blob: 41283d11a2cfb87f6fd0b6aefa4c87ee80cc6e5b [file] [log] [blame]
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part of '../../vector_math.dart';
/// Defines a 2-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box between a [min] and a
/// [max] position.
class Aabb2 {
final Vector2 _min;
final Vector2 _max;
/// The minimum point defining the AABB.
Vector2 get min => _min;
/// The maximum point defining the AABB.
Vector2 get max => _max;
/// The center of the AABB.
Vector2 get center => _min.clone()
/// Create a new AABB with [min] and [max] set to the origin.
: _min =,
_max =;
/// Create a new AABB as a copy of [other].
Aabb2.copy(Aabb2 other)
: _min = Vector2.copy(other._min),
_max = Vector2.copy(other._max);
/// Create a new AABB with a [min] and [max].
Aabb2.minMax(Vector2 min, Vector2 max)
: _min = Vector2.copy(min),
_max = Vector2.copy(max);
/// Create a new AABB with a [center] and [halfExtents].
factory Aabb2.centerAndHalfExtents(Vector2 center, Vector2 halfExtents) =>
Aabb2()..setCenterAndHalfExtents(center, halfExtents);
/// Constructs [Aabb2] with a min/max storage that views given [buffer]
/// starting at [offset]. [offset] has to be multiple of
/// [Float32List.bytesPerElement].
Aabb2.fromBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset)
: _min = Vector2.fromBuffer(buffer, offset),
_max = Vector2.fromBuffer(
buffer, offset + Float32List.bytesPerElement * 2);
/// Set the AABB by a [center] and [halfExtents].
void setCenterAndHalfExtents(Vector2 center, Vector2 halfExtents) {
/// Copy the [center] and the [halfExtents] of this.
void copyCenterAndHalfExtents(Vector2 center, Vector2 halfExtents) {
/// Copy the [min] and [max] from [other] into this.
void copyFrom(Aabb2 other) {
static final _center =;
static final _halfExtents =;
void _updateCenterAndHalfExtents() =>
copyCenterAndHalfExtents(_center, _halfExtents);
/// Transform this by the transform [t].
void transform(Matrix3 t) {
/// Rotate this by the rotation matrix [t].
void rotate(Matrix3 t) {
/// Create a copy of this that is transformed by the transform [t] and store
/// it in [out].
Aabb2 transformed(Matrix3 t, Aabb2 out) => out
/// Create a copy of this that is rotated by the rotation matrix [t] and
/// store it in [out].
Aabb2 rotated(Matrix3 t, Aabb2 out) => out
/// Set the min and max of this so that this is a hull of this and
/// [other].
void hull(Aabb2 other) {
Vector2.min(_min, other._min, _min);
Vector2.max(_max, other._max, _max);
/// Set the min and max of this so that this contains [point].
void hullPoint(Vector2 point) {
Vector2.min(_min, point, _min);
Vector2.max(_max, point, _max);
/// Return if this contains [other].
bool containsAabb2(Aabb2 other) {
final otherMax = other._max;
final otherMin = other._min;
return (_min.x < otherMin.x) &&
(_min.y < otherMin.y) &&
(_max.y > otherMax.y) &&
(_max.x > otherMax.x);
/// Return if this contains [other].
bool containsVector2(Vector2 other) =>
(_min.x < other.x) &&
(_min.y < other.y) &&
(_max.x > other.x) &&
(_max.y > other.y);
/// Return if this intersects with [other].
bool intersectsWithAabb2(Aabb2 other) {
final otherMax = other._max;
final otherMin = other._min;
return (_min.x <= otherMax.x) &&
(_min.y <= otherMax.y) &&
(_max.x >= otherMin.x) &&
(_max.y >= otherMin.y);
/// Return if this intersects with [other].
bool intersectsWithVector2(Vector2 other) =>
(_min.x <= other.x) &&
(_min.y <= other.y) &&
(_max.x >= other.x) &&
(_max.y >= other.y);