blob: ed777de179d5f644355767b7a91cd4b8e1c2b2ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of file.src.backends.chroot;
abstract class _ChrootFileSystemEntity<T extends FileSystemEntity,
D extends io.FileSystemEntity> extends ForwardingFileSystemEntity<T, D> {
final ChrootFileSystem fileSystem;
final String path;
_ChrootFileSystemEntity(this.fileSystem, this.path);
String get dirname => fileSystem.path.dirname(path);
String get basename => fileSystem.path.basename(path);
D get delegate => getDelegate();
/// Gets the delegate file system entity in the underlying file system that
/// corresponds to this entity's local file system path.
/// If [followLinks] is true and this entity's path references a symbolic
/// link, then the path of the delegate entity will reference the ultimate
/// target of that symbolic link. Symbolic links in the middle of the path
/// will always be resolved in the delegate entity's path.
D getDelegate({bool followLinks: false}) =>
_rawDelegate(fileSystem._real(path, followLinks: followLinks));
/// Returns the expected type of this entity, which may differ from the type
/// of the entity that's found at the path specified by this entity.
FileSystemEntityType get expectedType;
/// Returns a delegate entity at the specified [realPath] (the path in the
/// underlying file system).
D _rawDelegate(String realPath);
/// Gets the path of this entity as an absolute path (unchanged if the
/// entity already specifies an absolute path).
String get _absolutePath => fileSystem.path.absolute(path);
/// Tells whether this entity's path references a symbolic link.
bool get _isLink =>
fileSystem.typeSync(path, followLinks: false) ==
Directory wrapDirectory(io.Directory delegate) =>
new _ChrootDirectory.wrapped(fileSystem, delegate, relative: !isAbsolute);
File wrapFile(io.File delegate) =>
new _ChrootFile.wrapped(fileSystem, delegate, relative: !isAbsolute);
Link wrapLink(io.Link delegate) =>
new _ChrootLink.wrapped(fileSystem, delegate, relative: !isAbsolute);
Uri get uri => new Uri.file(path);
Future<bool> exists() => getDelegate(followLinks: true).exists();
bool existsSync() => getDelegate(followLinks: true).existsSync();
Future<String> resolveSymbolicLinks() async => resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
String resolveSymbolicLinksSync() =>
fileSystem._resolve(path, notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.throwError);
Future<FileStat> stat() {
D delegate;
try {
delegate = getDelegate(followLinks: true);
} on FileSystemException {
return new Future<FileStat>.value(const _NotFoundFileStat());
return delegate.stat();
FileStat statSync() {
D delegate;
try {
delegate = getDelegate(followLinks: true);
} on FileSystemException {
return const _NotFoundFileStat();
return delegate.statSync();
Future<T> delete({bool recursive: false}) async {
String path = fileSystem._resolve(this.path,
followLinks: false, notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.throwError);
String real(String path) => fileSystem._real(path, resolve: false);
Future<FileSystemEntityType> type(String path) =>
fileSystem.delegate.type(real(path), followLinks: false);
if (await type(path) == FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {
if (expectedType == FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {
} else {
String resolvedPath = fileSystem._resolve(p.basename(path),
from: p.dirname(path), notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.allowAtTail);
if (!recursive && await type(resolvedPath) != expectedType) {
throw expectedType == FileSystemEntityType.FILE
? common.isADirectory(path)
: common.notADirectory(path);
return this as T;
} else {
return wrap(
await _rawDelegate(real(path)).delete(recursive: recursive) as D);
void deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) {
String path = fileSystem._resolve(this.path,
followLinks: false, notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.throwError);
String real(String path) => fileSystem._real(path, resolve: false);
FileSystemEntityType type(String path) =>
fileSystem.delegate.typeSync(real(path), followLinks: false);
if (type(path) == FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {
if (expectedType == FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {;
} else {
String resolvedPath = fileSystem._resolve(p.basename(path),
from: p.dirname(path), notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.allowAtTail);
if (!recursive && type(resolvedPath) != expectedType) {
throw expectedType == FileSystemEntityType.FILE
? common.isADirectory(path)
: common.notADirectory(path);
} else {
_rawDelegate(real(path)).deleteSync(recursive: recursive);
Stream<FileSystemEvent> watch({
int events: FileSystemEvent.ALL,
bool recursive: false,
}) =>
throw new UnsupportedError('watch is not supported on ChrootFileSystem');
bool get isAbsolute => fileSystem.path.isAbsolute(path);