blob: a53f318b6387ae341bd0e52b697b25a1018a46b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Fast fail the script on failures.
set -e
set -x
if [ "$TRAVIS_DART_VERSION" = "dev" ]; then
dartfmt -n --set-exit-if-changed .
# The lib dir should analyzer without enabling the experiment
dartanalyzer --fatal-warnings --fatal-infos lib
# The whole package should analyze with the experiment enabled
dartanalyzer --fatal-warnings --fatal-infos --enable-experiment=non-nullable .
# Run the tests.
pub run --enable-experiment=non-nullable test
# Install dart_coveralls; gather and send coverage data.
if [ "$COVERALLS_TOKEN" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_DART_VERSION" = "dev" ]; then
pub global activate dart_coveralls
pub global run dart_coveralls report \
--retry 2 \
--exclude-test-files \