blob: f46ab60a7340d43c45045e483a1aa13695b7153f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of vector_math;
/// 3D column vector.
class Vector3 implements Vector {
final Float32List _v3storage;
/// The components of the vector.
Float32List get storage => _v3storage;
/// Set the values of [result] to the minimum of [a] and [b] for each line.
static void min(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 result) {
..x = Math.min(a.x, b.x)
..y = Math.min(a.y, b.y)
..z = Math.min(a.z, b.z);
/// Set the values of [result] to the maximum of [a] and [b] for each line.
static void max(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 result) {
..x = Math.max(a.x, b.x)
..y = Math.max(a.y, b.y)
..z = Math.max(a.z, b.z);
/// Interpolate between [min] and [max] with the amount of [a] using a linear
/// interpolation and store the values in [result].
static void mix(Vector3 min, Vector3 max, double a, Vector3 result) {
..x = min.x + a * (max.x - min.x)
..y = min.y + a * (max.y - min.y)
..z = min.z + a * (max.z - min.z);
/// Construct a new vector with the specified values.
factory Vector3(double x, double y, double z) =>
new, y, z);
/// Initialized with values from [array] starting at [offset].
factory Vector3.array(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) =>
new, offset);
/// Zero vector. : _v3storage = new Float32List(3);
/// Splat [value] into all lanes of the vector.
factory Vector3.all(double value) => new;
/// Copy of [other].
factory Vector3.copy(Vector3 other) => new;
/// Constructs Vector3 with given Float32List as [storage].
/// Constructs Vector3 with a [storage] that views given [buffer] starting at
/// [offset]. [offset] has to be multiple of [Float32List.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT].
Vector3.fromBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset)
: _v3storage = new Float32List.view(buffer, offset, 3);
/// Generate random vector in the range (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1). You can
/// optionally pass your own random number generator.
factory Vector3.random([Math.Random rng]) {
rng = rng == null ? new Math.Random() : rng;
return new Vector3(rng.nextDouble(), rng.nextDouble(), rng.nextDouble());
/// Set the values of the vector.
void setValues(double x_, double y_, double z_) {
_v3storage[0] = x_;
_v3storage[1] = y_;
_v3storage[2] = z_;
/// Zero vector.
void setZero() {
_v3storage[2] = 0.0;
_v3storage[1] = 0.0;
_v3storage[0] = 0.0;
/// Set the values by copying them from [other].
void setFrom(Vector3 other) {
final Float32List otherStorage = other._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = otherStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = otherStorage[1];
_v3storage[2] = otherStorage[2];
/// Splat [arg] into all lanes of the vector.
void splat(double arg) {
_v3storage[2] = arg;
_v3storage[1] = arg;
_v3storage[0] = arg;
/// Returns a printable string
String toString() => '[${storage[0]},${storage[1]},${storage[2]}]';
/// Check if two vectors are the same.
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
(other is Vector3) &&
(_v3storage[0] == other._v3storage[0]) &&
(_v3storage[1] == other._v3storage[1]) &&
(_v3storage[2] == other._v3storage[2]);
int get hashCode => quiver.hashObjects(_v3storage);
/// Negate
Vector3 operator -() => clone()..negate();
/// Subtract two vectors.
Vector3 operator -(Vector3 other) => clone()..sub(other);
/// Add two vectors.
Vector3 operator +(Vector3 other) => clone()..add(other);
/// Scale.
Vector3 operator /(double scale) => scaled(1.0 / scale);
/// Scale by [scale].
Vector3 operator *(double scale) => scaled(scale);
/// Access the component of the vector at the index [i].
double operator [](int i) => _v3storage[i];
/// Set the component of the vector at the index [i].
void operator []=(int i, double v) {
_v3storage[i] = v;
/// Set the length of the vector. A negative [value] will change the vectors
/// orientation and a [value] of zero will set the vector to zero.
set length(double value) {
if (value == 0.0) {
} else {
double l = length;
if (l == 0.0) {
l = value / l;
_v3storage[0] *= l;
_v3storage[1] *= l;
_v3storage[2] *= l;
/// Length.
double get length => Math.sqrt(length2);
/// Length squared.
double get length2 {
double sum;
sum = (_v3storage[0] * _v3storage[0]);
sum += (_v3storage[1] * _v3storage[1]);
sum += (_v3storage[2] * _v3storage[2]);
return sum;
/// Normalizes [this].
double normalize() {
final double l = length;
if (l == 0.0) {
return 0.0;
final double d = 1.0 / l;
_v3storage[0] *= d;
_v3storage[1] *= d;
_v3storage[2] *= d;
return l;
/// Normalize [this]. Returns length of vector before normalization.
