blob: 50d19cb47264226ac14ccc69688f9d9776f14279 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// A file system entity that forwards all methods and properties to a delegate.
abstract class ForwardingFileSystemEntity<T extends FileSystemEntity,
D extends io.FileSystemEntity> implements FileSystemEntity {
/// The entity to which this entity will forward all methods and properties.
D get delegate;
/// Creates a new entity with the same file system and same type as this
/// entity but backed by the specified delegate.
T wrap(D delegate);
/// Creates a new directory with the same file system as this entity and
/// backed by the specified delegate.
Directory wrapDirectory(io.Directory delegate);
/// Creates a new file with the same file system as this entity and
/// backed by the specified delegate.
File wrapFile(io.File delegate);
/// Creates a new link with the same file system as this entity and
/// backed by the specified delegate.
Link wrapLink(io.Link delegate);
Uri get uri => delegate.uri;
Future<bool> exists() => delegate.exists();
bool existsSync() => delegate.existsSync();
Future<T> rename(String newPath) async =>
wrap(await delegate.rename(newPath) as D);
T renameSync(String newPath) => wrap(delegate.renameSync(newPath) as D);
Future<String> resolveSymbolicLinks() => delegate.resolveSymbolicLinks();
String resolveSymbolicLinksSync() => delegate.resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
Future<io.FileStat> stat() => delegate.stat();
io.FileStat statSync() => delegate.statSync();
Future<T> delete({bool recursive: false}) async =>
wrap(await delegate.delete(recursive: recursive) as D);
void deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) =>
delegate.deleteSync(recursive: recursive);
Stream<FileSystemEvent> watch({
int events: FileSystemEvent.all,
bool recursive: false,
}) => events, recursive: recursive);
bool get isAbsolute => delegate.isAbsolute;
T get absolute => wrap(delegate.absolute as D);
Directory get parent => wrapDirectory(delegate.parent);
String get path => delegate.path;
String get basename => fileSystem.path.basename(path);
String get dirname => fileSystem.path.dirname(path);