blob: 348f9ee0732260bbb2827b7d01777f0295db872f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vector_math.test.matrix2_test;
import 'dart:math' as Math;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
void testMatrix2Adjoint() {
var input = new List();
var expectedOutput = new List();
input.add(parseMatrix('''0.830828627896291 0.549723608291140
0.585264091152724 0.917193663829810'''));
expectedOutput.add(parseMatrix(''' 0.917193663829810 -0.549723608291140
-0.585264091152724 0.830828627896291'''));
input.add(parseMatrix(''' 1 0
0 1'''));
expectedOutput.add(parseMatrix(''' 1 0
0 1'''));
assert(input.length == expectedOutput.length);
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var output = input[i].clone();
relativeTest(output, expectedOutput[i]);
void testMatrix2Determinant() {
var input = new List();
List<double> expectedOutput = new List<double>();
input.add(parseMatrix('''0.830828627896291 0.549723608291140
0.585264091152724 0.917193663829810'''));
assert(input.length == expectedOutput.length);
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
double output = input[i].determinant();
//print('${input[i].cols}x${input[i].rows} = $output');
relativeTest(output, expectedOutput[i]);
void testMatrix2Transform() {
var rot = new Matrix2.rotation(Math.PI / 4);
final input = new Vector2(0.234245234259, 0.890723489233);
final expected = new Vector2(
rot.entry(0, 0) * input.x + rot.entry(0, 1) * input.y,
rot.entry(1, 0) * input.x + rot.entry(1, 1) * input.y);
final transExpected = new Vector2(
rot.entry(0, 0) * input.x + rot.entry(1, 0) * input.y,
rot.entry(0, 1) * input.x + rot.entry(1, 1) * input.y);
relativeTest(rot.transformed(input), expected);
relativeTest(rot.transposed().transformed(input), transExpected);
void testMatrix2Inversion() {
Matrix2 m = new Matrix2(4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0);
Matrix2 result = new;
double det = result.copyInverse(m);
expect(det, -1.0);
expect(result.entry(0, 0), -2.0);
expect(result.entry(1, 0), 3.0);
expect(result.entry(0, 1), 3.0);
expect(result.entry(1, 1), -4.0);
void testMatrix2Dot() {
final Matrix2 matrix = new Matrix2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
final Vector2 v = new Vector2(3.0, 4.0);
expect(matrix.dotRow(0, v), equals(15.0));
expect(matrix.dotRow(1, v), equals(22.0));
expect(matrix.dotColumn(0, v), equals(11.0));
expect(matrix.dotColumn(1, v), equals(25.0));
void testMatrix2Scale() {
final m = new Matrix2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
final n = m.scaled(2.0);
expect([0], equals(2.0));
expect([1], equals(4.0));
expect([2], equals(6.0));
expect([3], equals(8.0));
void testMatrix2Solving() {
final Matrix2 A = new Matrix2(2.0, 2.0, 8.0, 20.0);
final Matrix2 AA = new Matrix2.fromList([2.0, 2.0, 8.0, 20.0]);
expect(A, equals(AA));
final Vector2 b = new Vector2(20.0, 64.0);
final Vector2 result = new;
Matrix2.solve(A, result, b);
final Vector2 backwards = A.transform(new Vector2.copy(result));
expect(backwards.x, equals(b.x));
expect(backwards.y, equals(b.y));
void testMatrix2Equals() {
expect(new Matrix2.identity(), equals(new Matrix2.identity()));
expect(new, isNot(equals(new Matrix2.identity())));
expect(new, isNot(equals(5)));
new Matrix2.identity().hashCode, equals(new Matrix2.identity().hashCode));
void main() {
group('Matrix2', () {
test('Determinant', testMatrix2Determinant);
test('Adjoint', testMatrix2Adjoint);
test('transform 2D', testMatrix2Transform);
test('inversion', testMatrix2Inversion);
test('dot product', testMatrix2Dot);
test('Scale', testMatrix2Scale);
test('solving', testMatrix2Solving);
test('equals', testMatrix2Equals);