/// DEPRCATED: Use [normalize].
double normalizeLength() => normalize();
/// Normalizes copy of [this].
Vector3 normalized() => new Vector3.copy(this)..normalize();
/// Normalize vector into [out].
Vector3 normalizeInto(Vector3 out) {
return out;
/// Distance from [this] to [arg]
double distanceTo(Vector3 arg) => Math.sqrt(distanceToSquared(arg));
/// Squared distance from [this] to [arg]
double distanceToSquared(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
final double dx = _v3storage[0] - argStorage[0];
final double dy = _v3storage[1] - argStorage[1];
final double dz = _v3storage[2] - argStorage[2];
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
/// Returns the angle between [this] vector and [other] in radians.
double angleTo(Vector3 other) {
final Float32List otherStorage = other._v3storage;
if (_v3storage[0] == otherStorage[0] &&
_v3storage[1] == otherStorage[1] &&
_v3storage[2] == otherStorage[2]) {
return 0.0;
final double d = dot(other);
return Math.acos(d.clamp(-1.0, 1.0));
/// Returns the signed angle between [this] and [other] around [normal]
/// in radians.
double angleToSigned(Vector3 other, Vector3 normal) {
final double angle = angleTo(other);
final Vector3 c = cross(other);
final double d =;
return d < 0.0 ? -angle : angle;
/// Inner product.
double dot(Vector3 other) {
final Float32List otherStorage = other._v3storage;
double sum;
sum = _v3storage[0] * otherStorage[0];
sum += _v3storage[1] * otherStorage[1];
sum += _v3storage[2] * otherStorage[2];
return sum;
/// Transforms [this] into the product of [this] as a row vector,
/// postmultiplied by matrix, [arg].
/// If [arg] is a rotation matrix, this is a computational shortcut for applying,
/// the inverse of the transformation.
void postmultiply(Matrix3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage =;
final double v0 = _v3storage[0];
final double v1 = _v3storage[1];
final double v2 = _v3storage[2];
_v3storage[0] =
v0 * argStorage[0] + v1 * argStorage[1] + v2 * argStorage[2];
_v3storage[1] =
v0 * argStorage[3] + v1 * argStorage[4] + v2 * argStorage[5];
_v3storage[2] =
v0 * argStorage[6] + v1 * argStorage[7] + v2 * argStorage[8];
/// Cross product.
Vector3 cross(Vector3 other) {
final double _x = _v3storage[0];
final double _y = _v3storage[1];
final double _z = _v3storage[2];
final Float32List otherStorage = other._v3storage;
final double ox = otherStorage[0];
final double oy = otherStorage[1];
final double oz = otherStorage[2];
return new Vector3(_y * oz - _z * oy, _z * ox - _x * oz, _x * oy - _y * ox);
/// Cross product. Stores result in [out].
Vector3 crossInto(Vector3 other, Vector3 out) {
final double x = _v3storage[0];
final double y = _v3storage[1];
final double z = _v3storage[2];
final Float32List otherStorage = other._v3storage;
final double ox = otherStorage[0];
final double oy = otherStorage[1];
final double oz = otherStorage[2];
final Float32List outStorage = out._v3storage;
outStorage[0] = y * oz - z * oy;
outStorage[1] = z * ox - x * oz;
outStorage[2] = x * oy - y * ox;
return out;
/// Reflect [this].
void reflect(Vector3 normal) {
sub(normal.scaled(2.0 *;
/// Reflected copy of [this].
