement textInput;
WebElement checkbox;
WebElement disabled;
WebElement invisible;
setUp(() {
driver = createTestDriver();
table = driver.findElement(const By.tagName('table'));
button = driver.findElement(const By.tagName('button'));
form = driver.findElement(const By.tagName('form'));
textInput = driver.findElement(const By.cssSelector('input[type=text]'));
checkbox =
driver.findElement(const By.cssSelector('input[type=checkbox]'));
disabled =
driver.findElement(const By.cssSelector('input[type=password]'));
invisible = driver.findElement(const By.tagName('div'));
tearDown(() {
if (driver != null) {
driver = null;
test('click', () {;
var alert = driver.switchTo.alert;
test('sendKeys', () {
textInput.sendKeys('some keys');
sleep(new Duration(milliseconds: 500));
expect(['value'], 'some keys');
test('clear', () {
textInput.sendKeys('some keys');
expect(['value'], '');
test('enabled', () {
expect(table.enabled, isTrue);
expect(button.enabled, isTrue);
expect(form.enabled, isTrue);
expect(textInput.enabled, isTrue);
expect(checkbox.enabled, isTrue);
expect(disabled.enabled, isFalse);
test('displayed', () {
expect(table.displayed, isTrue);
expect(button.displayed, isTrue);
expect(form.displayed, isTrue);
expect(textInput.displayed, isTrue);
expect(checkbox.displayed, isTrue);
expect(disabled.displayed, isTrue);
expect(invisible.displayed, isFalse);
test('rect -- table', () {
var location = table.rect;
expect(location, config.isRectangle);
expect(location.left, isNonNegative);
expect(, isNonNegative);
expect(location.width, isNonNegative);
expect(location.height, isNonNegative);
test('location -- invisible', () {
var location = invisible.rect;
expect(location, config.isRectangle);
expect(location.left, 0);
expect(, 0);
expect(location.width, 0);
expect(location.height, 0);
test('name', () {
expect(, 'table');
expect(, 'button');
expect(, 'form');
expect(, 'input');
test('text', () {
expect(table.text, 'r1c1 r1c2\nr2c1 r2c2');
expect(button.text, 'button');
expect(invisible.text, '');
test('findElement -- success', () {
var element = table.findElement(const By.tagName('tr'));
expect(element, config.isSyncWebElement);
test('findElement -- failure', () {
try {
button.findElement(const By.tagName('tr'));
throw 'Expected Exception';
} catch (e) {
expect(e, new isInstanceOf<W3cWebDriverException>());
expect((e as W3cWebDriverException).httpStatusCode, 404);
expect((e as W3cWebDriverException).error, 'no such element');
expect((e as W3cWebDriverException).message,
contains('Unable to locate element'));
test('findElements -- 1 found', () {
var elements =
form.findElements(const By.cssSelector('input[type=text]')).toList();
expect(elements, hasLength(1));
expect(elements, everyElement(config.isSyncWebElement));
test('findElements -- 4 found', () {
var elements = table.findElements(const By.tagName('td')).toList();
expect(elements, hasLength(4));
expect(elements, everyElement(config.isSyncWebElement));
test('findElements -- 0 found', () {
var elements = form.findElements(const By.tagName('td')).toList();
expect(elements, isEmpty);
test('attributes', () {
expect(table.attributes['id'], 'table1');
expect(table.attributes['non-standard'], 'a non standard attr');
expect(table.attributes['disabled'], isNull);
expect(disabled.attributes['disabled'], 'true');
test('cssProperties', () {
expect(invisible.cssProperties['display'], 'none');
final backgroundColor = invisible.cssProperties['background-color'];
expect(backgroundColor, contains('255, 0, 0'));
expect(backgroundColor, startsWith('rgb'));
expect(invisible.cssProperties['direction'], 'ltr');
test('equals', () {
expect(invisible.equals(disabled), isFalse);
var element = driver.findElement(const By.cssSelector('table'));
expect(element.equals(table), isTrue);
}, timeout: new Timeout(new Duration(minutes: 2)));