blob: 539038015e59b673cc69697a7e04d37e435fc56b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of vector_math_lists;
/// Defines a view of scalar values over a [Float32List] that allows for a
/// custom offset and stride.
class ScalarListView {
final int _offset;
final int _stride;
final int _length;
final Float32List _buffer;
/// The count of vectors in this list.
int get length => _length;
/// The internal storage buffer of this list.
Float32List get buffer => _buffer;
static int _listLength(int offset, int stride, int length) {
final int width = stride == 0 ? 1 : stride;
return offset + width * length;
/// Create a new vector list with [length] elements.
/// Optionally it is possible to specify an [offset] in the
/// [buffer] and a [stride] between each vector.
ScalarListView(int length, [int offset = 0, int stride = 0])
: _offset = offset,
_stride = stride == 0 ? 1 : stride,
_length = length,
_buffer = Float32List(_listLength(offset, stride, length));
/// Create a new vector list from a list of vectors.
/// Optionally it is possible to specify an [offset] in the
/// [buffer] and a [stride] between each vector.
ScalarListView.fromList(List<double> list, [int offset = 0, int stride = 0])
: _offset = offset,
_stride = stride == 0 ? 1 : stride,
_length = list.length,
_buffer =
Float32List(offset + list.length * (stride == 0 ? 1 : stride)) {
for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) {
this[i] = list[i];
/// Create a new stride list as a view of [buffer]. Optionally it is possible
/// to specify a [offset] in the [buffer] and a [stride] between each vector.
ScalarListView.view(Float32List buffer, [int offset = 0, int stride = 0])
: _offset = offset,
_stride = stride == 0 ? 1 : stride,
_length = (buffer.length - math.max(0, offset - stride)) ~/
(stride == 0 ? 1 : stride),
_buffer = buffer;
int _elementIndexToBufferIndex(int index) => _offset + _stride * index;
/// Retrieves the value at [index].
double operator [](int index) => load(index);
/// Store [value] in the list at [index].
void operator []=(int index, double value) {
store(index, value);
/// Store [value] in the list at [index].
void store(int index, double value) {
final int i = _elementIndexToBufferIndex(index);
_buffer[i] = value;
/// Retrieves the value at [index].
double load(int index) => _buffer[_elementIndexToBufferIndex(index)];