blob: cd942d6cb2ee77eb983f11c03d2a3f4153502c1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of vector_math;
/// Defines a [Quaternion] (a four-dimensional vector) for efficient rotation
/// calculations.
/// Quaternion are better for interpolating between rotations and avoid the
/// [gimbal lock]( problem compared to
/// euler rotations.
class Quaternion {
final Float32List _qStorage;
/// Access the internal [storage] of the quaternions components.
Float32List get storage => _qStorage;
/// Access the [x] component of the quaternion.
double get x => _qStorage[0];
set x(double x) {
_qStorage[0] = x;
/// Access the [y] component of the quaternion.
double get y => _qStorage[1];
set y(double y) {
_qStorage[1] = y;
/// Access the [z] component of the quaternion.
double get z => _qStorage[2];
set z(double z) {
_qStorage[2] = z;
/// Access the [w] component of the quaternion.
double get w => _qStorage[3];
set w(double w) {
_qStorage[3] = w;
Quaternion._() : _qStorage = Float32List(4);
/// Constructs a quaternion using the raw values [x], [y], [z], and [w].
factory Quaternion(double x, double y, double z, double w) =>
Quaternion._()..setValues(x, y, z, w);
/// Constructs a quaternion from a rotation matrix [rotationMatrix].
factory Quaternion.fromRotation(Matrix3 rotationMatrix) =>
/// Constructs a quaternion from a rotation of [angle] around [axis].
factory Quaternion.axisAngle(Vector3 axis, double angle) =>
Quaternion._()..setAxisAngle(axis, angle);
/// Constructs a quaternion to be the rotation that rotates vector [a] to [b].
factory Quaternion.fromTwoVectors(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) =>
Quaternion._()..setFromTwoVectors(a, b);
/// Constructs a quaternion as a copy of [original].
factory Quaternion.copy(Quaternion original) =>
/// Constructs a quaternion with a random rotation. The random number
/// generator [rn] is used to generate the random numbers for the rotation.
factory Quaternion.random(math.Random rn) => Quaternion._()..setRandom(rn);
/// Constructs a quaternion set to the identity quaternion.
factory Quaternion.identity() => Quaternion._().._qStorage[3] = 1.0;
/// Constructs a quaternion from time derivative of [q] with angular
/// velocity [omega].
factory Quaternion.dq(Quaternion q, Vector3 omega) =>
Quaternion._()..setDQ(q, omega);
/// Constructs a quaternion from [yaw], [pitch] and [roll].
factory Quaternion.euler(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) =>
Quaternion._()..setEuler(yaw, pitch, roll);
/// Constructs a quaternion with given Float32List as [storage].
/// Constructs a quaternion with a [storage] that views given [buffer]
/// starting at [offset]. [offset] has to be multiple of
/// [Float32List.bytesPerElement].
Quaternion.fromBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset)
: _qStorage = Float32List.view(buffer, offset, 4);
/// Returns a new copy of this.
Quaternion clone() => Quaternion.copy(this);
/// Copy [source] into this.
void setFrom(Quaternion source) {
final Float32List sourceStorage = source._qStorage;
_qStorage[0] = sourceStorage[0];
_qStorage[1] = sourceStorage[1];
_qStorage[2] = sourceStorage[2];
_qStorage[3] = sourceStorage[3];
/// Set the quaternion to the raw values [x], [y], [z], and [w].
void setValues(double x, double y, double z, double w) {
_qStorage[0] = x;
_qStorage[1] = y;
_qStorage[2] = z;
_qStorage[3] = w;
/// Set the quaternion with rotation of [radians] around [axis].
void setAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, double radians) {
final double len = axis.length;
if (len == 0.0) {
final double halfSin = math.sin(radians * 0.5) / len;
final Float32List axisStorage =;
_qStorage[0] = axisStorage[0] * halfSin;
_qStorage[1] = axisStorage[1] * halfSin;
_qStorage[2] = axisStorage[2] * halfSin;
_qStorage[3] = math.cos(radians * 0.5);
/// Set the quaternion with rotation from a rotation matrix [rotationMatrix].