Vector3 reflected(Vector3 normal) => clone()..reflect(normal);
/// Projects [this] using the projection matrix [arg]
void applyProjection(Matrix4 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage =;
final double x = _v3storage[0];
final double y = _v3storage[1];
final double z = _v3storage[2];
final double d = 1.0 /
(argStorage[3] * x +
argStorage[7] * y +
argStorage[11] * z +
_v3storage[0] = (argStorage[0] * x +
argStorage[4] * y +
argStorage[8] * z +
argStorage[12]) *
_v3storage[1] = (argStorage[1] * x +
argStorage[5] * y +
argStorage[9] * z +
argStorage[13]) *
_v3storage[2] = (argStorage[2] * x +
argStorage[6] * y +
argStorage[10] * z +
argStorage[14]) *
/// Applies a rotation specified by [axis] and [angle].
void applyAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, double angle) {
applyQuaternion(new Quaternion.axisAngle(axis, angle));
/// Applies a quaternion transform.
void applyQuaternion(Quaternion arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._qStorage;
final double v0 = _v3storage[0];
final double v1 = _v3storage[1];
final double v2 = _v3storage[2];
final double qx = argStorage[0];
final double qy = argStorage[1];
final double qz = argStorage[2];
final double qw = argStorage[3];
final double ix = qw * v0 + qy * v2 - qz * v1;
final double iy = qw * v1 + qz * v0 - qx * v2;
final double iz = qw * v2 + qx * v1 - qy * v0;
final double iw = -qx * v0 - qy * v1 - qz * v2;
_v3storage[0] = ix * qw + iw * -qx + iy * -qz - iz * -qy;
_v3storage[1] = iy * qw + iw * -qy + iz * -qx - ix * -qz;
_v3storage[2] = iz * qw + iw * -qz + ix * -qy - iy * -qx;
/// Multiplies [this] by [arg].
void applyMatrix3(Matrix3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage =;
final double v0 = _v3storage[0];
final double v1 = _v3storage[1];
final double v2 = _v3storage[2];
_v3storage[0] =
argStorage[0] * v0 + argStorage[3] * v1 + argStorage[6] * v2;
_v3storage[1] =
argStorage[1] * v0 + argStorage[4] * v1 + argStorage[7] * v2;
_v3storage[2] =
argStorage[2] * v0 + argStorage[5] * v1 + argStorage[8] * v2;
/// Multiplies [this] by a 4x3 subset of [arg]. Expects [arg] to be an affine
/// transformation matrix.
void applyMatrix4(Matrix4 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage =;
final double v0 = _v3storage[0];
final double v1 = _v3storage[1];
final double v2 = _v3storage[2];
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[0] * v0 +
argStorage[4] * v1 +
argStorage[8] * v2 +
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[1] * v0 +
argStorage[5] * v1 +
argStorage[9] * v2 +
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[2] * v0 +
argStorage[6] * v1 +
argStorage[10] * v2 +
/// Relative error between [this] and [correct]
double relativeError(Vector3 correct) {
final double correct_norm = correct.length;
final double diff_norm = (this - correct).length;
return diff_norm / correct_norm;
/// Absolute error between [this] and [correct]
double absoluteError(Vector3 correct) => (this - correct).length;
/// True if any component is infinite.
bool get isInfinite {
bool is_infinite = false;
is_infinite = is_infinite || _v3storage[0].isInfinite;
is_infinite = is_infinite || _v3storage[1].isInfinite;
is_infinite = is_infinite || _v3storage[2].isInfinite;
return is_infinite;
/// True if any component is NaN.
bool get isNaN {
bool is_nan = false;
is_nan = is_nan || _v3storage[0].isNaN;
is_nan = is_nan || _v3storage[1].isNaN;
is_nan = is_nan || _v3storage[2].isNaN;
return is_nan;
/// Add [arg] to [this].
void add(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0] + argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1] + argStorage[1];
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2] + argStorage[2];
/// Add [arg] scaled by [factor] to [this].
void addScaled(Vector3 arg, double factor) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0] + argStorage[0] * factor;
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1] + argStorage[1] * factor;
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2] + argStorage[2] * factor;
/// Subtract [arg] from [this].
void sub(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0] - argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1] - argStorage[1];
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2] - argStorage[2];
/// Multiply entries in [this] with entries in [arg].
void multiply(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0] * argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1] * argStorage[1];
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2] * argStorage[2];
/// Divide entries in [this] with entries in [arg].
void divide(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0] / argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1] / argStorage[1];
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2] / argStorage[2];
/// Scale [this].
void scale(double arg) {
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2] * arg;
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1] * arg;
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0] * arg;
/// Create a copy of [this] and scale it by [arg].
