blob: 3bc5dd85cf0e8cdfd4bc9528e2083bd378179cb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of '../../../vector_math_geometry.dart';
class GeometryGeneratorFlags {
final bool texCoords;
final bool normals;
final bool tangents;
{this.texCoords = true, this.normals = true, this.tangents = true});
abstract class GeometryGenerator {
int get vertexCount;
int get indexCount;
MeshGeometry createGeometry(
{GeometryGeneratorFlags? flags, List<GeometryFilter>? filters}) {
flags ??= GeometryGeneratorFlags();
VertexAttrib positionAttrib;
VertexAttrib texCoordAttrib;
VertexAttrib normalAttrib;
VertexAttrib tangentAttrib;
Vector2List? texCoordView;
Vector3List? positionView;
Vector3List? normalView;
Vector4List tangentView;
final attribs = <VertexAttrib>[];
positionAttrib = VertexAttrib('POSITION', 3, 'float');
if (flags.texCoords || flags.tangents) {
texCoordAttrib = VertexAttrib('TEXCOORD0', 2, 'float');
if (flags.normals || flags.tangents) {
normalAttrib = VertexAttrib('NORMAL', 3, 'float');
if (flags.tangents) {
tangentAttrib = VertexAttrib('TANGENT', 4, 'float');
var mesh = MeshGeometry(vertexCount, attribs)
..indices = Uint16List(indexCount);
var view = mesh.getViewForAttrib('POSITION');
if (view is Vector3List) {
positionView = view;
generateVertexPositions(positionView, mesh.indices!);
if (flags.texCoords || flags.tangents) {
view = mesh.getViewForAttrib('TEXCOORD0');
if (view is Vector2List) {
texCoordView = view;
generateVertexTexCoords(texCoordView, positionView!, mesh.indices!);
if (flags.normals || flags.tangents) {
view = mesh.getViewForAttrib('NORMAL');
if (view is Vector3List) {
normalView = view;
generateVertexNormals(normalView, positionView!, mesh.indices!);
if (flags.tangents) {
view = mesh.getViewForAttrib('TANGENT');
if (view is Vector4List) {
tangentView = view;
generateVertexTangents(tangentView, positionView!, normalView!,
texCoordView!, mesh.indices!);
if (filters != null) {
for (var filter in filters) {
if (filter.inplace && filter is InplaceGeometryFilter) {
} else {
mesh = filter.filter(mesh);
return mesh;
void generateIndices(Uint16List indices);
void generateVertexPositions(Vector3List positions, Uint16List indices);
void generateVertexTexCoords(
Vector2List texCoords, Vector3List positions, Uint16List indices) {
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; ++i) {
final p = positions[i];
// These are TERRIBLE texture coords, but it's better than nothing.
// Override this function and put better ones in place!
texCoords[i] = Vector2(p.x + p.z, p.y + p.z);
void generateVertexNormals(
Vector3List normals, Vector3List positions, Uint16List indices) {
generateNormals(normals, positions, indices);
void generateVertexTangents(Vector4List tangents, Vector3List positions,
Vector3List normals, Vector2List texCoords, Uint16List indices) {
generateTangents(tangents, positions, normals, texCoords, indices);