void setFromRotation(Matrix3 rotationMatrix) {
final Float32List rotationMatrixStorage =;
final double trace = rotationMatrix.trace();
if (trace > 0.0) {
var s = math.sqrt(trace + 1.0);
_qStorage[3] = s * 0.5;
s = 0.5 / s;
_qStorage[0] = (rotationMatrixStorage[5] - rotationMatrixStorage[7]) * s;
_qStorage[1] = (rotationMatrixStorage[6] - rotationMatrixStorage[2]) * s;
_qStorage[2] = (rotationMatrixStorage[1] - rotationMatrixStorage[3]) * s;
} else {
final int i = rotationMatrixStorage[0] < rotationMatrixStorage[4]
? (rotationMatrixStorage[4] < rotationMatrixStorage[8] ? 2 : 1)
: (rotationMatrixStorage[0] < rotationMatrixStorage[8] ? 2 : 0);
final int j = (i + 1) % 3;
final int k = (i + 2) % 3;
var s = math.sqrt(rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(i, i)] -
rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(j, j)] -
rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(k, k)] +
_qStorage[i] = s * 0.5;
s = 0.5 / s;
_qStorage[3] = (rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(k, j)] -
rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(j, k)]) *
_qStorage[j] = (rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(j, i)] +
rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(i, j)]) *
_qStorage[k] = (rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(k, i)] +
rotationMatrixStorage[rotationMatrix.index(i, k)]) *
void setFromTwoVectors(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) {
final Vector3 v1 = a.normalized();
final Vector3 v2 = b.normalized();
final double c =;
var angle = math.acos(c);
var axis = v1.cross(v2);
if ((1.0 + c).abs() < 0.0005) {
// c \approx -1 indicates 180 degree rotation
angle = math.pi;
// a and b are parallel in opposite directions. We need any
// vector as our rotation axis that is perpendicular.
// Find one by taking the cross product of v1 with an appropriate unit axis
if (v1.x > v1.y && v1.x > v1.z) {
// v1 points in a dominantly x direction, so don't cross with that axis
axis = v1.cross(Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
} else {
// Predominantly points in some other direction, so x-axis should be safe
axis = v1.cross(Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
} else if ((1.0 - c).abs() < 0.0005) {
// c \approx 1 is 0-degree rotation, axis is arbitrary
angle = 0.0;
axis = Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
setAxisAngle(axis.normalized(), angle);
/// Set the quaternion to a random rotation. The random number generator [rn]
/// is used to generate the random numbers for the rotation.
void setRandom(math.Random rn) {
// From: "Uniform Random Rotations", Ken Shoemake, Graphics Gems III,
// pg. 124-132.
final double x0 = rn.nextDouble();
final double r1 = math.sqrt(1.0 - x0);
final double r2 = math.sqrt(x0);
final double t1 = math.pi * 2.0 * rn.nextDouble();
final double t2 = math.pi * 2.0 * rn.nextDouble();
final double c1 = math.cos(t1);
final double s1 = math.sin(t1);
final double c2 = math.cos(t2);
final double s2 = math.sin(t2);
_qStorage[0] = s1 * r1;
_qStorage[1] = c1 * r1;
_qStorage[2] = s2 * r2;
_qStorage[3] = c2 * r2;
/// Set the quaternion to the time derivative of [q] with angular velocity
/// [omega].
void setDQ(Quaternion q, Vector3 omega) {
final Float32List qStorage = q._qStorage;
final Float32List omegaStorage =;
final double qx = qStorage[0];
final double qy = qStorage[1];
final double qz = qStorage[2];
final double qw = qStorage[3];
final double ox = omegaStorage[0];
final double oy = omegaStorage[1];
final double oz = omegaStorage[2];
final double _x = ox * qw + oy * qz - oz * qy;
final double _y = oy * qw + oz * qx - ox * qz;
final double _z = oz * qw + ox * qy - oy * qx;
final double _w = -ox * qx - oy * qy - oz * qz;
_qStorage[0] = _x * 0.5;
_qStorage[1] = _y * 0.5;
_qStorage[2] = _z * 0.5;
_qStorage[3] = _w * 0.5;
/// Set quaternion with rotation of [yaw], [pitch] and [roll].
