blob: 36fed7836a9125e951ff942cb7afc3ee4f3198f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of vector_math_64;
/// Defines a 3-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box between a [min] and a
/// [max] position.
class Aabb3 {
final Vector3 _min;
final Vector3 _max;
Vector3 get min => _min;
Vector3 get max => _max;
/// The center of the AABB.
Vector3 get center => _min.clone()
/// Create a new AABB with [min] and [max] set to the origin.
: _min = new,
_max = new;
/// Create a new AABB as a copy of [other].
Aabb3.copy(Aabb3 other)
: _min = new Vector3.copy(other._min),
_max = new Vector3.copy(other._max);
/// Create a new AABB with a [min] and [max].
Aabb3.minMax(Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
: _min = new Vector3.copy(min),
_max = new Vector3.copy(max);
/// Create a new AABB that encloses a [sphere].
factory Aabb3.fromSphere(Sphere sphere) => new Aabb3()..setSphere(sphere);
/// Create a new AABB that encloses a [triangle].
factory Aabb3.fromTriangle(Triangle triangle) =>
new Aabb3()..setTriangle(triangle);
/// Create a new AABB that encloses a [quad].
factory Aabb3.fromQuad(Quad quad) => new Aabb3()..setQuad(quad);
/// Create a new AABB that encloses a [obb].
factory Aabb3.fromObb3(Obb3 obb) => new Aabb3()..setObb3(obb);
/// Create a new AABB that encloses a limited [ray] (or line segment) that has
/// a minLimit and maxLimit.
factory Aabb3.fromRay(Ray ray, double limitMin, double limitMax) =>
new Aabb3()..setRay(ray, limitMin, limitMax);
/// Create a new AABB with a [center] and [halfExtents].
factory Aabb3.centerAndHalfExtents(Vector3 center, Vector3 halfExtents) =>
new Aabb3()..setCenterAndHalfExtents(center, halfExtents);
/// Constructs [Aabb3] with a min/max [storage] that views given [buffer]
/// starting at [offset]. [offset] has to be multiple of
/// [Float64List.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT].
Aabb3.fromBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset)
: _min = new Vector3.fromBuffer(buffer, offset),
_max = new Vector3.fromBuffer(
buffer, offset + Float64List.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 3);
/// Set the AABB by a [center] and [halfExtents].
void setCenterAndHalfExtents(Vector3 center, Vector3 halfExtents) {
/// Set the AABB to enclose a [sphere].
void setSphere(Sphere sphere) {
/// Set the AABB to enclose a [triangle].
void setTriangle(Triangle triangle) {
Math.min(triangle._point1.x, triangle._point2.x)),
Math.min(triangle._point1.y, triangle._point2.y)),
Math.min(triangle._point1.z, triangle._point2.z)));
Math.max(triangle._point1.x, triangle._point2.x)),
Math.max(triangle._point1.y, triangle._point2.y)),
Math.max(triangle._point1.z, triangle._point2.z)));
/// Set the AABB to enclose a [quad].
void setQuad(Quad quad) {
Math.min(quad._point1.x, Math.min(quad._point2.x, quad._point3.x))),
Math.min(quad._point1.y, Math.min(quad._point2.y, quad._point3.y))),
quad._point1.z, Math.min(quad._point2.z, quad._point3.z))));
Math.max(quad._point1.x, Math.max(quad._point2.x, quad._point3.x))),
Math.max(quad._point1.y, Math.max(quad._point2.y, quad._point3.y))),
quad._point1.z, Math.max(quad._point2.z, quad._point3.z))));
/// Set the AABB to enclose a [obb].
void setObb3(Obb3 obb) {
final corner = new;
obb.copyCorner(0, corner);
obb.copyCorner(1, corner);
obb.copyCorner(2, corner);
obb.copyCorner(3, corner);
obb.copyCorner(4, corner);
obb.copyCorner(5, corner);
obb.copyCorner(6, corner);
obb.copyCorner(7, corner);
/// Set the AABB to enclose a limited [ray] (or line segment) that is limited
/// by [limitMin] and [limitMax].