Vector3 scaled(double arg) => clone()..scale(arg);
/// Negate [this].
void negate() {
_v3storage[2] = -_v3storage[2];
_v3storage[1] = -_v3storage[1];
_v3storage[0] = -_v3storage[0];
/// Absolute value.
void absolute() {
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0].abs();
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1].abs();
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2].abs();
/// Clamp each entry n in [this] in the range [min[n]]-[max[n]].
void clamp(Vector3 min, Vector3 max) {
final Float32List minStorage =;
final Float32List maxStorage =;
_v3storage[0] =
_v3storage[0].clamp(minStorage[0], maxStorage[0]).toDouble();
_v3storage[1] =
_v3storage[1].clamp(minStorage[1], maxStorage[1]).toDouble();
_v3storage[2] =
_v3storage[2].clamp(minStorage[2], maxStorage[2]).toDouble();
/// Clamp entries in [this] in the range [min]-[max].
void clampScalar(double min, double max) {
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0].clamp(min, max).toDouble();
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1].clamp(min, max).toDouble();
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2].clamp(min, max).toDouble();
/// Floor entries in [this].
void floor() {
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0].floorToDouble();
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1].floorToDouble();
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2].floorToDouble();
/// Ceil entries in [this].
void ceil() {
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0].ceilToDouble();
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1].ceilToDouble();
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2].ceilToDouble();
/// Round entries in [this].
void round() {
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0].roundToDouble();
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1].roundToDouble();
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2].roundToDouble();
/// Round entries in [this] towards zero.
void roundToZero() {
_v3storage[0] = _v3storage[0] < 0.0
? _v3storage[0].ceilToDouble()
: _v3storage[0].floorToDouble();
_v3storage[1] = _v3storage[1] < 0.0
? _v3storage[1].ceilToDouble()
: _v3storage[1].floorToDouble();
_v3storage[2] = _v3storage[2] < 0.0
? _v3storage[2].ceilToDouble()
: _v3storage[2].floorToDouble();
/// Clone of [this].
Vector3 clone() => new Vector3.copy(this);
/// Copy [this] into [arg].
Vector3 copyInto(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
argStorage[0] = _v3storage[0];
argStorage[1] = _v3storage[1];
argStorage[2] = _v3storage[2];
return arg;
/// Copies [this] into [array] starting at [offset].
void copyIntoArray(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) {
array[offset + 2] = _v3storage[2];
array[offset + 1] = _v3storage[1];
array[offset + 0] = _v3storage[0];
/// Copies elements from [array] into [this] starting at [offset].
void copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) {
_v3storage[2] = array[offset + 2];
_v3storage[1] = array[offset + 1];
_v3storage[0] = array[offset + 0];
set xy(Vector2 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v2storage;
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[1];
set xz(Vector2 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v2storage;
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[1];
set yx(Vector2 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v2storage;
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[1];
set yz(Vector2 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v2storage;
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[1];
set zx(Vector2 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v2storage;
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[1];
set zy(Vector2 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v2storage;
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[1];
set xyz(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[1];
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[2];
set xzy(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[1];
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[2];
set yxz(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[1];
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[2];
set yzx(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[1];
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[2];
set zxy(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[1];
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[2];
set zyx(Vector3 arg) {
final Float32List argStorage = arg._v3storage;
_v3storage[2] = argStorage[0];
_v3storage[1] = argStorage[1];
_v3storage[0] = argStorage[2];
set r(double arg) => x = arg;
set g(double arg) => y = arg;
set b(double arg) => z = arg;
set s(double arg) => x = arg;