void setEuler(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) {
final double halfYaw = yaw * 0.5;
final double halfPitch = pitch * 0.5;
final double halfRoll = roll * 0.5;
final double cosYaw = math.cos(halfYaw);
final double sinYaw = math.sin(halfYaw);
final double cosPitch = math.cos(halfPitch);
final double sinPitch = math.sin(halfPitch);
final double cosRoll = math.cos(halfRoll);
final double sinRoll = math.sin(halfRoll);
_qStorage[0] = cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw;
_qStorage[1] = cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw;
_qStorage[2] = sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw;
_qStorage[3] = cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw;
/// Normalize this.
double normalize() {
final double l = length;
if (l == 0.0) {
return 0.0;
final double d = 1.0 / l;
_qStorage[0] *= d;
_qStorage[1] *= d;
_qStorage[2] *= d;
_qStorage[3] *= d;
return l;
/// Conjugate this.
void conjugate() {
_qStorage[2] = -_qStorage[2];
_qStorage[1] = -_qStorage[1];
_qStorage[0] = -_qStorage[0];
/// Invert this.
void inverse() {
final double l = 1.0 / length2;
_qStorage[3] = _qStorage[3] * l;
_qStorage[2] = -_qStorage[2] * l;
_qStorage[1] = -_qStorage[1] * l;
_qStorage[0] = -_qStorage[0] * l;
/// Normalized copy of this.
Quaternion normalized() => clone()..normalize();
/// Conjugated copy of this.
Quaternion conjugated() => clone()..conjugate();
/// Inverted copy of this.
Quaternion inverted() => clone()..inverse();
/// [radians] of rotation around the [axis] of the rotation.
double get radians => 2.0 * math.acos(_qStorage[3]);
/// [axis] of rotation.
Vector3 get axis {
final double den = 1.0 - (_qStorage[3] * _qStorage[3]);
if (den < 0.0005) {
// 0-angle rotation, so axis does not matter
final double scale = 1.0 / math.sqrt(den);
return Vector3(
_qStorage[0] * scale, _qStorage[1] * scale, _qStorage[2] * scale);
/// Length squared.
double get length2 {
final double x = _qStorage[0];
final double y = _qStorage[1];
final double z = _qStorage[2];
final double w = _qStorage[3];
return (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z) + (w * w);
/// Length.
double get length => math.sqrt(length2);
/// Returns a copy of [v] rotated by quaternion.
Vector3 rotated(Vector3 v) {
final Vector3 out = v.clone();
return out;
/// Rotates [v] by this.
Vector3 rotate(Vector3 v) {
// conjugate(this) * [v,0] * this
final double _w = _qStorage[3];
final double _z = _qStorage[2];
final double _y = _qStorage[1];
final double _x = _qStorage[0];
final double tiw = _w;
final double tiz = -_z;
final double tiy = -_y;
final double tix = -_x;
final double tx = tiw * v.x + tix * 0.0 + tiy * v.z - tiz * v.y;
final double ty = tiw * v.y + tiy * 0.0 + tiz * v.x - tix * v.z;
final double tz = tiw * v.z + tiz * 0.0 + tix * v.y - tiy * v.x;
final double tw = tiw * 0.0 - tix * v.x - tiy * v.y - tiz * v.z;
final double result_x = tw * _x + tx * _w + ty * _z - tz * _y;
final double result_y = tw * _y + ty * _w + tz * _x - tx * _z;
final double result_z = tw * _z + tz * _w + tx * _y - ty * _x;
final Float32List vStorage =;
vStorage[2] = result_z;
vStorage[1] = result_y;
vStorage[0] = result_x;
return v;
/// Add [arg] to this.
void add(Quaternion arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._qStorage;
_qStorage[0] = _qStorage[0] + argStorage[0];
_qStorage[1] = _qStorage[1] + argStorage[1];
_qStorage[2] = _qStorage[2] + argStorage[2];
_qStorage[3] = _qStorage[3] + argStorage[3];
/// Subtracts [arg] from this.