void setRay(Ray ray, double limitMin, double limitMax) {
ray.copyAt(_min, limitMin);
ray.copyAt(_max, limitMax);
if (_max.x < _min.x) {
final temp = _max.x;
_max.x = _min.x;
_min.x = temp;
if (_max.y < _min.y) {
final temp = _max.y;
_max.y = _min.y;
_min.y = temp;
if (_max.z < _min.z) {
final temp = _max.z;
_max.z = _min.z;
_min.z = temp;
/// Copy the [center] and the [halfExtends] of [this].
void copyCenterAndHalfExtents(Vector3 center, Vector3 halfExtents) {
/// Copy the [center] of [this].
void copyCenter(Vector3 center) {
/// Copy the [min] and [max] from [other] into [this].
void copyFrom(Aabb3 other) {
/// Transform [this] by the transform [t].
Aabb3 transform(Matrix4 t) {
final center = new;
final halfExtents = new;
copyCenterAndHalfExtents(center, halfExtents);
return this;
/// Rotate [this] by the rotation matrix [t].
Aabb3 rotate(Matrix4 t) {
final center = new;
final halfExtents = new;
copyCenterAndHalfExtents(center, halfExtents);
return this;
/// Create a copy of [this] that is transformed by the transform [t] and store
/// it in [out].
Aabb3 transformed(Matrix4 t, Aabb3 out) => out
/// Create a copy of [this] that is rotated by the rotation matrix [t] and
/// store it in [out].
Aabb3 rotated(Matrix4 t, Aabb3 out) => out
void getPN(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 outP, Vector3 outN) {
if (planeNormal.x < 0.0) {
outP.x = _min.x;
outN.x = _max.x;
} else {
outP.x = _max.x;
outN.x = _min.x;
if (planeNormal.y < 0.0) {
outP.y = _min.y;
outN.y = _max.y;
} else {
outP.y = _max.y;
outN.y = _min.y;
if (planeNormal.z < 0.0) {
outP.z = _min.z;
outN.z = _max.z;
} else {
outP.z = _max.z;
outN.z = _min.z;
/// Set the min and max of [this] so that [this] is a hull of [this] and
/// [other].
void hull(Aabb3 other) {
Vector3.min(_min, other._min, _min);
Vector3.max(_max, other._max, _max);
/// Set the min and max of [this] so that [this] contains [point].
void hullPoint(Vector3 point) {
Vector3.min(_min, point, _min);
Vector3.max(_max, point, _max);
/// Return if [this] contains [other].
bool containsAabb3(Aabb3 other) {
final otherMax = other._max;
final otherMin = other._min;
return (_min.x < otherMin.x) &&
(_min.y < otherMin.y) &&
(_min.z < otherMin.z) &&
(_max.x > otherMax.x) &&
(_max.y > otherMax.y) &&
(_max.z > otherMax.z);
/// Return if [this] contains [other].
bool containsSphere(Sphere other) {
final boxExtends = new Vector3.all(other._radius);
final sphereBox = new Aabb3.centerAndHalfExtents(other._center, boxExtends);
return containsAabb3(sphereBox);
/// Return if [this] contains [other].
bool containsVector3(Vector3 other) {
return (_min.x < other.x) &&
(_min.y < other.y) &&
(_min.z < other.z) &&
(_max.x > other.x) &&
(_max.y > other.y) &&
(_max.z > other.z);
/// Return if [this] contains [other].
bool containsTriangle(Triangle other) => containsVector3(other._point0) &&
containsVector3(other._point1) &&
/// Return if [this] intersects with [other].
bool intersectsWithAabb3(Aabb3 other) {
final otherMax = other._max;
final otherMin = other._min;
return (_min.x <= otherMax.x) &&
(_min.y <= otherMax.y) &&
(_min.z <= otherMax.z) &&
(_max.x >= otherMin.x) &&
(_max.y >= otherMin.y) &&
(_max.z >= otherMin.z);
/// Return if [this] intersects with [other].
bool intersectsWithSphere(Sphere other) {
final center = other._center;
final radius = other._radius;
var d = 0.0;
var e = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if ((e = center[i] - _min[i]) < 0.0) {
if (e < -radius) {
return false;
d = d + e * e;
} else {
if ((e = center[i] - _max[i]) > 0.0) {
if (e > radius) {
return false;
d = d + e * e;
return d <= radius * radius;
/// Return if [this] intersects with [other].