set t(double arg) => y = arg;
set p(double arg) => z = arg;
set x(double arg) => _v3storage[0] = arg;
set y(double arg) => _v3storage[1] = arg;
set z(double arg) => _v3storage[2] = arg;
set rg(Vector2 arg) => xy = arg;
set rb(Vector2 arg) => xz = arg;
set gr(Vector2 arg) => yx = arg;
set gb(Vector2 arg) => yz = arg;
set br(Vector2 arg) => zx = arg;
set bg(Vector2 arg) => zy = arg;
set rgb(Vector3 arg) => xyz = arg;
set rbg(Vector3 arg) => xzy = arg;
set grb(Vector3 arg) => yxz = arg;
set gbr(Vector3 arg) => yzx = arg;
set brg(Vector3 arg) => zxy = arg;
set bgr(Vector3 arg) => zyx = arg;
set st(Vector2 arg) => xy = arg;
set sp(Vector2 arg) => xz = arg;
set ts(Vector2 arg) => yx = arg;
set tp(Vector2 arg) => yz = arg;
set ps(Vector2 arg) => zx = arg;
set pt(Vector2 arg) => zy = arg;
set stp(Vector3 arg) => xyz = arg;
set spt(Vector3 arg) => xzy = arg;
set tsp(Vector3 arg) => yxz = arg;
set tps(Vector3 arg) => yzx = arg;
set pst(Vector3 arg) => zxy = arg;
set pts(Vector3 arg) => zyx = arg;
Vector2 get xx => new Vector2(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector2 get xy => new Vector2(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector2 get xz => new Vector2(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector2 get yx => new Vector2(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector2 get yy => new Vector2(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector2 get yz => new Vector2(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector2 get zx => new Vector2(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector2 get zy => new Vector2(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector2 get zz => new Vector2(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get xxx => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get xxy => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get xxz => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get xyx => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get xyy => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get xyz => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get xzx => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get xzy => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get xzz => new Vector3(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get yxx => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get yxy => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get yxz => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get yyx => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get yyy => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get yyz => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get yzx => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get yzy => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get yzz => new Vector3(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get zxx => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get zxy => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get zxz => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get zyx => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get zyy => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get zyz => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector3 get zzx => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector3 get zzy => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector3 get zzz => new Vector3(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xxxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xxxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xxxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xxyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xxyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xxyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xxzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xxzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xxzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xyxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xyxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xyxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xyyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xyyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xyyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xyzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xyzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xyzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xzxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xzxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xzxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xzyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xzyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xzyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get xzzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get xzzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get xzzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yxxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yxxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yxxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yxyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yxyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yxyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yxzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yxzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yxzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yyxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yyxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yyxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yyyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yyyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yyyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yyzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yyzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yyzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yzxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yzxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yzxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yzyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yzyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yzyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get yzzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get yzzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get yzzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zxxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zxxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zxxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zxyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zxyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zxyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zxzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zxzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zxzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zyxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zyxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zyxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zyyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zyyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zyyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zyzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zyzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zyzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zzxx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zzxy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zzxz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zzyx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zzyy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zzyz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1], _v3storage[2]);
Vector4 get zzzx =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[0]);
Vector4 get zzzy =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[1]);
Vector4 get zzzz =>
new Vector4(_v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2], _v3storage[2]);
double get r => x;
double get g => y;
double get b => z;
double get s => x;
double get t => y;
double get p => z;
double get x => _v3storage[0];
double get y => _v3storage[1];
double get z => _v3storage[2];
Vector2 get rr => xx;
Vector2 get rg => xy;
Vector2 get rb => xz;
Vector2 get gr => yx;
Vector2 get gg => yy;
Vector2 get gb => yz;
Vector2 get br => zx;
Vector2 get bg => zy;
Vector2 get bb => zz;
Vector3 get rrr => xxx;
Vector3 get rrg => xxy;
Vector3 get rrb => xxz;
Vector3 get rgr => xzx;
Vector3 get rgg => xyy;
Vector3 get rgb => xyz;
Vector3 get rbr => xzx;
Vector3 get rbg => xzy;
Vector3 get rbb => xzz;
Vector3 get grr => yxx;
Vector3 get grg => yxy;
Vector3 get grb => yxz;
Vector3 get ggr => yyx;
Vector3 get ggg => yyy;
Vector3 get ggb => yyz;
Vector3 get gbr => yxz;
Vector3 get gbg => yzy;
Vector3 get gbb => yzz;
Vector3 get brr => zxx;
Vector3 get brg => zxy;
Vector3 get brb => zxz;
Vector3 get bgr => zyx;
Vector3 get bgg => zyy;
Vector3 get bgb => zyz;
Vector3 get bbr => zzx;
Vector3 get bbg => zzy;
Vector3 get bbb => zzz;
Vector4 get rrrr => xxxx;
Vector4 get rrrg => xxxy;
Vector4 get rrrb => xxxz;
Vector4 get rrgr => xxyx;
Vector4 get rrgg => xxyy;
Vector4 get rrgb => xxyz;
Vector4 get rrbr => xxzx;
Vector4 get rrbg => xxzy;
Vector4 get rrbb => xxzz;
Vector4 get rgrr => xyxx;
Vector4 get rgrg => xyxy;
