blob: 0114931ecf0abc2ae5a2cf738861e1f976801d85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use:
// dart dev/tools/localization/gen_localizations.dart --overwrite
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart' as intl;
import '../cupertino_localizations.dart';
// The classes defined here encode all of the translations found in the
// `flutter_localizations/lib/src/l10n/*.arb` files.
// These classes are constructed by the [getCupertinoTranslation] method at the
// bottom of this file, and used by the [_GlobalCupertinoLocalizationsDelegate.load]
// method defined in `flutter_localizations/lib/src/cupertino_localizations.dart`.
/// The translations for English (`en`).
class CupertinoLocalizationEn extends GlobalCupertinoLocalizations {
/// Create an instance of the translation bundle for English.
/// For details on the meaning of the arguments, see [GlobalCupertinoLocalizations].
const CupertinoLocalizationEn({
String localeName = 'en',
@required intl.DateFormat fullYearFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat dayFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat mediumDateFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat singleDigitHourFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat singleDigitMinuteFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat doubleDigitMinuteFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat singleDigitSecondFormat,
@required intl.NumberFormat decimalFormat,
}) : super(
localeName: localeName,
fullYearFormat: fullYearFormat,
dayFormat: dayFormat,
mediumDateFormat: mediumDateFormat,
singleDigitHourFormat: singleDigitHourFormat,
singleDigitMinuteFormat: singleDigitMinuteFormat,
doubleDigitMinuteFormat: doubleDigitMinuteFormat,
singleDigitSecondFormat: singleDigitSecondFormat,
decimalFormat: decimalFormat,
String get alertDialogLabel => r'Alert';
String get anteMeridiemAbbreviation => r'AM';
String get copyButtonLabel => r'Copy';
String get cutButtonLabel => r'Cut';
String get datePickerDateOrderString => r'mdy';
String get datePickerDateTimeOrderString => r'date_time_dayPeriod';
String get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOne => r'$hour o' "'" r'clock';
String get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOther => r'$hour o' "'" r'clock';
String get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOne => r'1 minute';
String get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOther => r'$minute minutes';
String get pasteButtonLabel => r'Paste';
String get postMeridiemAbbreviation => r'PM';
String get selectAllButtonLabel => r'Select All';
String get timerPickerHourLabelOne => r'hour';
String get timerPickerHourLabelOther => r'hours';
String get timerPickerMinuteLabelOne => r'min';
String get timerPickerMinuteLabelOther => r'min';
String get timerPickerSecondLabelOne => r'sec';
String get timerPickerSecondLabelOther => r'sec';
/// The translations for French (`fr`).
class CupertinoLocalizationFr extends GlobalCupertinoLocalizations {
/// Create an instance of the translation bundle for French.
/// For details on the meaning of the arguments, see [GlobalCupertinoLocalizations].
const CupertinoLocalizationFr({
String localeName = 'fr',
@required intl.DateFormat fullYearFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat dayFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat mediumDateFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat singleDigitHourFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat singleDigitMinuteFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat doubleDigitMinuteFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat singleDigitSecondFormat,
@required intl.NumberFormat decimalFormat,
}) : super(
localeName: localeName,
fullYearFormat: fullYearFormat,
dayFormat: dayFormat,
mediumDateFormat: mediumDateFormat,
singleDigitHourFormat: singleDigitHourFormat,
singleDigitMinuteFormat: singleDigitMinuteFormat,
doubleDigitMinuteFormat: doubleDigitMinuteFormat,
singleDigitSecondFormat: singleDigitSecondFormat,
decimalFormat: decimalFormat,
String get alertDialogLabel => r'Alerte';
String get anteMeridiemAbbreviation => r'AM';
String get copyButtonLabel => r'Copier';
String get cutButtonLabel => r'Couper';
String get datePickerDateOrderString => r'dmy';
String get datePickerDateTimeOrderString => r'date_time_dayPeriod';
String get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOne => r'une heure';
String get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOther => r'$hour heures';
String get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOne => r'une minute';
String get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOther => r'$minute minutes';
String get pasteButtonLabel => r'Coller';
String get postMeridiemAbbreviation => r'PM';
String get selectAllButtonLabel => r'Tout sélect.';
String get timerPickerHourLabelOne => r'heure';
String get timerPickerHourLabelOther => r'heures';
String get timerPickerMinuteLabelOne => r'minute';
String get timerPickerMinuteLabelOther => r'minutes';
String get timerPickerSecondLabelOne => null;
String get timerPickerSecondLabelOther => r's';
/// The set of supported languages, as language code strings.
/// The [GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegate] can generate localizations for
/// any [Locale] with a language code from this set, regardless of the region.
/// Some regions have specific support (e.g. `de` covers all forms of German,
/// but there is support for `de-CH` specifically to override some of the
/// translations for Switzerland).
/// See also:
/// * [getCupertinoTranslation], whose documentation describes these values.
final Set<String> kCupertinoSupportedLanguages = HashSet<String>.from(const <String>[
'en', // English
'fr', // French
/// Creates a [GlobalCupertinoLocalizations] instance for the given `locale`.
/// All of the function's arguments except `locale` will be passed to the [
/// GlobalCupertinoLocalizations] constructor. (The `localeName` argument of that
/// constructor is specified by the actual subclass constructor by this
/// function.)
/// The following locales are supported by this package:
/// {@template flutter.localizations.cupertino.languages}
/// * `en` - English
/// * `fr` - French
/// {@endtemplate}
/// Generally speaking, this method is only intended to be used by
/// [GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegate].
GlobalCupertinoLocalizations getCupertinoTranslation(
Locale locale,
intl.DateFormat fullYearFormat,
intl.DateFormat dayFormat,
intl.DateFormat mediumDateFormat,
intl.DateFormat singleDigitHourFormat,
intl.DateFormat singleDigitMinuteFormat,
intl.DateFormat doubleDigitMinuteFormat,
intl.DateFormat singleDigitSecondFormat,
intl.NumberFormat decimalFormat,
) {
switch (locale.languageCode) {
case 'en':
return CupertinoLocalizationEn(fullYearFormat: fullYearFormat, dayFormat: dayFormat, mediumDateFormat: mediumDateFormat, singleDigitHourFormat: singleDigitHourFormat, singleDigitMinuteFormat: singleDigitMinuteFormat, doubleDigitMinuteFormat: doubleDigitMinuteFormat, singleDigitSecondFormat: singleDigitSecondFormat, decimalFormat: decimalFormat);
case 'fr':
return CupertinoLocalizationFr(fullYearFormat: fullYearFormat, dayFormat: dayFormat, mediumDateFormat: mediumDateFormat, singleDigitHourFormat: singleDigitHourFormat, singleDigitMinuteFormat: singleDigitMinuteFormat, doubleDigitMinuteFormat: doubleDigitMinuteFormat, singleDigitSecondFormat: singleDigitSecondFormat, decimalFormat: decimalFormat);
assert(false, 'getCupertinoTranslation() called for unsupported locale "$locale"');
return null;