bool intersectsWithVector3(Vector3 other) {
return (_min.x <= other.x) &&
(_min.y <= other.y) &&
(_min.z <= other.z) &&
(_max.x >= other.x) &&
(_max.y >= other.y) &&
(_max.z >= other.z);
// Avoid allocating these instance on every call to intersectsWithTriangle
static final _aabbCenter = new;
static final _aabbHalfExtents = new;
static final _v0 = new;
static final _v1 = new;
static final _v2 = new;
static final _f0 = new;
static final _f1 = new;
static final _f2 = new;
static final _trianglePlane = new Plane();
static final _u0 = new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
static final _u1 = new Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
static final _u2 = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/// Return if [this] intersects with [other].
/// [epsilon] allows the caller to specify a custum eplsilon value that should
/// be used for the test. If [result] is specified and an intersection is
/// found, result is modified to contain more details about the type of
/// intersection.
bool intersectsWithTriangle(Triangle other,
{double epsilon: 1e-3, IntersectionResult result}) {
double p0, p1, p2, r, len;
double a;
// This line isn't required if we are using center and half extents to
// define a aabb
copyCenterAndHalfExtents(_aabbCenter, _aabbHalfExtents);
// Translate triangle as conceptually moving AABB to origin
// Translate triangle as conceptually moving AABB to origin
// Test axes a00..a22 (category 3)
// Test axis a00
len = _f0.y * _f0.y + _f0.z * _f0.z;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.z * _f0.y - _v0.y * _f0.z;
p2 = _v2.z * _f0.y - _v2.y * _f0.z;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[1] * _f0.z.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[2] * _f0.y.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p2), Math.min(p0, p2)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p2) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u0.crossInto(_f0, result.axis);
// Test axis a01
len = _f1.y * _f1.y + _f1.z * _f1.z;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.z * _f1.y - _v0.y * _f1.z;
p1 = _v1.z * _f1.y - _v1.y * _f1.z;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[1] * _f1.z.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[2] * _f1.y.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p1), Math.min(p0, p1)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p1) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u0.crossInto(_f1, result.axis);
// Test axis a02
len = _f2.y * _f2.y + _f2.z * _f2.z;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.z * _f2.y - _v0.y * _f2.z;
p1 = _v1.z * _f2.y - _v1.y * _f2.z;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[1] * _f2.z.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[2] * _f2.y.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p1), Math.min(p0, p1)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p1) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u0.crossInto(_f2, result.axis);
// Test axis a10
len = _f0.x * _f0.x + _f0.z * _f0.z;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.x * _f0.z - _v0.z * _f0.x;
p2 = _v2.x * _f0.z - _v2.z * _f0.x;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * _f0.z.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[2] * _f0.x.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p2), Math.min(p0, p2)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p2) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u1.crossInto(_f0, result.axis);
// Test axis a11
len = _f1.x * _f1.x + _f1.z * _f1.z;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.x * _f1.z - _v0.z * _f1.x;
p1 = _v1.x * _f1.z - _v1.z * _f1.x;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * _f1.z.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[2] * _f1.x.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p1), Math.min(p0, p1)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p1) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u1.crossInto(_f1, result.axis);
// Test axis a12
len = _f2.x * _f2.x + _f2.z * _f2.z;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.x * _f2.z - _v0.z * _f2.x;
p1 = _v1.x * _f2.z - _v1.z * _f2.x;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * _f2.z.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[2] * _f2.x.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p1), Math.min(p0, p1)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p1) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u1.crossInto(_f2, result.axis);
// Test axis a20
len = _f0.x * _f0.x + _f0.y * _f0.y;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.y * _f0.x - _v0.x * _f0.y;
p2 = _v2.y * _f0.x - _v2.x * _f0.y;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * _f0.y.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[1] * _f0.x.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p2), Math.min(p0, p2)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p2) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u2.crossInto(_f0, result.axis);
// Test axis a21
len = _f1.x * _f1.x + _f1.y * _f1.y;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.y * _f1.x - _v0.x * _f1.y;
p1 = _v1.y * _f1.x - _v1.x * _f1.y;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * _f1.y.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[1] * _f1.x.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p1), Math.min(p0, p1)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p1) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u2.crossInto(_f1, result.axis);
// Test axis a22
len = _f2.x * _f2.x + _f2.y * _f2.y;
if (len > epsilon) {
// Ignore tests on degenerate axes.