void sub(Quaternion arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._qStorage;
_qStorage[0] = _qStorage[0] - argStorage[0];
_qStorage[1] = _qStorage[1] - argStorage[1];
_qStorage[2] = _qStorage[2] - argStorage[2];
_qStorage[3] = _qStorage[3] - argStorage[3];
/// Scales this by [scale].
void scale(double scale) {
_qStorage[3] = _qStorage[3] * scale;
_qStorage[2] = _qStorage[2] * scale;
_qStorage[1] = _qStorage[1] * scale;
_qStorage[0] = _qStorage[0] * scale;
/// Scaled copy of this.
Quaternion scaled(double scale) => clone()..scale(scale);
/// this rotated by [other].
Quaternion operator *(Quaternion other) {
final double _w = _qStorage[3];
final double _z = _qStorage[2];
final double _y = _qStorage[1];
final double _x = _qStorage[0];
final Float32List otherStorage = other._qStorage;
final double ow = otherStorage[3];
final double oz = otherStorage[2];
final double oy = otherStorage[1];
final double ox = otherStorage[0];
return Quaternion(
_w * ox + _x * ow + _y * oz - _z * oy,
_w * oy + _y * ow + _z * ox - _x * oz,
_w * oz + _z * ow + _x * oy - _y * ox,
_w * ow - _x * ox - _y * oy - _z * oz);
/// Returns copy of this + [other].
Quaternion operator +(Quaternion other) => clone()..add(other);
/// Returns copy of this - [other].
Quaternion operator -(Quaternion other) => clone()..sub(other);
/// Returns negated copy of this.
Quaternion operator -() => conjugated();
/// Access the component of the quaternion at the index [i].
double operator [](int i) => _qStorage[i];
/// Set the component of the quaternion at the index [i].
void operator []=(int i, double arg) {
_qStorage[i] = arg;
/// Returns a rotation matrix containing the same rotation as this.
Matrix3 asRotationMatrix() => copyRotationInto(;
/// Set [rotationMatrix] to a rotation matrix containing the same rotation as
/// this.
Matrix3 copyRotationInto(Matrix3 rotationMatrix) {
final double d = length2;
assert(d != 0.0);
final double s = 2.0 / d;
final double _x = _qStorage[0];
final double _y = _qStorage[1];
final double _z = _qStorage[2];
final double _w = _qStorage[3];
final double xs = _x * s;
final double ys = _y * s;
final double zs = _z * s;
final double wx = _w * xs;
final double wy = _w * ys;
final double wz = _w * zs;
final double xx = _x * xs;
final double xy = _x * ys;
final double xz = _x * zs;
final double yy = _y * ys;
final double yz = _y * zs;
final double zz = _z * zs;
final Float32List rotationMatrixStorage =;
rotationMatrixStorage[0] = 1.0 - (yy + zz); // column 0
rotationMatrixStorage[1] = xy + wz;
rotationMatrixStorage[2] = xz - wy;
rotationMatrixStorage[3] = xy - wz; // column 1
rotationMatrixStorage[4] = 1.0 - (xx + zz);
rotationMatrixStorage[5] = yz + wx;
rotationMatrixStorage[6] = xz + wy; // column 2
rotationMatrixStorage[7] = yz - wx;
rotationMatrixStorage[8] = 1.0 - (xx + yy);
return rotationMatrix;
/// Printable string.
String toString() => '${_qStorage[0]}, ${_qStorage[1]},'
' ${_qStorage[2]} @ ${_qStorage[3]}';
/// Relative error between this and [correct].
double relativeError(Quaternion correct) {
final Quaternion diff = correct - this;
final double norm_diff = diff.length;
final double correct_norm = correct.length;
return norm_diff / correct_norm;
/// Absolute error between this and [correct].
double absoluteError(Quaternion correct) {
final double this_norm = length;
final double correct_norm = correct.length;
final double norm_diff = (this_norm - correct_norm).abs();
return norm_diff;