blob: afa4def405ce8e40e94b5e89a09f3d348514997c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of vector_math_geometry;
class FlatShadeFilter extends GeometryFilter {
List<VertexAttrib> get requires =>
<VertexAttrib>[VertexAttrib('POSITION', 3, 'float')];
List<VertexAttrib> get generates =>
<VertexAttrib>[VertexAttrib('NORMAL', 3, 'float')];
MeshGeometry filter(MeshGeometry mesh) {
final List<VertexAttrib> newAttribs =
List<VertexAttrib>.from(mesh.attribs, growable: true);
if (mesh.getAttrib('NORMAL') == null) {
newAttribs.add(VertexAttrib('NORMAL', 3, 'float'));
final MeshGeometry output =
MeshGeometry(mesh.triangleVertexCount, newAttribs);
final Vector3 p0 =, p1 =, p2 =;
final VectorList<Vector> srcPosition = mesh.getViewForAttrib('POSITION');
final VectorList<Vector> destPosition = output.getViewForAttrib('POSITION');
final VectorList<Vector> normals = output.getViewForAttrib('NORMAL');
if (srcPosition is! Vector3List ||
destPosition is! Vector3List ||
normals is! Vector3List) {
return null;
final List<VectorList<Vector>> srcAttribs = <VectorList<Vector>>[];
final List<VectorList<Vector>> destAttribs = <VectorList<Vector>>[];
for (VertexAttrib attrib in mesh.attribs) {
if ( == 'POSITION' || == 'NORMAL') {
for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i += 3) {
final int i0 = mesh.indices[i];
final int i1 = mesh.indices[i + 1];
final int i2 = mesh.indices[i + 2];
srcPosition..load(i0, p0)..load(i1, p1)..load(i2, p2);
destPosition[i] = p0;
destPosition[i + 1] = p1;
destPosition[i + 2] = p2;
// Store the normalized cross product of p1 and p2 in p0.
p1.crossInto(p2, p0).normalize();
normals[i] = p0;
normals[i + 1] = p0;
normals[i + 2] = p0;
// Copy the remaining attributes over
for (int j = 0; j < srcAttribs.length; ++j) {
destAttribs[j][i] = srcAttribs[j][i0];
destAttribs[j][i + 1] = srcAttribs[j][i1];
destAttribs[j][i + 2] = srcAttribs[j][i2];
return output;