p0 = _v0.y * _f2.x - _v0.x * _f2.y;
p1 = _v1.y * _f2.x - _v1.x * _f2.y;
r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * _f2.y.abs() + _aabbHalfExtents[1] * _f2.x.abs();
if (Math.max(-Math.max(p0, p1), Math.min(p0, p1)) > r + epsilon) {
return false; // Axis is a separating axis
a = Math.min(p0, p1) - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
_u2.crossInto(_f2, result.axis);
// Test the three axes corresponding to the face normals of AABB b (category 1). // Exit if...
// ... [-e0, e0] and [min(v0.x,v1.x,v2.x), max(v0.x,v1.x,v2.x)] do not overlap
if (Math.max(_v0.x, Math.max(_v1.x, _v2.x)) < -_aabbHalfExtents[0] ||
Math.min(_v0.x, Math.min(_v1.x, _v2.x)) > _aabbHalfExtents[0]) {
return false;
a = Math.min(_v0.x, Math.min(_v1.x, _v2.x)) - _aabbHalfExtents[0];
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
// ... [-e1, e1] and [min(v0.y,v1.y,v2.y), max(v0.y,v1.y,v2.y)] do not overlap
if (Math.max(_v0.y, Math.max(_v1.y, _v2.y)) < -_aabbHalfExtents[1] ||
Math.min(_v0.y, Math.min(_v1.y, _v2.y)) > _aabbHalfExtents[1]) {
return false;
a = Math.min(_v0.y, Math.min(_v1.y, _v2.y)) - _aabbHalfExtents[1];
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
// ... [-e2, e2] and [min(v0.z,v1.z,v2.z), max(v0.z,v1.z,v2.z)] do not overlap
if (Math.max(_v0.z, Math.max(_v1.z, _v2.z)) < -_aabbHalfExtents[2] ||
Math.min(_v0.z, Math.min(_v1.z, _v2.z)) > _aabbHalfExtents[2]) {
return false;
a = Math.min(_v0.z, Math.min(_v1.z, _v2.z)) - _aabbHalfExtents[2];
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
// It seems like that wee need to move the edges before creating the
// plane
// Test separating axis corresponding to triangle face normal (category 2)
_f0.crossInto(_f1, _trianglePlane.normal);
_trianglePlane.constant =;
return intersectsWithPlane(_trianglePlane, result: result);
/// Return if [this] intersects with [other]
bool intersectsWithPlane(Plane other, {IntersectionResult result}) {
// This line is not necessary with a (center, extents) AABB representation
copyCenterAndHalfExtents(_aabbCenter, _aabbHalfExtents);
// Compute the projection interval radius of b onto L(t) = b.c + t * p.n
double r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * other.normal[0].abs() +
_aabbHalfExtents[1] * other.normal[1].abs() +
_aabbHalfExtents[2] * other.normal[2].abs();
// Compute distance of box center from plane
double s = - other.constant;
// Intersection occurs when distance s falls within [-r,+r] interval
if (s.abs() <= r) {
final a = s - r;
if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
result._depth = a;
return true;
return false;
// Avoid allocating these instance on every call to intersectsWithTriangle
static final _quadTriangle0 = new Triangle();
static final _quadTriangle1 = new Triangle();
/// Return if [this] intersects with [other].
/// [epsilon] allows the caller to specify a custum eplsilon value that should
/// be used for the test. If [result] is specified and an intersection is
/// found, result is modified to contain more details about the type of
/// intersection.
bool intersectsWithQuad(Quad other, {IntersectionResult result}) {
other.copyTriangles(_quadTriangle0, _quadTriangle1);
return intersectsWithTriangle(_quadTriangle0, result: result) ||
intersectsWithTriangle(_quadTriangle1, result: result);