Vector4 get rgrb => xyxz;
Vector4 get rggr => xyyx;
Vector4 get rggg => xyyy;
Vector4 get rggb => xyyz;
Vector4 get rgbr => xyzx;
Vector4 get rgbg => xyzy;
Vector4 get rgbb => xyzz;
Vector4 get rbrr => xzxx;
Vector4 get rbrg => xzxy;
Vector4 get rbrb => xzxz;
Vector4 get rbgr => xzyx;
Vector4 get rbgg => xzyy;
Vector4 get rbgb => xzyz;
Vector4 get rbbr => xzzx;
Vector4 get rbbg => xzzy;
Vector4 get rbbb => xzzz;
Vector4 get grrr => yxxx;
Vector4 get grrg => yxxy;
Vector4 get grrb => yxxz;
Vector4 get grgr => yxyx;
Vector4 get grgg => yxyy;
Vector4 get grgb => yxyz;
Vector4 get grbr => yxzx;
Vector4 get grbg => yxzy;
Vector4 get grbb => yxzz;
Vector4 get ggrr => yyxx;
Vector4 get ggrg => yyxy;
Vector4 get ggrb => yyxz;
Vector4 get gggr => yyyx;
Vector4 get gggg => yyyy;
Vector4 get gggb => yyyz;
Vector4 get ggbr => yyzx;
Vector4 get ggbg => yyzy;
Vector4 get ggbb => yyzz;
Vector4 get gbrr => yzxx;
Vector4 get gbrg => yzxy;
Vector4 get gbrb => yzxz;
Vector4 get gbgr => yzyx;
Vector4 get gbgg => yzyy;
Vector4 get gbgb => yzyz;
Vector4 get gbbr => yzzx;
Vector4 get gbbg => yzzy;
Vector4 get gbbb => yzzz;
Vector4 get brrr => zxxx;
Vector4 get brrg => zxxy;
Vector4 get brrb => zxxz;
Vector4 get brgr => zxyx;
Vector4 get brgg => zxyy;
Vector4 get brgb => zxyz;
Vector4 get brbr => zxzx;
Vector4 get brbg => zxzy;
Vector4 get brbb => zxzz;
Vector4 get bgrr => zyxx;
Vector4 get bgrg => zyxy;
Vector4 get bgrb => zyxz;
Vector4 get bggr => zyyx;
Vector4 get bggg => zyyy;
Vector4 get bggb => zyyz;
Vector4 get bgbr => zyzx;
Vector4 get bgbg => zyzy;
Vector4 get bgbb => zyzz;
Vector4 get bbrr => zzxx;
Vector4 get bbrg => zzxy;
Vector4 get bbrb => zzxz;
Vector4 get bbgr => zzyx;
Vector4 get bbgg => zzyy;
Vector4 get bbgb => zzyz;
Vector4 get bbbr => zzzx;
Vector4 get bbbg => zzzy;
Vector4 get bbbb => zzzz;
Vector2 get ss => xx;
Vector2 get st => xy;
Vector2 get sp => xz;
Vector2 get ts => yx;
Vector2 get tt => yy;
Vector2 get tp => yz;
Vector2 get ps => zx;
Vector2 get pt => zy;
Vector2 get pp => zz;
Vector3 get sss => xxx;
Vector3 get sst => xxy;
Vector3 get ssp => xxz;
Vector3 get sts => xyx;
Vector3 get stt => xyy;
Vector3 get stp => xyz;
Vector3 get sps => xzx;
Vector3 get spt => xzy;
Vector3 get spp => xzz;
Vector3 get tss => yxx;
Vector3 get tst => yxy;
Vector3 get tsp => yxz;
Vector3 get tts => yyx;
Vector3 get ttt => yyy;
Vector3 get ttp => yyz;
Vector3 get tps => yzx;
Vector3 get tpt => yzy;
Vector3 get tpp => yzz;
Vector3 get pss => zxx;
Vector3 get pst => zxy;
Vector3 get psp => zxz;
Vector3 get pts => zyx;
Vector3 get ptt => zyy;
Vector3 get ptp => zyz;
Vector3 get pps => zzx;
Vector3 get ppt => zzy;
Vector3 get ppp => zzz;
Vector4 get ssss => xxxx;
Vector4 get ssst => xxxy;
Vector4 get sssp => xxxz;
Vector4 get ssts => xxyx;
Vector4 get sstt => xxyy;
Vector4 get sstp => xxyz;
Vector4 get ssps => xxzx;
Vector4 get sspt => xxzy;
Vector4 get sspp => xxzz;
Vector4 get stss => xyxx;
Vector4 get stst => xyxy;
Vector4 get stsp => xyxz;
Vector4 get stts => xyyx;
Vector4 get sttt => xyyy;
Vector4 get sttp => xyyz;
Vector4 get stps => xyzx;
Vector4 get stpt => xyzy;
Vector4 get stpp => xyzz;
Vector4 get spss => xzxx;
Vector4 get spst => xzxy;
Vector4 get spsp => xzxz;
Vector4 get spts => xzyx;
Vector4 get sptt => xzyy;
Vector4 get sptp => xzyz;
Vector4 get spps => xzzx;
Vector4 get sppt => xzzy;
Vector4 get sppp => xzzz;
Vector4 get tsss => yxxx;
Vector4 get tsst => yxxy;
Vector4 get tssp => yxxz;
Vector4 get tsts => yxyx;
Vector4 get tstt => yxyy;
Vector4 get tstp => yxyz;
Vector4 get tsps => yxzx;
Vector4 get tspt => yxzy;
Vector4 get tspp => yxzz;
Vector4 get ttss => yyxx;
Vector4 get ttst => yyxy;
Vector4 get ttsp => yyxz;
Vector4 get ttts => yyyx;
Vector4 get tttt => yyyy;
Vector4 get tttp => yyyz;
Vector4 get ttps => yyzx;
Vector4 get ttpt => yyzy;
Vector4 get ttpp => yyzz;
Vector4 get tpss => yzxx;
Vector4 get tpst => yzxy;
Vector4 get tpsp => yzxz;
Vector4 get tpts => yzyx;
Vector4 get tptt => yzyy;
Vector4 get tptp => yzyz;
Vector4 get tpps => yzzx;
Vector4 get tppt => yzzy;
Vector4 get tppp => yzzz;
Vector4 get psss => zxxx;
Vector4 get psst => zxxy;
Vector4 get pssp => zxxz;
Vector4 get psts => zxyx;
Vector4 get pstt => zxyy;
Vector4 get pstp => zxyz;
Vector4 get psps => zxzx;
Vector4 get pspt => zxzy;
Vector4 get pspp => zxzz;
Vector4 get ptss => zyxx;
Vector4 get ptst => zyxy;
Vector4 get ptsp => zyxz;
Vector4 get ptts => zyyx;
Vector4 get pttt => zyyy;
Vector4 get pttp => zyyz;
Vector4 get ptps => zyzx;
Vector4 get ptpt => zyzy;
Vector4 get ptpp => zyzz;
Vector4 get ppss => zzxx;
Vector4 get ppst => zzxy;
Vector4 get ppsp => zzxz;
Vector4 get ppts => zzyx;
Vector4 get pptt => zzyy;
Vector4 get pptp => zzyz;
Vector4 get ppps => zzzx;
Vector4 get pppt => zzzy;
Vector4 get pppp => zzzz;